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Card of the Day (COTD)
Thursday January 2, 2003- Hyabusa Knight
Saturday December 28, 2002- Blue Eyes Toon Dragon
For more COTDs visit our COTD Page.


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Subject: Some Great Cards from the Starter Decks
Date: Wednesday February 5th, 2003
Posted By: Matt  
Hey, I have just gotten a list and their effects for the new starter decks! I have also posted some of the good cards in the list that will be in the Starter Decks!

Starter Deck Pegasus (SDP)
UR: Relinquished (SDP-001) "This monster can take on the ATK and DEF of 1 opponent's monster on the field (a face-down monster results in an ATK and DEF of 0). Treat the selected monster as an Equip Magic Card and use it to equip Relinquished. You may use this effect only once per turn and can equip Relinquished with only 1 monster at a time. When your opponent's monster attacks this monster with an ATK higher than Relinquished, the equipped monster is destroyed instead of Relinquished. Any Life Point damage you receive from the attacking monster when Relinquished is equipped is also inflicted on your opponent. "

SR: Graceful Charity (SDP-040) "Draw 3 cards from your Deck, then discard any 2 cards from your hand."

SR: Gryphon Wing (SDP-050) "When your opponent activates Harpie's Feather Duster, all of your opponent's Magic and Trap Cards are destroyed in place of your own. "

Good Cards: All Toon Mons, Mystical Space Typhoon, Seven Tools of the Bandit, Magic Jammer

Starter Deck Joey (SDJ)
UR: Red-Eyes B. Dragon (SDJ-001) A ferocious dragon with a deadly attack.

SR: Penguin Soldier (SDJ-022) FLIP: You can return up to 2 Monster Cards from the field to the owner's hand.

SR: Scapegoat (SDJ-041) “When this card is activated, you cannot summon any monster in the same turn (including Flip Summon and Special Summon). Place 4 Sheep Tokens (Beast-Type/EARTH/1 Star/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position on the your side of the field. The tokens cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon." 

Good Cards: Gearfried the Iron Knight, Time Wizard, Maha Vailo, Thousand Dragon, Giant Trunade, Polymerization, Seven Tools of the Bandit


Subject: Labyrinth of Nightmare
Date: Saturday January 25th, 2003
Posted By: Matt  
Hey if you wanted to see the Labyrinth of Nightmare retail picture here it is! 

And I also added AOL and MSN Groups and a Guestbook! :-)


Subject: TV Guide Jumps On Yu-Gi-Oh!
Date: Friday January 24th, 2003
Posted By: Matt  

In its February 1 issue (on newsstands Monday, January 27), TV Guide® magazine looks at the Yu-Gi-Oh! craze, publishing three foil collector’s covers, each of which features an illustration of the Japanese cartoon’s characters drawn exclusively for TV Guide.  Characters Yami Yugi, Seto Kaiba and Marik are each featured on one of the covers.

In the cover story, TV Guide looks at the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, which ranges from a popular card game to a WB television program which has quickly become the top-rated show among 9- to 14-year-old boys nationwide. 

The show, drawn with the splashy colors and vividly stylized imagery of Japanese animé, follows a shy, easily-bullied high school student named Yugi who is transported by an ancient Egyptian artifact into a realm where the Duel Monsters card game springs to life.

On the shelves, merchandise sales reached a reported $500 million last year, and comic book outlets have also taken notice, as Upper Deck Entertainment has launched a national 12-weekend tour for Yu-Gi-Oh! players in large suburban malls around the country.

Where Pokémon is an industry legend for its ability to move video games off of store shelves, Yu-Gi-Oh! may turn out to be the gold standard for card sales.  According to Alfred Kahn, CEO of 4 Kids Entertainment, which brought both Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokémon to the U.S., the numbers support that hypothesis.  In Pokémon’s first three years in Japan, the title sold 10 million video games and 600 million cards; worldwide, Pokémon sold 90 million video games and six billion cards.  After three years in Japan, Yu-Gi-Oh! has sold seven million video games and three billion cards.


Last year on the cartoon, Yugi’s goal was to save his grandfather.  “This season, the stakes increase, and now it’s about saving the world,” says Kids’ WB executive VP Donna Friedman Meir.  TV Guide’s February 1 issue reveals some details about what to expect in the new season. 

The video-game maker Konami also hopes to give the craze a new shove on February 18 when it releases a Yu-Gi-Oh! game for PlayStation 2. 

This month will also see the release of a new line of booster-pack cards, Labyrinth of Nightmare, and two new starter decks will debut in March, each with 50 never-before-seen cards.


A special fourth Yu-Gi-Oh! cover will be available exclusively online at the TV Guide Store (shop.tvguide.com).  The fourth special foil collector’s cover features Mai, a character which will become increasingly prominent this season on the show.  


Subject: Good News
Date: Thursday January 23d, 2003
Posted By: DuelistHQ
Hey everyone, I got good news, from yugiohbadduelist008. We got rated third place from a cool yugioh site! ^-^ Sorry my bus is about to come have to go now bye!


Subject: Picture Of One Of The New Starter Decks! 
Date: Wednesday January 22nd, 2003  Edited: 1-23-03
Posted By: Matt  
Hey I am just gotten a picture for the of the new starter decks! And sorry I can't update the most today because of school and stuff sorry.

Joey & Pegasus Starter Decks

And if you want to become part of our staff Click Here! And you might want to know html but if not it's ok.


Subject: New Layout 
Date: Saturday January 18th, 2003
Posted By: Matt
As you can see we have a new layout! Most of the links are the same layout as before but we are fixing them and they should be up soon!


Subject: Upgrades and New Staff Members 
Date: Thursday January 16th, 2003
Posted By: yugiohbadduelist008
The site has more new staff members and I will be adding them to the staff page tomorrow and also I will be going around sites and rating them and maybe affitale with them. Thats all for today and Look out for the Joey and Pegasus Starters Decks!


Subject: Upgrades 
Date: Saturday January 11th, 2003
Posted By: Matt
Thanks to yugiohbadduelist008 that we have a new navigation bar! Plus more sections are on the way!


Subject: New Staff Member! 
Date: Tuesday January 7th, 2003
Posted By: yugiohbadduelist008
Hey there. The site is getting a domain name very soon. It will be up by 24-96 hours so look out for that. Also, spoilers will be up by a week or two. Finally, we still need staff members. If you are intrested email me at here or email matt at here. Well, thats all for today so see ya.

And Also ALL Promo Cards Are Illegal!!


Subject: New Staff Member! 
Date: Friday January 3rd, 2003
Posted By: yugiohbadduelist008
Hello there. I am the newest admin here due to a partenership of sites but I will posts some news later on the year so see ya.

And Also ALL Promo Cards Are Illegal!!


Subject: FAQ 
Date: Thursday January 2nd, 2003
Posted By: Matt
Upperdeck has recently updated their FAQ. They said in their FAQ that Life Point spending is OPTIONAL. Meaning Magic and Trap cards' Life Points Spending is optional. If you do not wish to pay the certain amount of LP, then you can destroy the card instead of spending the LP. You cannot skip it and not pay the LP, you must or you can destroy destroy it because you don't pay it.

And Also ALL Promo Cards Are Illegal!!


Subject: Working On The Spoilers 
Date: Thursday January 2nd, 2003
Posted By: Matt
Hey, I am working hard on the card spoilers! Each Card Spoilers will be the Card Database too! So watch out for the new link!


Subject: Episode Guide Is Up!
Date: Wednesday January 1st, 2003
Posted By: Matt
I hope you all had a great New Year! To start 2003 off I have made an Episode Guide, it doesn't have all the episodes but it has a good amount of them!


Subject: Yu-Gi-Oh Video Games!
Date: Monday December 30th, 2002
Posted By: Matt
Hey, the newest Yu-Gi-Oh PS2 Game called, "The Duelist of the Roses!" Will come out soon in 2003! 

Developer: Konami
Expected Release: February 18, 2003
Platform: PlayStation 2
Origin: America
Genre: Strategy Board
Number of Players: 2

"Duelists of the Roses takes the Yu-Gi-Oh! sensation to the next level by enriching and enhancing the Gameplay experience. With the power of the PS2, Duelists of the Roses delivers breathtaking graphics, impressive Gameplay, and all of the popular Yu-Gi-Oh! characters making Duelists of the Roses the most exciting Yu-Gi-Oh! game ever."
--  Dennis Lee, Product Manager at Konami of America.

And a page on video games is coming soon! Plus if you have a McDonald's Promo CD you can see a little short clip about this game!


Subject: Yu-Gi-Oh Is Getting Ready For 2003
Date: Monday December 30th, 2002
Posted By: Matt 
Ok, most of you maybe know what is coming in 2003. But if you didn't know you can learn now! Two new Yu-Gi-Oh card releases from Upper Deck will include two new Starter Decks and a new Expansion series. The new Starters will include Monsters, Magics and Traps from both Joey Wheeler's and Maximillion Pegasus' decks. These two decks were originally released in Japan. The new "English" decks from Upper Deck will be released in January 2003. The next expansion series is scheduled to be called Labyrinth of Nightmare. And we have a pic of the new series!  

Labyrinth of Nightmare Pic!

And I hope you guys like the new banner I made for the site! Have a Happy New Year!


Subject: Card Of The Day "COTD"
Date: Saturday December 28th, 2002
Posted By: Matt 
Just finished the first COTD! It's Blue Eyes Toon Dragon! If you want to submit a COTD report please e-mail it to us and if it is good we will post it up!


Subject: McDonald's Promo CD's Passwords
Date: Friday December 27th, 2002
Posted By: Matt 

Hey guys I am back and I hope you had a great Christmas! Ok down to the Passwords to the McDonald's Promo CDs:

Yami Yugi password is; Duelist
Seto Kaiba password is; Monster
Pegasus password is; Grandpa

And if you would like to send us e-mails because you have questions or you have info and want people to know about it; then please e-mail us.


Subject: Merry Christmas!
Date: Wednesday December 25th, 2002
Posted By: Matt 
Hey guys have a Merry Christmas! And I am feeling better now and will start on some more links after Christmas! And I still need staff members so please e-mail me so you can help!


Subject: New Staff Members
Date: Tuesday December 24th, 2002
Posted By: Matt
Hey it's me again, any new staff members can post in our new message board. O yeah I have added the message board link! And you guys have to sign up.


Subject: Yu-Gi-Oh McDonalds Promotion
Date: Tuesday December 24th, 2002
Posted By: Matt

Well, a lot of you are curious as to this Yu-Gi-Oh McDonalds promotion.  So I ran to McDonalds for lunch today, and got myself a Might Kids meal, and behold, I did get myself a Seto Kaiba CD.  The CD ROM is supposed to let you meet characters, learn about the person's monsters, print posters, contain game rules and 3 music songs.  I say supposed to. It also comes with 2 promo cards! I have a screen shot from the CD!



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  Labyrinth of Nightmare is coming out in Feb.!  And the Joey & Pegasus Starter Decks are coming out in March!

Picture Of The Week


Release Dates

Duelists of the Roses (PS2)
US: February, 2003

  Dungeon Dice Monsters (GBA)
US: February, 2002

TCG: Labyrinth of Nightmare
US: February, 2003

TCG: Joey & Pegasus Starters Decks
US: March, 2003

Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters 8 - Evil Lord of Destruction (GBA)
JP: Sometime, 2003

Yu-Gi-Oh: International Version (GBA)
JP: March, 2003


Yu-Gi-Oh! is a trademark of Kazuki Takahashi, Shueisha, Konami Japan, etc. ©1996-2003. All rights reserved.

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Visitors Since December 21st 2002