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TiGG's UnderGround's

5 Alive

Hey, before you start reading, move your mouse the the left a little bit and hit "PLAY" and listen to the great music in hi-fi (or a little further for Lo-Fi). For this promotion to work to it's fullest, you should really take a listen to the tunes. There's always a great mix.
This is STEP 3

Every MONDAY, 5 NEW songs are added to this list. They are taken from STEP 2 of this promotion. It's found by clicking the following link.

TiGG's Top 10

Find out the details of this promotion by going to

TiGG's UnderGround

Okay, on to the 5 remaining participants. Here, in the top 5, the songs which made it this far are randomly associated with one of TiGG's songs. At the end of a the week, all of TiGG's stats are calculated. Which everone one of his songs gets the most plays for the week, the associated song wins. Simple as that.

So, what happens?

The winner of this promotion wins a FREE promotional package from TiGG. What does it include you ask? Hang on!

1) Not only will your song be added to TiGG's GroundHogs, (a station devoted to all the winners of this promotion. and eternalized for life) but also you're winning song will be reviewed by the very talented Mike Smith. These reviews and more and Mike is available for everyone to read on the final station.
2) A full page stream from me (TiGG) and while I'm listening, I'll surf every page on your site.
3 ) Future promotion will include a write up in TiGG's Monthy Digest, which is sent to every music mailing list I'm a member of.
4 ) You're song added to my email signature for a week. (Ex: Check out TiGG's pic of the week "Your song, by YOU). Every email I send (and I send a lot) will promote your page.
5 ) You're link will also be added to my links page on TiGG's site. It will stay there for life.
6 ) There will also som extra promotion set up in TiGG's UnderGround Cavern by way of links and polls and general discussion. This is a Yahoo discussion group that is growing rather quickly.

Finally, if that wasn't enough... I still have more for you.

7) When The GroundHogs station reaches the appropriate number of songs (13-15) there will be a compilation CD made featuring the winners and sold online. It will also include information on the artists and links to thier websites. This will continue as the list grows. Every 13-15 songs will become a volume.

Check out the winners!

TiGG's GroundHogs


So, you want in right? Well, send me an email with your URL and a song choice, if you like. I'll pick one anyway.

REMBER. Listen to all the stations along the way. It's usually a great mix sure to please. My personal favorite is the TOP 10. It's usually interesting to see which are my favorites.

Oh.. and HAVE FUN. It's the KEY

TiGG's Underground Cavern!

It's a fast growing group with all the benifits. A group for the artists to talk about the artists. Come and enjoy the further promotion.

Join TiGG's Underground Cavern