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My name is Sheena Morrin McTaggart and I was born on the 13th February 2003 in Mayo General Hospital, Castlebar.

I was born at 02.27am and weighed in at a healthy 5lb 9oz. Mummy was in labour with me for 36 hours but I was worth it !!

I have red hair, blue eyes and now I have 3 teeth as from 13th January 2004.

My favourite TV programmes are Barney and Bear in the Big Blue House.

My mummy's name is Joanne and my daddy's name is John and we all live in Westport. Daddy is Scottish and mummy is Irish, good combination.

2003 was a great year for me as I was christened in April, went to Scotland twice, at the Highland Games on Bute, saw my Scottish grand parents for the first time, was on a train, plane, black hackney, ferry and the underground. I even went to Edinburgh to see the castle for the day.

I celebrated my first Christmas as well and I also dressed up as a witch on Hallowe'en to. It was pure dead brilliant.

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