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Name: Roger Davis
Age: 15
DOB: November 29, 1987
Height: Short
Weight: Fat
Sex: Would be appreciated.
Pets: 3 cats
Hobbies: Listening to music, eating, watching TV, staring blankly into space, and eating.
Dislikes: Chicks who don't put out, and school.
Projected Future: Making a diet out of beer and burgers, being overly obese, and living in a van down by the river. An old van at that.
Projected Death: Heart Attack, at age 26.

Name: Michael Taber
Age: 15
DOB: December 22, 1987
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Fat
Sex: Yes(preferrably with a girl)
Pets: 2 dogs, 1,000,000,000 cats
Hobbies: Eating, Sleeping, and Eating
Dislikes: Everything black or gay!!(that goes for both of us)
Projected Future: Living a long and healthy life while my partner dies of a heart attack at 26.
Projected Death: 102 when I die from 3rd degree burns from McDonalds' coffee

Age: 14
DOB: August 8, 1988
Height: Towering
Weight: Fat
Sex: Yes please
Pets: 2 cats and a sister
Hobbies: Eating, sleeping, PS2, eating, being fat, & eating more
Dislikes: Retarded skinny people
Projected Future: Becoming the fattest man in the worl along w/ my sidekicks Roger and Michael
Projected Death: Heart attack at age 26 w/ Mountain Dew in one hand and a quad whopper in the other

Hey this is Michael Taber and Roger Davis! We would like to thank you for visiting the fattest website on the internet. We will update the site weekly by putting pix of various things such as:pix of fat people, friends, atv's, and other cool stuff! Thanx again for visiting our site and remember ...stay fat u'll be warmer! Fatkids out!!

The following are links to other pages:
Click here for pix of humorous cartoons!

Click here for the thong page!

Click here to contact us with pix!

Click here for bad ass car pix!!

Click here if interested in starting a band!

Click here for June's page!!

Click here for Josh's page!!(the good one)