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Earth Eater
AKA: Jurupari Cichlid or Demon Fish

Satanoperca jurupari  (Heckel, 1840)

Temperment Sociability Min. Tank Availability Area
Peaceful Groups 50 gallons Common Bottom-Middle
Earth Eaters are large but relatively peaceful cichlids. The green-yellow body is covered in pearly scales. The triangular-shaped head has a high, sloping forehead and high-set eyes.

Earth Eaters, natives to the tropics of northern South America, habitually plunge their pointed snout into the bottom and scoop up a mouthful of gravel. They sift out food particles from the gravel, which is then spewed from the gill covers.

Satanoperca jurupari should be kept in an aquarium of no less than 50 gallons if it is to grow to its healthy adult size of 10 inches. Because of their tendency to dig in the substrate, make sure the gravel in the tank is not sharp. Undergravel filters are not recommended for this fish because of these digging habits. Decorate the aquarium with rocks and caves for hiding places.

Earth Eaters are omnivorous but enjoy meat as much as the next fish. Feed a balanced diet consisting of beef heart, frozen food such as blood worms, and flake food for juveniles. Prepared Cichlid pellets are also relished.

S. jurupari should be kept in water with a slightly acidic to neutral pH between 6.4-7.0. Keep the temperature between 72-82 degrees F. These are hardy fish that will adapt to most water conditions so long as regular water changes are made.

Sexing may be difficult for this species. The two sexes are similarly colored but the male has a more slender body.

A mouth brooder, the female lays about 150-400 eggs on carefully cleaned rocks, taking them into her mouth after 24 hours. They eggs stay there for two weeks. The male should be removed from the breeding tank when the fry emerge.

