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Kevin's Page

About Me.  

My Name is Kevin, I'm 14 I live in Chico cali!, I go to Pleasant Valley High. I'm A Frosh. DON'T HATE! GO VIKINGS!

I like to hang out with my friend, go to the movies, play games, and listen to music!

My Favorite Web Sites


Shout Outs!

BRAD- dude your my best friend and I love you!...was that gay? good. lol..

Tyler- Wasup Tyler you are the most craziest person I you'll do there weirdest shit...still love ya!

Jen- JENNY!!!!!! omg I love you marry me ho/ lol your like a younger sister, keeping your ass outta trouble is a hard workin job shit! no more of them stupid 8th!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Durgals- Masew you are the funniest fat fuck in the world, lol, you still got to teach me how to use Photoshop bitch! hit me up lata.

SAM- Sam your like an older brother dawg, whenever I'm in some shit you help me out and I love you

Kel- wasup kel I love you so match, we needa hang out more!  maybe you and Kristen could come ova sometime :) lata babe lyl

Kristen H.- wasup sexi bitch, you still gotta send me more you know what ;) I like the first one I want more lol. I love you lots see ya in class mwah!

SANDRA- wasup sonny how's your Kobe doing? lol I'm sure you'll marry him someday! GO LAKERS

Kathy- kathy kathy wasup abid? lol still want to jack my change!! your going to buy me somthing with that money right? that's why your saving it I know it!  lol lyl cuz

Tony- Wasup wahish?  haha I'm coming over this weekend! we can play ;) now people think I'm gay, lol, and brad is still afraid to get near you hahahaha that was fun see ya.

Shmoo- Shmoo i love you, that's all i have to say, let's go kick some ass in 400! we kick ass we'll play this weekend baberz :-*

Andy- PENGUIN MAN! lol your so silly it's fun watching you in P.E. our teacher is so f-in gay, that hairy hoe, go slap her! haha, lyl penguin man.

DICK- DICK ah ooh yalla ah ooh yalla.LMAO i love you habeeb,  I love that shirt you gotta make me one! i'm sure matt liked your ass on sat. haha you and troy are fukin crazy. i love you even tho your a

**Aim me if i forgot you. playafolife815 or e-mail me at