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Name: Angelina Juliya Temple. Yes, that's my full name.

Birthdate: 10/31/87. I realize that Halloween is an awesome holiday, and being born on it gives me an extra reason to celebrate.

Favorite Color(s): Purple, Black, and dark metallic green.

Favorite Type(s) Of Music: Rock, Classical, Metal, Nu Metal, Punk, Alternative

Favorite Movies: Queen Of The Damned, Interview With The Vampire, Girl Interrupted, The X-men series, The Matrix Series, Better Than Chocolate, Pink Floyd's The Wall, Alice In Wonderland, Stigmata, 8 milimeter, and any good porn flick.

Favorite Song at the moment: Behind Blue eyes by Limp Bizkit

Sexuality: Bi-sexual ( I feel I'm too young to decide either way. Being a teenager is about figuring out who you are, not spending your time trying to be something you'll find out your not)

Religion: Pagan/Witch. ( we're not satanist's, there's a difference. We're naturalist's, satanist's are idiots who are eager to rebel against any rule, especially christianity)

Likes: Nerds. They can hold a conversation. Anything with good lyrical value. A good debate. Mosh-pits. Clubbing. Having Sex with my girl-friend. Computers. (not vibrators, I haven't got the chance to try one yet, so I wouldn't know either way.)

Dislikes: Britney spears. Rap music, or rather retards attempting poetry noise. People prejedice against ANYTHING. Including race, sex, secuality, religion. . . ect.

Dream:To become succesful in the music industry as a female rock singer.

Hobbies: Singing. Dancing. Music.

Special Info: I have a very sick mind. I a toothpick with big boobs, stick straightblack hair that reaches my ass, green eyes, and small feet. I have back pains because of my chest. I want to get breast reduction surgery. I can't understand why people want to be skinny with big boobs, it hurts. I hate every feature I own.

Quote: They're are only 2 things in this world that are infinite : the universe and human stupidity. - Einstien

What do you want to be when you grow up?
**Anything with music**

What was the worst day of your life?
**The day I was born.**

What is your most embarrassing story?
**My Family**

What has been the best day of your life?
**Realizing that I didn’t have to live among the ignorance I have to legally abide by now. I.E. Realizing when I’m 18 I can move out of my parents home.**

What comes first in your life?
**Ell, Music, and Breathing. Breathing and Eating. Those are good.**

Which is better in bed boy’s or girls?
**Both. He he, yes, I said both. Especially at the same time. **

What are you most scared of?
**Truthfully?. . . . Life.**

What do you usually think about before you go to bed?
** How great the masturbation session had gone. No, j/k. I think about what I'm listening to when I'm going to bed. (I listen to music on a low volume when I go to bed).**

**Anything old century gothic or about vampires.**

**Death metal mixed with moaning porn tapes. No, once again I’m kidding. I like rock.**

**Can’t name um all**

**Hot Topic and Spensors**

**My cat**

**Swimming and Running People Over.**

Vacation Spot:
**The middle of nowhere.**

Ice Cream Flavor:
**Mint Chocolate Chip**

**I like fruits. . . . .lol. . . .Watermelon.**


**One that works**

**Anything with computers**


Day of the Week:
**Friday and Saturday.**

**Black, Purple and Green**

**Circus, Blender, and Hit Parader**

Like to give hugs?
**No. Maybe. Okay, yeah, I love to receive them, but I’m shy.**

Like to walk in the rain?* *Uh-huh**

Sleep with or without clothes on?
**Wouldn’t you like to know!!!**

Prefer black or blue pens?
**Keyboard in purple font**

Dress up on Halloween?
**Of Course. I went as a valley girl.**

Have a job?
**Yes. It’s called holding up my parents.**

Like to travel?
**Yes, absolutely.**

Like someone?
**No I loath everyone, lol.**

Sleep on your side, tummy or back?

Think your attractive?

Want to marry?
**Never. I loath relationships right now**

Have stuffed animals?

Go on vacation?
**I WISH!**

**Depends on the situation**

**Whatever. It’s your body.**

Eating Disorders:


**. . . . . . . **

**Yummy. I plan on getting one.**

**What for?**

**Well, it’s nice to not be dehydrated.**

Pierced nose or tongue?

Be serious or funny?
**Both. I like funny guys though.**

Single or taken?

MTV or VH1 or Fuse?

Degrassi, Daria, or RFR?

Sugar or salt?

Silver or gold?
** silver**

Tongue or belly button ring?

Chocolate or flowers?
**Chocolate is a substitute for sex and flowers make me sneeze.**

Color or Black-and-white photos?
**both, but not of me**

Sunrise or sunset?

Rap or Rock?
** Rock. Rap is crap, only the rappers didn't know how to spell the word 'crap'.**

Stay up late or sleep in?
**Uhhhh......... both.**

TV or radio? radio
**T.V. sucks for the most part. Music is a more. . . . . well, it requires much more skill to compose a beautiful song..**

Sun or moon?

What time is it?
**That is a stupid question.**

Diamond or Ruby?
**Who gives a shit, it’s a fucking ROCK!**

Left or Right?
**Which ever way the cliff is.**

Vanilla or chocolate?
** Vanilla**

Kids or not?
**Ummmmm....... neither.**

Cat or dog?

Half empty or Half full?
**What is it?**

Mustard or ketchup?

Newspaper or Magazine?

Rain or snow?

Lace or satin?

A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship?

Happy or sad?
**Both, or else life would be boring.**

Corduroy or plaid?

Wonder or amazement?
**uhhh.. . . . what are we talking about?**

sneakers or sandals?
**combat boots**

McDonalds or Burger King?
**Toxic Hell. ( Taco Bell) **

Blondes or Brunettes?
**Neon Green Mowhawks**

Mexican or Italian food?
**Mexican. Bring on the Spiccy food!!!!!!!!!!!!**

Lights on or off?

Candy or soda?

A house in the woods or the city?
**Can’t decide.**

Pepsi or Coke?

Nike or ADIDAS?
**A.D.I.D.A.S . . . hehe, Jon Davis would agree.**

What do you look for in a guy?
**A dick, most likely.**

Tough or hardcore guys?
**ummmmmmm. . . . . .okay, that’s a stupid question too.**

Smart or Athletic guys?

Favorite cologne on a guy?
**Lucky 13 cologne or Joe Boxer.**

Best gift a guy could give?
**A hug.**

Flowers. . . Sweet or wasteful?
**Sweet and wasteful.**

**(-::-)** **Jack**

Name: Jack Kreasley

Birthdate: 5/13/87

Favorite Color(s): any shades and tints are down in my book too

Favorite Type(s) Of Music: um good stuff (he's very specific)

Favorite Movies: . . . . . . no comment. relax its just sex is a nice movie...

Favorite Song at the moment: Voodoo-Godsmack or Change-Deftones

Sexuality: bi

Religion: I dunnooooooo my religion. I am meist yep meist

Likes: stuff. Candles, my friends, music, reading, writing poetry, eating lunch, art class

Dislikes: other stuff I don't like. parents, close minds, math and science, and art class)

Dream: to become a starving artist in San Francisco! ( he will do my artwork on my albums for me.)

Hobbies: Nibbling on peoples earlobes, Long walks on the beach, moonlight strolls, candle light dinners, and my number is 555-fucu (or 1-800-belly-buttons. Also he can write, you'll see very erotic pieces of his slash work throughout my journal)

Special Info: I can lick my own belly button.... (we've been friends since kindergarden. He still acts like the day I first met him. That's why I love him)

Quote: Except for my sister who one night was practicing positions with a contortionist...oops! I was telling you a different story!!
- said by a nun in our school play

(My opinion: I love him. I love him to no end, but I will never dare tell. . . . .)

**(-::-)** **Razor**- my cat. He acts like he's in the mafia. He listens. I love him.

**(-::-)** Ellie

Name: Elenora Andrews

Birthdate: 2/19/87
Favorite Color(s): Pink and Black

Favorite Type(s) Of Music: Rock, Classical, Metal, Nu Metal, Punk, Alternative

Favorite Movies: Anything except chick flicks

Favorite Song at the moment: Gasoline by Seether

Sexuality: Complete Lesbian

Religion: Doesn't Know

Likes: Bondage, hot topics and cheescake.

Dislikes: Britney spears. Rap, pop and bigots

Dream:To one day become a professional pornographer ( I'm NOT kidding. lol)

Hobbies: Studying porn, writing, photography, yoga

Special Info: She's tall, chubby, and beautiful with long curly blonde hair and breathtaking blue eyes.

Quote: YOU STOLE MY CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

**(-::-)** __Visit Lyssa. She's one of the few people who's journals I've read and she's awesome.__

__**Loathed Entirely**__

**Sam(Samantha)** - Bitch. Whore. Slut. Greedy dick-sucking-lazy-piece of bile. Jack's sister.

**Jimmy**- Samantha's counterpart. I swear the male version of the sloth Sam is.

**Jenn**- friend who isn't really a friend. An annoying cling on that I can't tell the fuck off cause it may hurt her feelings.

**Stacey**-likened to Jenn.

**Tonia**-old friend who is likened to Jenn.

All other cast memebers are coming soon. ( by the way all cast members info that is in 1rst person is done by themselves. In those special cases anything in parenthesis was something I added.)

I was once lost, but I am found, I found myself buried underground

I though to myself in the dark, I may know where I lay,

but why does it matter, because I'm here, and I can't move in anyway

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > Angelina Temple (C) 2004