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An aura was about that seemed to bring fourth a comfort of sorts upon sight of the fae. Figurine of a tall height, estimated to be at six foot 3 looked about with lively, glinting teal colored eyes, and through those eyes not only the light shining into them caused a glint but her own separate one from within. Those teal eyes glistened with a nearly unparalleled empathy and liveliness. Those eyes were so much brighter than those of the generally soulless were and uncaring. Though there was a hint of brashness there, proving in it she was far from perfect. The femme’s frame was clearly lanky, and lean, though it a way it was pretty it was not nearly so as some, for she was a little too thin, hinting that perhaps she did not eat often, or had stomach problems. Her frame was as white as a sheet, if not than lighter, clearly pale and the type easy to burn, just a degree under the rare albino hue that was not often found. She was clearly not as social, considering the night was her main area of contact, and perhaps that was because insomnia led to her color, or she was forced to walk the night due to it. Her bright lavender hair fell in ruins of bangs over her face, and eyes as the slight breeze would push it to-and fro, her mane was rather well-groomed, yet thick, a pair of side-burns hung down in golden rings holding them in a ‘Ponytail’ style of sorts. Those sideburns hung down to about the breast, and the rest of her hair was in back, down freely leading own to about 2 inches below her shoulder blades in a scruffy way. Her attire was simplistic and consisting of a lemon-lime hued, satin shirt, golden buttons lined over the wrists of it. Over the bright apparel that was the shirt was a dodger-blue hued bandana that hung loosely around her neck, it was large and fell down to a degree; the relic had clearly seen better days. Though the rest were a light khaki-dust colored jodhpurs, at the end a satin material pooled around the leg, leading to the bare “feet” She had to display. Her tassel ticked in an unknown rhythm. A cheerful demeanor given to almost all, though perhaps there was more than what met the naked eye?..

Faetalle accually has a more or less disrespected title as a slave, though she enjoys every moment of her life, even if it truely is bit all that perfect. She had been in the Pens for a rather long time, and though she had been bought her Master had nt returned for some time, and she is up for sale again. Though this does not bother her at all, sonsidering she had always wanted a harder working owner. She can only wait and hope for the best in this case.. ANd though now a fellow dubbed Woulfe Loung has picked her up for a slave, he has yet no use for her, she is contemplating throwing herself backi n. The other thing that takes up a deal of time for her "Occupation" is listening to others, what they have to say and thier problems. She has always been good at advice, as well as bieng a friend so this normally works out quite well. Through this is another hidden goal- to find the two she has loved most for as long as she can remeber: Her two brothers. ONe was blood related.. The other... Not so much: Gessekaii Samishii, and Asuka Tagaa. Though that is not to say there are more gioals and meanings she intends to accomplish, those are just the first ones on mind.

She is very good at getting to know people, and can often either tell them what will make them very happy, r speak the words that could very well hurt them most. She has always been an exellent manipulator at emotions, and sadly the one she triggers most often is the love in others, making several enigmas for her. She is exellent and playing mindgames, and has 4 teqhniques she CAN use, each aimed to break the heart or the soul, leaving the rest uninfected by her touch. The other relies in her defense of bieng able to hide whom she truely is inside and draw out different sides of her to show when needed be, while keeping most of her vuknerabilities locked up. Though that is not to say she is undefeatable... She has a horrid deal for psysical attributes, she is weak, proine to infection, and has the ability of a snail. She is terrible when it comes right down to it,l her only strength lies within her mind, and brain... Not within her physical form.

Bubbly, kind, understanding, listener, as well as the energetic type to greet others. Not to say that there isn't ant sense of a calmness and seriousness wothin her, there is accually quite a bit. She holds that sense of a friend, and trustworthyness, the sort that attracts people without trying. Anyone, even her worst enemy could walk up to her, crying, and she would still listen... And still help. This part of her often attracts many to her in the means of love, few whom she has met have not ended up falling for her in the end. Though she forgives all of it and accepts them anyway, bieng that is the person she is. Giving that cheerful way, it is true there is much more to her then that. She is accually quite complex, and give words that hold so much meaning, compared to what would be considered her normal babbling. Loyal and friendly she is hard to dislike, though she has plenty of flaws. She has vague Bipolar Disorder, and a little ADD mixed in with it. Though the roughest part to understand is that she is, indeed very depressed, clinically so. Perhaps even insane, of you will put it that way, though few see all of her bits and pieces of insanity, few can see that maybe she's not so perfect. Maybe she's not the angel so many make her out to be. Behind that general face of hers lays a depressed side, one that has never had a REAL friend, one that has never been asked about. This side is what gives her the deep quality she has, and what makes her so interesting to listen to when she speaks. Perhaps this is the real her, who is a little more dull, a little more serious, and hides so many things. Such as her feeling of high self-hatred, she hates herself, and her ways, she feels she has never done anything right, nor ever will, and she has helped so many... And still, reguardless of that, she still thinks she is nothing more then a failure who can be but worth nothing in the world... One of the things that helps disguisethis is that it seems her morale is high and she can take mental or physical beating this is actually far from true, it is what hurts her most, and what is eating her slowly away inside aside from the burning lonliness, is the pain of others, and what they have done to her. If you told her she was a whore who deserved to die, she would agree, all in all, she has tried suicide, and it has gotten her no where. Though... Perhaps what eats slowly away at her is that she is always going to others to get to know the real them, though no one has ever tried to get to know her, or the real her.. No one knows, as no one has yet managed the strength to see what she's really like.

History: Not one she would talk about commonly, it was fairly simple, though the cost of her telling anyone could be the price of death, or worse… But not by her own hands, of course, so she can’t exactly tell many her past unless she is sure that they can withstand whatever it is that comes there way. The only way you can learn much about it is if she bring it up small piece by piece, and maybe the puzzle can be put together. It’s not always easy to find out what happened, but there is a reason she sees no one as a real monster… Hideous, or cruel, whichever type... Though things have been turning for the better.

Alliances and Enimes:

Draiven Shire
Sense thier first meet he has fallen graudually under her spell, the one she never has wanted to cast; that of love. He was like a puppy following her around, though never oushing her too roughly. Though his loyalty has touched her, and her trust has grown. Though he has prooved his worth in so many ways, for sometime she ever handed him any exeptance as a mate, or as a lover... And would never hang all ove rhim like most would do... She has two gifts from him, a golden necklace, and a Gem that is his very bieng, intrusted to keep it. Though he has her full trust, at this point. After he had prooven simething amazing to her the conclustion that he was the one she loves most rings sweetly out. He has made her his; nothig can change that. Married as of late, and Children are already on thier way.
Relationship Level:Lover/Mate

Woulfe Loung
Her new master, he is a kind fellow, through strict, and maybe even a bit cold. After getting into a relationship with Draiven SHire he released her, even if it was reluctantly. Her freedom bought, she is eternally greatful to him. She hopes to get to know what;s behind that facade of his someday; though at the moment Draiven is her main focus.
Relationship Level:]Previous Master

Rain Stripe
Another victim to her love, poor fellow. Though for a while, perhaps her trust had been set on him it has changed sense then and she has new expectations on a new horizon. Though that's not to say if she saw him again she wouldn't become estatic and run around like an insane litt;e girl. She already owes him so much, and just maybe if they saw eachother more often, she would take a hugher liking to him. Though she already respects him quite a bit, and sees him as a friend, there is many obsticles to be made clear untill she can give much trust to him.
Relationship Level:Friend

Ramasiel Lupus
Once cage-mates usually always have a good feel for one another, while he finds her somewhat predictable she intends to amuse him with the intent that he will smile a real one, for once. She enjoys his comapny for what he has to say as well as the hgeneral feel he gives off. She finds him to be a real sweetie, and she has the intent of being a friend to another one. She has not seen him for a while, and gravely misses his company. She could use to know more about him, though she gets by just fine.
Relationship Level: Friend.

Again Pen-mates! But that didn't stop her, he was very well her first friend made inside of the pens... They have had many bigus conversations and few of a serious light, though all the same she trusts him enough to give him respect as well as to listen to what he says without becomming terribly distracted in a matter of moments from her thought-skipping mind. Thus far they have gottem to know eachother a little, and like the hungry little one she is she still wants to get to know him better. In material posesstion he has given her 2 candycanes.
Relationship Level: Friend

She knows little abnout him, but this is one whom she is determined to get to know, even if it takes a while. Perhaps it is because she has indeed seen his fake smiles and knows that it is true... That he feels alone, hunted, and maybe even scared. After a while she saw a slight trace of something that she saw that was all too familiar- something that she's a fraid of, too. She doesn't know him, but there is a reason why she wants to... What she really wants to do is to become his friend, then after that show him that no matter what; he had a friend. Because she knows the sting of lonliness.
Relationship Level:Good Aqquatence

Gessekaii Samishii
Her brother, whom she has always loved dearly, and even loved more then a brotehr for awhile, he, bieng 2 years older has always been a rolemodel in her life, even after what she has seen him to tryely be: a monster. Though she loves him, and even if she is afraid of him, she still loves him all the same, even though his insanity had threatened to kill her once she staied by him. They have now been seperated for some time, though she is looking for him even now, and still loving him even after years of seperation.
Relationship Level:Loved Brother

Asuka Tagaa
A monster upon sight, and an even worse creature once his bindings and restaints are let loose. She has, so far, been the only one to understand what he means to say when he speaks, and though at their first meeting he treied to kill her she quickly won over his heart, and though he loves her as more then a friend, and she does as well... Even if it is not in the same way... She still trusts him alot and treats him like anyone else, as well as the memories of her brother to accompany his insanity. She also accepts him, just like her brother, and is one of few who can be left unharmed by his mucus. ANd the only one who can see through his insanity and retardation.
Relationship Level:True Friend (See's Like a Brother)

Karinai Noguchi
They met one day on a break out from the slave chamber, and decided to talk to one another. THey ended up accually being alot alike, and plenty to talk about. Whereas Kari has been ignored her whole life, they ended up becomming good aquueatences in a short amount of time. She has seen that though Kari is not the sharpest tool in the shed, she is far from useless and hopes that she may someday see that for herself, as well.
Relationship Level:Good Aqquatence