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Hello,this is 0niTTRay,everyone's favorite insane hero. This is my site,mostly with aboslutely random but AWESOME stuff.Check it out,yo.

I almost got banned here. If you wanted me to be banned,TOUGH LUCK JACKASS!

An..interesting picture of Stewie that resluted from chatting about villains with Ozznova.

A CROMWELLIGANT discussion about things AWESOME,being Green Jello and Stale Tang,and things HEINOUS,being Mountain Dew,Shaq,and Tom Green films.

The first page of the most AWESOME 3 Word Story ever,the Heroes of the Lance 3 Word Story!

My first Real Ultimate Power Parody.

My other RUP parody.This one is great for too many reasons to list.
Okay,I've got lots of HotL archiving to do...or FFVI playing..or whatever. Down with Avril and faux-punk,and may Hamtaro's evil hentai be defeated!