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The Muslim Cultural commmunities in the Philippines can be divided into 13 major ethno-linguistic goups namely the Jama Mauns of Cagayan de Tawi-Tawi, Iranons of Cotabato, Kaagans of Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur and Davao Oriental, Kalibugans of Zamboanga, Maguindanao of Maguindanao, Maranaos of Marawi, Palawanons and Molbogs of Palawans, Samas of Tawi-Tawi, Sangils of Sarangani, Tausugs of Sulu, Yakans of Basilan and the Bangingis of Tongkil and Zamboanga. 

Each one of them ahs their own inventory of folk literature that has it’s own uniqueness, feature,s peculiar traits and even qualities that can make it more distinguishable from one to another.  Bu6 nevertheless, all of them are unified of the Islamic Faith.

The fold literature in these Muslim communities amy either be presented in prose or in verse form but in every Muslim cultural communities, each has its own form and style that really varies from one to another.  Their oral literary forms may be didactic, hortatory, entertaining, instructive or even informative.  It usually has participatory audience following the oral tradition by having the folk literary genres such as folktales, myths, legends, fables, ballads, poems, riddles, proverbs and epics. 

The common problem that usually arises among them is that they lack access to the textual materials of these mentioned genres or if not they really couldn’t find one and the next pronlem would be they have difficulty in locating literary cultural bearers.  As the time passes by, many people becomes older, some even move-out or transferred from their origin, some died.  So eventually their cultural products are slowly vanishing and even worse forgotten.