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Welcome to the site!!!! Lille was a good place, and I think everyone who was there had a really great time. If I'm wrong then please don't bother sending an email to correct me cause I will probably ignore it!!! The conference was a resounding success both academically and socially, with the obvious exception of the distillery "tour", and "scenic" boat trip.

In order to allow us to remember some of the good moments and some of the more fuzzy moments (of which there were a few!!!) we have decided to set up this external site so that everyone may view the photographs which were taken by the many many people with cameras.

So you will find here a number of galleries, organised by the name of the photographer. I would really encourage you not to just check the galleries of you friends but to have a full look around since there is a good chance many of you and your friends were caught in other peoples snaps, and you never know those might be the really amusing ones.

I will be keeping a copy of some of the images at a much higher resolution than on the site so if you really need or want one let me know, just please don't everyone ask me for a high res copy of every picture!!!! To view the video clips, it is best to right click (PC) or hold down the mouse button (Mac) and choose to save or download the target file.

Finally, I would like to just let you know that if you have any pictures of the conference please feel free to send them to me. If you have a digital camera fantastic, and if not then maybe you could scan them in for us? Just use the email link at the bottom of the screen to contact me. Also, if you were chatting with sombody and forgot to get their email and have lost your abstract book (shame on you) then I can provide email addresses, but only if the emailee is willing and the emailer was at the conference.

Enough long-windedness, enjoy.

The Galleries