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My Testimony  MMy name is Issa Elias Zoughbi .I was born in Bethlehem 19th April 1950.I accepted the Lord Jesus in my life when ii was 15 years old .God baptized me in the Holy Spirit and I spoke in another tongue in 1975.

It is a commission of the lord for believers to experience what the book of acts 1: 8 says to you:

"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and  in Samaria''

So my life is being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit continuously. So I have overcome my previous weakness and my shortcomings .And through continuous repentance the lord   Jesus cleanses me from the filthiness of the flesh, mind and body.

Beside I have experienced great hunger for God's word and I am growing in the word as it is in Colossians 3:6

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom

Besides I have a greatest thirst of the Holy Spirit and I have been anointed continuously as it is in the epistle of Ephesians 5:18

'' And be not drunk with whine wherein is access; but be filled with the Spirit"

In 1971, I finished my diploma of science from Beirzeit College and I taught high school until 1977.

By this time I answered god's call upon my life to be a full time evangelist.

In 1944 God has furthered my calling to be a pastor and a founder of the house of bread church.

In 1981 ,I married a born again and spirit filled believer ''Diana'' .god blessed us with 3 sons :Fadi 20 years , Basheer 18 years,Raja'ee 10 years and one daughter :Grace 15 years old .We are a house hold committed to serve the lord Jesus Daily

Now let God releases his power of healing, deliverance and repentance of the Holy Ghost upon my life and your life to advance Jesus Kingdom in the hearts of this generation as it is in Romans 15 :19

''Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the spirit of God"


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