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all set to board our flight to Beijing on China Southern, dodgy ride eh?


already at the Beijing International Airport??? Im still dazed from the uncomfortable ride.


Ben sure looks all ready to go


And this is our favourite No.3 stunned by a karate kick from Ben


Joan, our tour guide! Yup, we were on a package tour with SA Tours


Where Chairman Mao is resting in peace


Where ancient emperors pray to the heavens, but we were all just freaking too cold to even bother to check out the sceneries around. And everyone had to struggle up the slippery steps due to the frost-over. Though I like it cold.... the weather was still too overwhelming.


Happy to be stuck with us, wendy??


Masked warriors of Zu?? Not really... Meiling trying desperately to keep warm, what a wussy in winter.


Wendy doing the this-is-going-to-be-my-new-picture-taking-look look. And Mei is just happy to have something warm in her hands, what a wuss.


Stewpid Wendy doing the weird look thingy again. And we are always lagging behind the whole group as you see in this picture, but oh well, why rush?? This is supposed to be a holiday!


A cute candid momemnt


Another photo at the TianAnMeng Square


What wendy doing sneaking around under the table.... hiding her stash of RMB??

Scenery by the Lake


Scenery on the frozen


No 3 aka Wendy Tan


Mighty johno


Teenage mutant ninja turtle, heroine with the head stuck in the hard shell.


Kung Fu master Tai San. Respect.


Lil irritant during the trip, always making faces at us.


Some low grade pearls Ben won for guessing the number of pearls in the Oyster...


Nobody loves Meiling and nobody wanna take pictures with her, so she decides to create havoc everything we take a pic


No smoking on the Great Wall eh?


This place serves good Peking duckies. yum.


Somewhere within the Forbidden City


After shopping! all in a lazy mood


I became a golden hair beng right after this picture, stupid salon didnt give me my ash-grey colour. Not glamourous at all, so the picture blogging stops here!


View more on (Part I)

View more on (Part II)

