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The Reception

Sound clips, and script from the wedding reception.


The Wedding
The Ceremony
The Mansion
The Newlywed's First Dance Songs
The Honeymoons

Riding to the reception

- clip 1A

Dana:"Welcome to Rivendell.let the awe and splendor of this magical place invade your soul, and set your mind free!...the recption begins...NOW!
- clip 2

and as Bilbo said"
Bilbo"This will be a night to remember"
Merry:"Welcome my lords!"
- clip 3

Dana: (sings) Food glorious food!) "Oh, hey Orlando"
Dana"Nice array of delectables"
- clip 4

Jen:" I'm sorry Pip, you're never having mushrooms"
- clip 5

Dana:"Hey, this looks like elvish food...what is it?"
Orlando:" small bite can fill the stomach of a grown man"
(in the background-Sam:" lembas bread...and look...MORE lembas bread")
- clip 6

Dana:" Oh reeeeally....lembas bread....::laughs::
Sam:" more lembas bread"
Winter:" aha resist temptation"
- clip 7

Dana:" Aw come-on Lij...take a bite...ya know ya want to...It's good fer ya"
Lij:" It would seem like wisdom, but for the warning in my heart"
- clip 8

Dom:" How many did u eat?
Pippin:" Four.....::fart noises::....::grunt noises::
Sam:" Ahhhhh...what's that horrid stink??? Can you smell it? I wonder if there's a nasty bog nearby"
Orlando:" That was for the smell"
- clip 9

Dana:" Just take a one little bite..."
Elijah:" Stay away stay away!"
Haldir:" You can go no further"
Viggo:' What does your heart tell you?"
Boromir:" This is mine"
Sam:" You've had a whole half already!"
- clip 10

Dana:" Hey, Nathaniel's coming to the buffet table...
"Gonna stick you like a pig!" (pig squeals)
He sure looks hungry"
- clip 11

Nathaniel:" Hey Billy, what would you recommend?"
Billy:" The salted pork is especially delicious"
Gimli:" You will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the dwarves...roaring fires...malt beer...ripe meat off the bone"
- clip 12

Nathaniel:" Sounds yyyummy" Gladriel, which of these fine dishes do you think is worth its weight in mithril?"
Galadriel:" Even the wisest cannot tell"
Pippin:" What are you going to do then?"
Haldir:" You will follow me"
Elijah:" What are you talking about?"
Gandalf:" One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all, and bind them"
- clip 12A

Winter:" heh heh heh"
Josh:" I like pointy things"
Winter:" Cheese!"
Jessica:" Oh wait...I did it wrong...ok, I feel stupid...I feel so smart now"
Jen:" Ready?"
- clip 12B

Dana:" What was that??"
Winter:" Heh"
Gollum: ::cries::
Winter:" Who pelted me with icecream? You better hope I don't catch you or I'm gonna kick your butt!"
- clip 12C

Josh:" Oh the treachery"
Dana:" Gollum just got hit upside the head with blueberry cheesecake icecream"
Dom:" Oh the treachery"
Pippin laughs
Dana:" and it's melting"
- clip 12D

Orlando:" You lie!!"
Gollum:" It freezes... ::cries::
- clip 12E

Gollum:" We be nice to them, if they be nice to us...take it off us"
Viggo:" Yeah, sure...whatever"
Dana:" look-out!" ::splatt::
- clip 13

DJ:" Will the bridal parties and guests please gather round...It's time for that magical moment...the first dance...for the new couples"
- clip 14

DJ:" Mr. Billy Boyd, and his new bride, Dana"
"(Endless Love" plays)
- clip 15

Sam:" This is it"
- clip 16

Reporter:"...and the night contimued with much love, laughter, food, and dance. This is Dana Bacher, signing off from LOTR 2004. See you on the web site!"
- clip 17

Winter:" Uh Dana...I just thought I'd let you know this wedding, I'm going to take new husband...and...well...all of my handsome groomsmen...his groomsmen, I mean...and um...I'm going to go build an army...I want a lock of haire, so that I can create evil clones. They're going to be giant turtles...but...but I want them to have your head, so that they can have your brains, and think like I hope you...I hope you understand, and you won't mind if I take this big sword here...and hack-off some of your hair, you know, If you'll hold still for me....hee hee hee hee hee hee"

"Mead" (hobbit beer) was served to guests at the wedding reception.
This is the recipe:(traditional mead recipe from Russia)
18 liters water
8 kg. honey
1 package champagne yeast
1/2 cup ale or beer
crust of one roll
1 tsp. hops
4 gr. cardamom
1 1/2 gr. cloves
Mix water & honey; boil on low heat until reduced to 9 liters. Remove from burner and cool. Completely dissolve the yeast in the ale or beer. Remove the crust from the roll, soak in the beer yeast and put into mead. Add hops. Remove roll 1 hour after fermentation begins. Strain mead and pour into a keg. Add the spices wrapped in cheesecloth. Seal keg well and store in cold place (on ice or vault) for 12 days. Bottle, seal, tar (gum or wax) and store in cold place. Ready to serve in 2 months.
Lembas is a magical food of the elves. Galadriel gave this food to The Fellowship, upon their leaving Lothlorien. This magical food refreshes you instantly, with one bite, and keeps you feeling energized for days and days!
Lembas will be served at the reception.
Word of warning:Don't Eat Too Much!! lol!!!
Lembas Recipe:
2 ½ cup of Cake flour 1 cup of oatmeal flour (1 and a half cups of Oatmeal ran through the food processor for 5 mins or so will work)
½ cup of sorghum flour*
1 cup sugar
1 tbsp. Vanilla sugar* (Freia Vaniljesukker)
3 tbsp. Honey or packed brown sugar (the honey gives it a beter color)
½ tsp. Salt
4 tbsp. Cream cheese room temp.
½ cup butter room temp.
1 tbsp. Lemon juice
½ tbsp Durkee vanilla butter & nut extract*
6 tbsp. heavy cream
(Optional yellow food coloring)Put in a mixing bowl the three kinds of flour, the sugars and the salt, and mix together with a fork or an electric mixer on low until blended. Add the cream cheese and butter and cut in, either with a pastry cutter or a mixer on low, till the mixture forms small pellets (a little bit smaller than Rice). Add Lemon juice VB&N extract, and cream (yellow food coloring can be added for the full effect). Mix till it comes together and forms a ball. Cover in plastic wrap and chill for 30 mins to an hour. After dough is chilled, separate in half and roll out on lightly floured surface. Cut using a round cutter, doughnut cutter or a cup of the like size, Removing all excess flour place on a cookie sheet about 1 ½ inches apart. Bake at a preheated 350 degree oven for 15 mins or until golden brown around the edges. Allow to cool and serve. Makes about 2 dozen depending on cutter size. *Sorghum Flour can be found at specialty or health food stores, or can be bought online at*Can be bought at most Scandinavian Food stores. Or online @ (follow the Butikk {store} link and then the Bakeartikler {baking supplies} link and look for Freia Vaniljesukker, its about 13 or so down on the list) If you find it hard to navigate the site in Norwegian, it will be available in English soon.* Durkee Vanilla butter & nut flavor can be found at most grocery stores in the baking section. For an eaiser version try this one: (It doesn't have all the fancy ingredients, but doesn't give you the same good-for-you feeling)
Lembas from Lothlorien :
6 TBSP butter or margarine, slightly softened
2 cups self-rising flour
1 TBSP granulated sugar
1/4 cup raisins (optional)1/4 cup nuts
1 egg, well beaten
1/2 cup milk
4 TBSP heavy cream
Mallorn leaves With a pastry blender of fork, cut margarine into the flour in a mixing bowl until the mixture resembles cornmeal. Do this rapidly so the butter does not melt. Add the sugar and if desired, 1/2 cup of raisins. In a small bowl, beat the egg and milk together until mixed. Reserve 1 TBSP of this mixture to brush the tops of the lembas. Add the cream and egg mixture to the flour and mix just until combined into a stiff, soft dough. Knead three or four times on a lightly floured surface. Roll dough to a 3/4" thickness and cut with an oval or leaf shaped cookie cutter. Place on a lightly greased baking sheet, leaving 1" of space between lembas. Brush the tops of the lembas with the reserved egg-milk mixture. Bake for 12 -13 minutes in a preheated 400 degree oven. For safe keeping, wrap each lemba individually in a fresh, clean mallorn leaf. (If these leaves are unavailable in your area, store the lembas in a tightly closed container.) Makes about 1 1/2 dozen lembas.
Dana's LOTR Fellowship Fantasy Wedding