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Dupe 4 You

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I'm the Idiot who bought the dupe off of ebay Hi, I'm one of the few people who bought the dupe off e-bay(yea I know $417.47). My problem is that I need items to dupe before it might be patched in the 1.10 version. So I need Your help.If you want your items duped give me the following information and I will make 2 copies of your item. You will keep the orignal and a copy; and I will keep a copy. So both of us get free items. I need to use Multiple orignals to make sure my friends at blizzard dont get suspicious of consecutive item ID's. BUT, you must -Have the Horradric Cube -Have beaten Hell -You must have the item you want to dupe -Not have full inventory Please Don't Waste My time: First of all this will take a while, I have class and my professor fails me, if i decide not to go. Second don't waste my time with crappy items like i would just ignore you if you want a cracked sash, short sword, ect., ect. It has to be a decent item. Like the ones in my duping hall of fame.Make sure you meet the above Requirements!So please i need to copy everything i can! WHY would you do this? If you give me the needed information i will dupe any item you whant twice; you keep one copy and the orignal; and i keep a copy that way we all walk away VERY very very happy... of course I might dupe every thing if I like your stuff... send fan mail and trade proposals to Put the items u wish to dupe in the far right side of ur inventory and send me this information over email. Acocount name Password Realm What character
