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The Redmon's Horror and Wonders Viewing Contract:

By proceeding any further into this site, you agree to the following terms and statements:

The fan fiction on this site are mainly ADULT MATERIAL, so any laws applying to local or state standards and age qualifications apply.  This site is not affiliated with the owners of the characters contained within.  You WILL NOT enter the site if you are acting, either in actual employment or otherwise, as an agent, lawyer, or representative of TOEI, Bandai, Fox, and or any other company that produces Digimon and other show animations or toys.  Persons presently affiliated with said companies may enter the site provided that they will do so on their private time, for their private use, and will without exception keep the knowledge of this site strictly to their private and personal dealings, separate and unrelated to any dealings they might have with the respective company or persons acting as representatives thereof.

You are not entering this site seeking material to fuel, begin, or support a lawsuit or legal action against the artist, website, or hosting company on any grounds, and furthermore you or any company affiliated with you will not seek legal action against Redmon's Horror and Wonders, its hosts, or the artist/s whose work is collected on this site as a result of your viewing this material, in the present or at any time in the future.  Your viewing and/or downloading of this material is for private use only, and will not be distributed to individuals for whom viewing such material is illegal nor to representatives of the aforementioned companies for the purpose or possible consequence of legal action against the artist, Redmon's Horror and Wonders or its hosts , nor shall you yourself derive any monetary gain from downloading or posessing the files you may obtain from this site.

The pictures and fics on this site are purely made out of fan appreciation.  The artwork within may not represent the characters in the way that their respective owning companies wish to have them represented; so these works may not be  an accurate vision of these character's usual physical or mental states.  No artwork within the site should be taken as canon.  No Fan Fiction within is meant to depreciate the aforementioned companies or their characters in any way, and is only meant to heighten appreciation for the represented characters.  No harm is or ever will be intended or affected towards the financial earnings of the respective companies' merchandising, representation, or production of said characters as a result of this Fan Fiction.  All rights of the respective owning companies towards the represented characters are reserved; existence of their likenesses on this site shall not, in the present or in the future, be interpreted as voiding any rights of ownership, copyright, or production of the respective owning company.

You will not distribute 'Interior' Links to this site at all. Link only to this page, or the main page.

If you understand and have read the above paragraph, and the material within is legal in your area for you to view, please enter: