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Question Being Addressed:
Of JavaScript, XML, HTML, XHTML, and CSS, which is…
•the most efficient?
•the most useful/can you do more with?
•the easiest to learn?
•the easiest to use?
•the most commonly used?
How are they used?

It is hypothesized that HTML is both the easiest to learn and the easiest to use. This is because HTML is fairly basic, using tags to issue commands, which simplifies both the learning process and its usage. It is also hypothesized that JavaScript is the most common as far as web sites go, and, as it has more exact commands, is the most efficient and can do the most.

Most people do not know a whole lot about these languages, or only want to learn a few bits of each to jazz up their web page. To solve this, this website was created, which provides a brief explanation of each language and demonstrates some techniques.

Engineering Goals:
The goal of this project is to learn as much as is possible about the named languages and gain some experience with each. Another goal is to create easy, simple access to the basics of each language.

The procedure will begin with the study of each language- the meaning of its initials, how it issues commands, how it is set up, and some basic commands. All research and language testing can is stored here. After the studies have been completed, testing of the languages will begin. Each language will have its own testing page where techniques are to be experimented with. Once a solid hold on the usage and generation has been acquired, a final page will be produced in which bits of each language will be demonstrated on a single page. All documents will be placed on the web page for public viewing.

Over the past months, I have been studying a variety of computer languages, involved in both computer programming and web design. CyphaNet is the database where the public may view my research at will. Here you can read a few interviews with experts on the languages, my research and comparisons of the languages, various tables comparing the languages, and different pages demonstrating some techniques. The links to the left will guide you throughout the site.
