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Band Members(from hottest to least hottest)


SUM*41z official website
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Long Live Punk!
Sum Sites

Sum*41 official Web site

Sum*41 Bios

Totally, Sum*41!!!

Sumz News

Sum*41 is on tour right now visiting the many awesome cities in Canada (ya baby!).

Just recently they were in calgary (on may 29th and 30th) for a couple of awesome Concerts, but the one on the 30th was canceled :'( Deryck has not been feeling well and he had some probolems around his throat and may need possible surgery (poor Deryck GET WELL!!)

Lots of Love, Taylor and Vanessa

Sum Interesting Facts/Quotes

·  Hometown is Ajax, Ontario.

·  They Like Playing Motivation and think Pain For Pleasure is fun, as long as their in leather.

·  Steve likes Mint chocolate chip icecream

·  (Steve quote) We're the drunken rugby buddies that met in high school, although none of us played rugby except for Dave,    who they used to call the Machine.

·  (Cone quote) I think a lot of people, because they see all the sh-t that we do, think we're jerks. And we are--but not all the time.

·  (Steve quote) Just because we like to fuckk around a little bit doesn't mean you shouldn't like us.

·  (Dave quote) We're basically out to have a lot of fun and have a good time. We're not mad at anything like a lot of bands out there.

·  (Steve quote) Cone is quiet, but he's a smart character. An attractive young man, he's the sweetheart of the band. The girls love him.

·  (Steve quote) Dave is the most punk rock person in the band, so he's mister credibility...Aw geez, that's really a like. Dave's not punk rock at all.

·  (Steve quote) Deryck the is the puppeteer. And me, i'm crazy, Wooo!!

·  (Steve quote) I dont think music has anything to do with it. It basically has to do with my humour, Cone's looks, Deryck's attitude and Dave's darkness.

·  Steve doesn't have his license, because he failed.

·  Sum 41 like Slayer, and the Maiden. Dave liked death metal bands like Cannibal Corpse, Carcass and Venom. Steve kind of likes cheesier stuff. Priest. Hell Bent for Leather.

·  Deryk always gets hit in the face with the mic.

·  Deryck and Steve are single bachelors going through puberty and ready to romp.

·  Steve says they were losers in HS. They had an odd little group of friends, but in Steve's group, he was the loser. It wasn't a big problem though. Deryk used to be called a fag constantly because his hair was funky.

·  The difference in making All Killer No Filler than Half Hour of Power was that they wasted a lot more time. They were going to strip clubs every night. Lots of money and precious creative time was wasted. They had to have chaperones monitoring us. But everything turned out well in the end.

·  When asked what Sum 41's live show is like, Deryck replies "Non-stop, ass-whoopin' rock... for half an hour."

·  Deryck five feet tall and Cone's a lot taller.

·  Cone doesn't think Destiny's Child are hot though Steve and Deryck agree they are.

·  Steve and Deryck nicknamed Jay to 'Cone'because he ate ice cream cones everyday in high school.

·  One time during a show, Cones pants and boxers fell down because his belt broke so he played the rest of the gig in just a t-shirt.

·  Steve wears a thong and sucks at sports so he is called 'Stevo 32' because he thinks athletes with the #32 excell well in sports.

·  Deryck is 'Bizzy Dee' because he's always busy (probably hitting on girls).

·  Derycks first concert was The Monkees and Weird Al Yankovich when he was 6. He grew up listening to The Beatles.

·  Dave is 'Brown Sound' because one day deryck just called him Brown Sound (well that's boring). He also used to be nicknamed 'Hot Chocolate'.

·  Dave only takes 2 pairs of shorts and 7 t-shirts on tour (he's a clean guy).

·  All the guys have a 41 tattoed on the back of their elbows (you can see them in the In Too Deep Video Shoot of Pics).

·  Dave uses a PRS McCarty guitar with SIT strings and a Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier amp

·  Deryck uses a Gibson Marauder guitar with SIT strings and a Marshall 100-watt stack amp

·  First time on the road, Whibley brought everything he owned: clothes, recording equipment, TV set and video games. After the third day, everything was stolen; now he travels with 4 shirts and one pair of black Dickies pants.