OVERALL REVAMPED RECORD: 000 - 000 - 000  


- Foreward :

CM Punk has been on a quest for gold ever since he stepped onto the WWE Revamped surface, this Sunday his quest will finally end, when he finally faces Mr.Showtime for the television championship at SummerSlam. Punk has earned his way, and after he single handedly defeats Showtime, he'll establish himself as a top contender for future title prospects. The start of the CM Punk television reign will begin at SummerSlam!

*:/*: Scene 1 *:\:*

(:| The scene opens with CM Punk walking down the hall.Thoughts running through his head about so many various things. He has a lot riding on his match with Mr.Showtime, those happen to be, becoming the TV Champ, gaining respect, And him making a huge impact in WWE Revamped. He wants the lockeroom to know that he is for real, to be noticed by the fans more then ever, and to prove that he can become a major player in WWE Revamped. We see Punk walk directly through the halls,ands towards the stage area.He Walks right threw the curtains without music and without no one knowing.He walks down the ramp with the fans mix reaction and up the stairs and into the ring.He walks over to Lilan and asks for the mic as he begins to speak... |:) CM Punk: We all now that Come summerslam,the tv title is as good as mine,i mean look at who im facin,a wana be actor,the man thinks he is a movie star,come summerslam you will be the first to fall into the plunge.Well i really didnt come out here to say very much,i just need to get a few things off my chest about my match a Summerslam.See Vince,I would like you to change my type of match at Summerslam,to a good old fashin Cage Match.I really would like that to be done.Second,some of the boys in the back say im not ready to be pushed this far,i should still be a jobber,should still be doing the dark matches,still should be not be on the active roster.Let me tell you somthin,i have been busted my a** to get where i am,i have been on the road,workin in the gym,i have been doing it all,and i shouldint be getting a TV Title shot?You can tell me that i dont belong,your just going to make the beating worse on your buddy Mr.Showtime!Third thing,Teddy Hart! Teddy,i have alot of respect for you,you have a lot of love for the bussiness,so im asking,why dont we for a tag team,we would be the best in the bussinees,we would be tag champs!We would be unstoppel.and i gusse i should just say that come this sunday,MR.SHOWTIME,your mine b****.(CM Punk drops the mic as the show gose to a commercial break)

Felt The Plunge: None As Of Yet

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