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Welcome to clan


OWNING one clan at a time!

File 1.jpg


News: The leaders of the !OWANGE! clan has decided that glitching is prohibited and that who ever brakes the rule is off the clan, Other wise so. Also Thinking about the fourth roster? OR contact  us and tell us why you should be the fourth roster leader?


Leaders:   DONT SHOOT ME! ----- #C!~!Playa ------- `DrAgOn~Snip3r


Co - Leaders:  C.Jones#10=ATL  ---- Capt.Balli


Current Clan  Members:  #C#` Harrison --- #C~! Dräxx ---‘RéDèŸè´---:Pulse: --- 187alley --- <=ANÅKÎN=> --- ÀŝŝÁŝ¡Ń --- ASIANX --- BIGDOG45 --- BøØgger-€ater --- FACTORY --- HäteItOrLøveIt --- kev134 --- NICK~BEAM --- the deciple --- T~HAZ ---«FAT BÄSTARD» --- »ºSilkyº« --- More still to come --- Will update 2-5 days.


Game Battle Stats:

Rank: 0 Last Rank: 0 Wins: 0 Losses: 1 Games: 1 Percentage: 0% Streak: -1


OOOOOOO!!! SNAPS!! - The lastest news about SOCOM 3 -

February 23, 2005 - In a press conference that is happening while I type this, Sony Computer Entertainment of America is unveiling SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy Seals. Once again developed by Zipper Interactive and slated for American store shelves this fall, SOCOM 3 will now support the use of vehicles and boast levels that are six times larger than before. Locations this time around include Morocco, Poland, and Bangladesh, and players will be able to swim should they need to (makes sense for a game based on the Navy eh?). Additionally, the AI is dramatically improved (enemies take cover, shoot around corners, and use actual flanking techniques), and the oft-requested checkpoints will be thoroughly available.


Contact the leaders:


Suggestions and comments please contact:


Polls - <!-- // Begin Poll Code // -->
<form method=post action=>
<table border=0 width=150 bgcolor=#000000 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>
<tr><td colspan=2><font face="Verdana" size=-1 color="#FF0000"><b>When are you planing to buy SOCOM 3?</b></font></td></tr>
<tr><td width=5><input type=radio name=answer value=1></td><td><font face="Verdana" size=-1 color="#FF0000">The day its comes out.</font></td></tr>
<tr><td width=5><input type=radio name=answer value=2></td><td><font face="Verdana" size=-1 color="#FF0000">Wait for a few days after it comes out.</font></td></tr>
<tr><td width=5><input type=radio name=answer value=3></td><td><font face="Verdana" size=-1 color="#FF0000">Already have it.</font></td></tr>
<tr><td width=5><input type=radio name=answer value=4></td><td><font face="Verdana" size=-1 color="#FF0000">Dont care at all !!!</font></td></tr>

Forums -  Underconstrction








Last updated at Saturday, June 6, 2005: 1:12 AM

Created by your fellow Leader = `DrAgOn~Snip3r   A.K.A Rich