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[i]Welcome back gentlemen, I trust you all had a good Christmas break[/i] There were mutterings around the table in agreement to what had just been said, some nodded their heads before staring back down the long oak table at which they were all sat towards the head of the table where Vincent McMahon stood. [i]Good. Good, I hope you are all rested up though, as this year we have a lot work on. There is much that I want to achieve this year and hopefully all of you here today will play a part in getting us there[/i] I quickly glanced around the table most of the men were unknowns to me, Vincent McMahon was the only one that I could put a name to, well that's one more than knew who I was. Vince started to talk about the finance side of the industry, the fiscal year whatever that was, the profit from something called 'House shows' and the television deals with the USA Network. The USA Network, the reason I'm here. Exactly why am I here, you may be asking yourself. In truth, its a question I've asked myself a lot as well and I'm still not too sure on the answer myself, but I'll try to explain. Five year ago I left the State University of New York, in New Platz, with a diploma in 'Film and Television production'. Back then, TV was pretty much my entire life, I virtually ran the campus TV station, WNPC-TV, by myself and didn't think anything of it. I left University and lucked out, in my penultimate year I remember writing a letter to all of the major TV stations in the area telling them about myself, my course and so on. I was pretty much just asking for a job, well begging would be a better word. I never heard anything from any of them; once I had left University I rang around again seeing if any of them were looking for new employees, fortunately the USA Network said they would be willing to take me on, on a temporary basis. Apparently they had just been given a lot more airtime to fill due to a few shows closing and needed some people to take over the minor jobs while the more established guys wrote the new material. I could handle that, so for the next few months I made the coffee, made sure everyone had the right work, made copies of scripts for writers and occasionally chipped in with a bit of information or an idea or two for a few shows. The months gradually turned into a year and a year into another, I don’t know if it was because I was doing well at my job or because they just needed people around but I kept on being re-signed. After two years of this ‘temporary’ work, I was offered a five year contract, I had moved up the totem pole a little bit by now, I occasionally got to work with some of the writers for shows and got to write a few adverts. It wasn’t what I had initially gotten into the business to do, but this was better than nothing and I was beginning to enjoy it. That was pretty much the structure of my life for the past three years, I wrote adverts and small bits on TV shows, so how did I end up here? About six months ago I was in a meeting with my supervisor, he was looking for someone to act as a liaison between the network and a company called Titan Sports. Off of the top of my head, I had never heard of the company, but my initial thought was ‘Sports? How hard can it be to be the liaison between here and a sports team?’ So I put my name down as a candidate for the position and thought nothing about it. Five months later I was told that I wouldn’t be working with the USA Network in the new-year, but that I would be working with the Titan Sports in Stamford, CT. Namely, I would be working with World Wrestling Federation. The WWF? Those guys in lycra throwing each other around? What would they want with a television writer like me? Nothing it seemed was the answer, after talking to a few of the other writers who had worked with the WWF before it seemed that going there was sure kill to any sort of career prospect. They never listened to your ideas, treated you as an outsider because you didn’t ‘know’ about wrestling, in short it was living hell and worse of all, I had agreed to work there. So here I was, first day on the job surrounded by guys I didn’t know and one person that I did know and I only knew that because the receptionist pointed him out to me as he walked past. Vincent carried on speaking for another few minutes; he talked about somethings called angles, one involving Hulk Hogan, I’d heard of Hulk Hogan, Vincent then said that this angle would all come to ahead at Wrestlemania 2. What the hell is a Wrestlemania? I wanted to ask, but I didn’t think it would make the greatest first impression. A few of the guys said some other things, one guy read out an injury report, injury report? I thought this was all fake? Strange, anyway, the next guy read out a list of guys who he thought the road agents should look at. They sure have some strange names for positions in this company, that pretty concluded the meeting though. Vincent said he would see us all at ‘taping’ later this afternoon and people slowly began to leave the room. Vincent sat down and began to look through a huge number of papers that lay in front of him, after a few moment when everyone had left he looked up at me with a bemused look on his face, then after a few moments he chuckled and said. [i]You must be the new guy right? The guy from the network?[/i] [i]Yeah, that’s me.[/i] I moved around the table and stuck out a hand [i]Cameron James[/i] Vincent shook my hand, man he had a grip. [i]I’m Vincent McMahon, call me Vince though. Glad too have you aboard Cameron. I’ve arranged for one of my assistants, Sophie, to show you the ropes and fill you in on the details, I have a lot of things to sort out.[/i] [i]The er… Taping, you mentioned earlier?[/i] Vince chuckled and then patted me on the back [i]Something like that kid, something like that[/i] And that was the first time I met Vince McMahon. I left the boardroom and took a seat in the reception area, it had just turned into the lunch hour so no one was around. I sat down and began to read a magazine that was lying on the table and waited for someone called Sophie to make herself known. [IMG][/IMG] This was the first time I had ever read or seen anything to do with the World Wrestling Federation, so much for sticking with what you know, huh? This Rowdy Roddy Piper guy on the front of the magazine seemed like he was going places though, the magazine said he was the [i]'baddest of the bad guys'[/i], it even talked about Piper or 'Hot Rod' as the magazine sometimes called him, being a participant in a match last year against Hulk Hogan and Mr. T. Mr. T? I didn't even know he was a wrestler. Apparently, this match took place last year at Wrestlemania and Piper isn't happy about the result of match which saw his team lose. Piper blames it all on his partner in the match, a man called 'Mr. Wonderful', so many different names... Well at least their not all call Dave or Bob, it can't be that hard to memorise them all, right? A guy called Corporal Kirchner is on his way to the WWF as well, he looks to be some sort of military man. In the magazine he's pictured skydiving, shooting and doing other military stuff while telling us that he is on his way to the WWF to defend America and show the power of the military. The magazine makes him out to be a really strong guy as well, I'm sure he'll do well. The magazine also has a short article on the [i]'WWF World Heavyweight Champion' Hulk Hogan[/i], in which Hogan talks about 'saying his prayers and taking his vitamins'. This Hogan guy looks like a real class act if you ask me, you can see why he's the champion. Just as I had finished reading the magazine Sophie came over and introduced herself, she handed me a folder full of notes and told me that I should read through those before I got to the 'TV taping' later on this afternoon. I asked her why I was going to the TV taping, she said [i]You [b]are[/b] the guy from the network, right?[/i]. Well, that told me. I was told I would be picked up later by one of the designated WWF drivers, but that I would have to arrange my own transport from now on because designated drivers were only for the big stars. I thanked Sophie for her time and decided to read the files over some lunch. Might as well see exactly what I've got to work with. [dohtml]
World Wrestling Federation(tm)
[/dohtml] [*] [b]Owner:[/b] Linda McMahon [*] [b]Money:[/b] $35,000,000 [*] [b]Based:[/b] Stamford, CT. [b][u]Sponsors[/u][/b] [*] Sports Illustrated - [i]Sports Illustrated sponsorship deal includes the use of any WWF superstars, for use in the magazine or at other Sports Illustrated public events, under contract for free (Bar Hulk Hogan, per agreement) for the duration of the contract.[/i] [*] Coliseum Video - [i]Coliseum Video produce and market all of the WWF videos that go on sale to the mass market. Coliseum Video have the right to request any WWF superstar (Bar Hulk Hogan, per agreement) to shoot promotional material for their products. Coliseum Video also require advertisement on WWF programming.[/i] [*] Hasbro - [i]The creators of the WWF action figures, Hasbro require details of all WWF characters at all times. Changes in normal ring attire, debuting characters, any slight change to existing characters whatsoever, must be reported to Hasbro, ASAP. Hasbro get a selected range of WWF superstars to choose from for advertising purposes, this is based upon who is free at the time of advertising.[/i] [*] Nintendo - [i]Nintendo are the creators of the WWF computer game. They require access to WWF superstars (Bar Hulk Hogan, per agreement) for advertising purposes. Nintendo also request the WWF advertise other Nintendo products during their programming. (Usually covered by adverts during the shows)[/i] [b][u]The Roster[/u][/b] [i]Name – Gimmick (i.e. What role they play)[/i] [*] Andre The Giant – Old School Face [*] Brian Blair - None [*] Barry Hardy – None [*] Barry Orton – None [*] Big John Studd – None [*] Bob Orton - Cowboy [*] Bobby Heenan – The Brain [*] Bret Hart – Old School Heel [*] Brutus Beefcake – Ravishing [*] Butch Stanley – None [*] Captain Lou Albano – None [*] Chris Walker – None [*] Conquistador I – None [*] Conquistador II – None [*] Cousin Luke – Hillbilly [*] Corporal Kirschner – Armed Forces [*] Davey Boy Smith – Foreign Star [*] David Sammartino – None [*] Don Muraco – Old School Face [*] Dory Funk Jr – Crazy [*] Elizabeth – Girl-Next-Door [*] Freddie Blassie – None [*] George The Animal Steele – Fun Babyface [*] Greg Valentine – Grizzled Veteran [*] Haku – Savage [*] Harley Race – Royalty [*] Hillbilly Jim – Hillbilly [*] Honky Tonk Man - Cowardly [*] Hulk Hogan – Hero [*] Iron Mike Sharpe – None [*] Jack Tunney – Authority Figure [*] Jake Roberts – Mysterious [*] Jim Brunzell – None [*] Jim Neidhart – Old School Heel [*] Jim Powers – Blue Chipper [*] Jimmy Hart – Obnoxious [*] Jimmy Snuka – Savage [*] Kevin Krueger – None [*] Killer Khan – None [*] King Kong Bundy – Old School Heel [*] Leilani Kai – None [*] Mr. Fuji – Evil Foreigner [*] Mr. T – None [*] Nikolai Volkoff – Comrade [*] Outback Jack – None [*] Paul Orndorff – None [*] Paul Roma – Blue Chipper [*] Pedro Morales – None [*] Randy Savage – Egomaniac [*] Reno Riggins – None [*] Rick Martel – Old School Face [*] Ricky Steamboat – None [*] Rockin’ Robin – None [*] Rowdy Roddy Piper – Obnoxious [*] SD Jones – None [*] Steve Lombardi – Slob [*] Ted Arcidi – Legitimate Athlete [*] Terry Funk – Crazy [*] The Dynamite Kid – Foreign Star [*] The Fabulous Moolah – None [*] The Iron Sheik – Arabian [*] The Junkyard Dog – Old School Face [*] Tito Santana – Old School Face [*] Uncle Elmer – Hillbilly [*] Wendi Richter – Old School Face I had just about finished off looking through the first few pages as my car arrived to take me to my first ever 'tapings', whatever those were. At least I've got a pretty good grasp on what a lot of the guys names are and what they are going to be doing. There were some pages about who was 'feuding' with who and who would be feuding with who in the future, it said nothing was concrete, but it looked pretty well planned out; a lot more organised than I thought it would be. I'm off to the 'tapings' now, hopefully that'll give me something else to write about and hopefully someone can actually tell what exactly it is that I'm going to be doing around here. I arrived at the 'taping' about an hour later, I had managed to flick through a few more pages of the file Sophie had handed me earlier. Apparently there are four champions here in the WWF. [*] World Champion - Hulk Hogan [*] Intercontinental Champion - Randy Savage [*] Tag Team Champions - The British Bulldogs [*] Women's Champion - The Fabulous Moolah I got backstage and immediately I had no idea where I was supposed to be going, I ran into two guys who were talking to each other and taking notes, I introduced myself to them, they said they were Craig DeGeorge and Sean Mooney and that they were the new announcers for tonight's show. They seemed really nervous, thankfully they sent me towards the rest of the writing crew, which it seems is where I'm supposed to be. I introduced myself to a guy called William Gilzenberg, he seemed to be in charge of the place, he told me that there was nothing for me to do tonight but that I should sit around, watch the show and get to know some of the guys. Not the wrestlers though, they were too busy apparently, I should just stick to talking to backstage guys. I ask him what exactly my role with the company is, he said he'll explain it to me later because right now he has too much to do. Everyone in this company has too much to do, except me. So I found a place to sit and watch from backstage, it was strange watching an event backstage and hearing the crowd all around you, a sort of surround sound that was very surreal. I started making a few notes and then realised I had no idea what I was supposed to be taking notes on, so I sat back and watched the show, while people all around me got on with whatever it is they were doing. [Note: The shows will not be written from Cameron James' perspective, for the minor shows I'll just give a quick recap of what went down, when something needs explaining in more depth I'll do it. I'll write more for the primary show, but I won't be writing huge match recaps as the mass majority of matches in this era weren't overly long and flowing full of moves.] [dohtml]
Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Sean Mooney

Craig DeGeorge welcomes us to the first show of the new year and introduces himself and Sean Mooney as the new commentary team for Wrestling Challenge, Mooney runs through the matches scheduled for tonight including Junkyard Dog taking on Conquistador I. DeGeorge tells us about tonight's main event between The Funk Brothers and the Hillbilly Cousins, Mooney throws it to ringside as Outback Jack makes his way to the ring.

Outback Jack defeated Butch Stanley at 4:10 via Pinfall (Boomerang)

Pretty basic match-up here, Jack brawled for the most part, the highlight of the match being a side suplex from Jack which lead to the Boomerang clothesline on Stanley. The crowd really didn't care.

Overall Rating: 20% Crowd Rating: 1% Match Rating: 40%

Don't cross the Funks

Backstage interview with Lord Alfred Hayes. The Funk Brothers, Dory Jr and Terry, talked trash about their opponents tonights, The Hillbilly Cousins. Terry drops the line of the night saying that "Jim and Luke don't know if they're cousins or brothers... Hell they're probably both!". To which Hayes quickly moves the microphone to Dory who finishes by telling the entire WWF to watch their backs as 1986 is going to be the year of the Funks!

Overall Rating: 58% Other Notes: Dory Funk Jr debuted his new gimmick (None > Crazy) it got a positive response.

George "The Animal" Steele defeated Barry Hardy at 5:57 via pinfall (Flying Hammerlock)

Basic Steele squash, DeGeorge put over the current George Steele/Randy Savage feud and Steele's fascination with helping Savage's valet Elizabeth. Hardy got in absolutely no offence whatsoever, Steele hit an Avalanche Splash earlier on and was in control from then on. Steele had a comedy spot with the referee as he chased him around the ring like a dog before he finished off Hardy with the Flying Hammerlock.

Overall Rating: 36% Crowd Rating: 34% Match Rating: 39%

Nikolai Volkoff defeated Chris Walker at 3:01 by Submission (Bearhug)

Volkoff sings the entire Soviet anthem to huge boos and jeers at the start of the match, probably the first time he's ever finished it. The crowd got behind Walker here, mainly because they dislike Volkoff so much, Volkoff finishes off the kid quickly though, making him submit to a bearhug in the middle of the ring.

Overall Rating: 46% Crowd Rating: 37% Match Rating: 55%

The British Bulldogs will be on Primetime!

A video plays telling us that the WWF Tag Team Champions, The British Bulldogs, will be in action on Primetime Wrestling as they go up against The Young Stallions in a non-title match up.

Overall Rating: 79%

The Junkyard Dog defeated Conquistador I at 6:19 via pinfall (The Thump)

JYD came out to a big ovation from the crowd, Conquistador I was barely recognised. JYD was in control for the whole match, basic brawling, a lot of headbutts from JYD, which finally lead to The Thump and the pinfall for JYD.

Overall Rating: 36% Crowd Rating: 37% Match Rating: 37%

Hillbilly Power

The Hillbilly Cousins along with Uncle Elmer messed around with Lord Alfred Hayes while saying how they were going to go out there and beat the Funks down, Hillbilly Jim says the Funks maybe crazy, but they're Hillbillies!

Overall Rating: 57%

The Funk Brothers defeated The Hillbilly Cousins at 9:34 via submission (Spinning Toe Hold)

The best match of the night by far, mainly because of the Funks though. Dory and Terry mainly focused on the leg on Cousin Luke, hitting a number of different moves including a dragon screw and a kneebreaker. Hillbilly Jim tagged in towards the end and took the Funks down with a number of Clotheslines, Luke tagged in by was quickly overcome by Dory who locked in the Spinning Toe Hold for the submission as Terry brawled with Jim.

Overall Rating: 70% Crowd Rating: 68% Match Rating: 72%

DeGeorge and Mooney thank us for watching and tell us to tune in next week to see Killer Khan in action, as well as Jimmy Hart's Hart Foundation. [/dohtml] Ever get the feeling that you don’t belong? Yeah, that’s how I felt yesterday at the taping of Wrestling Challenge. I sat there not really knowing what was going on, not knowing why things were happening and not knowing whom anybody was. At least one positive thing came out it though, I was told there would be a general meeting on Tuesday where all the new ideas for the upcoming months would be decided upon and I was required to attend. Finally, I might actually figure out what I’m meant to be doing here soon. I’m still required to turn up to the two shows before that meeting though, that is why I’m writing this. I’m currently on the bus heading back to the same arena we were in yesterday, another one of these shows is going to be taped. I was told that the sort of show I saw yesterday was a ‘B’ show, Pat I believe his name was described the whole situation like this, ‘The WWF is like a totem pole, at the top we’ve got Hulk Hogan and a few other guys like Andre and towards the bottom we’ve got guys like Outback Jack. This sort of show is used to try and help Jack work his way up the totem pole, that’s what we use them for.’ I think that’s what he said anyway; he had a strange accent. Apparently there is a plan for all of the writers to go out for a drink to welcome me to the writing team; they said they might even get some of the boys out to have a few drinks with us. I was asked if I thought I could drink some of the wrestlers under the table, I said I’d give it a try. The other guys laughed at me, I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad sign. Anyway, the drink is scheduled for sometime next week. [dohtml]

Announcers: Vince McMahon and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura

A Killer on the loose

Mr. Fuji opens up the show by reminding us how dangerous his client Killer Khan is and that Hulk Hogan better watch his back because on the 23rd January, Killer Khan is taking the World Title away from Hogan!

Overall Rating: 59%

Killer Khan defeated Barry Hardy at 1:09 via pinfall (Knee-Drop)

McMahon and Ventura recap Fuji’s interview, saying how Khan had been named the number one contender for Hogan’s World Title earlier this afternoon. Khan absolutely destroys Hardy from the get go with huge chops and kicks, Khan then finishes Hardy by dropping his knee straight across Hardy’s throat for the pinfall. McMahon and Ventura put over Khan as a monster and say that at Saturday Night Main Event, Hogan is up against the odds!

Overall Rating: 44% Crowd Rating: 31% Match Rating: 58%

Killer Bees defeated the Conquistadors at 6:13 via pinfall (Bee-Sting)

Blair and Brunzell came out to a big reaction from the fans and they were in control for the majority of the match, Conquistador I did manage to take control for a few moments hitting a nice backbreaker followed up with a top rope splash, but he tagged out and Conquistador II quickly lost the advantage and fell victim the Bee-Sting.

Overall Rating: 43% Crowd Rating: 41% Match Rating: 45%

David Sammartino defeated Kevin Krueger at 4:56 via submission (Bearhug)

David Sammartino hit the ring to a pretty good reaction, Vince McMahon kept on putting over the fact that David is of course, the son of the legendary Bruno Sammartino, former WWWF World Champion. The match itself was pretty sure and saw Sammartino working over Krueger’s back with a variety of impact and submission moves before finishing him off with the Bearhug which had McMahon shouting out ‘Shades of his father! The legendary Sammartino Bearhug!’ to which Krueger tapped out to.

Overall Rating: 40% Crowd Rating: 30% Match Rating: 51% Other Notes: Sammartino debuted new gimmick (None > Family Guy)

SD Jones defeated the Brooklyn Brawler at 5:18 via pinfall (Headbutt)

Both men came out to a similar reaction here, back and forth action between the two wrestlers, but the veteran SD Jones came out on top after nailing three Headbutts in a row to the Brawler to put him down for the count.

Overall Rating: 45% Crowd Rating: 36% Match Rating: 54%

The Brain Bounty

A video plays explaining the $50,000 bounty that Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan has placed on the head of ‘Mr. Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff. We see Orndorff publically firing Heenan as his manager and Heenan retaliating a few weeks later by putting a $25,000 bounty on Orndorff. We see the interview where Heenan states that he is putting the bounty up to $50,000 and Rowdy Roddy Piper saying how he is going to collect the bounty. Clips of Piper and Orndorff brawling in the crowd are shown before finishing with Piper standing backstage ranting and raving before finishing with the line, ‘Orndorff… I’m taking you out!’

Overall Rating: 77%

Brutus Beefcake defeated Ted Arcidi at 7:54 via submission (Sleeper)

McMahon and Ventura talked about the bounty currently on Orndorff’s head, which lead to McMahon saying Ventura should get back in the ring and collect the bounty. Ventura countered by saying he would do, but he wanted to give everyone else a chance. McMahon finished off the segment by saying that Bobby Heenan would be the special guest on Rowdy Roddy Piper’s talk show, Piper’s Pit, this week on Primetime.

Beefcake came out with his manager Jimmy Hart to a loud reaction from the crowd. The match itself was pretty pedestrian as Beefcake hit most of his main moves early on before Arcidi took over with a huge powerslam. McMahon put over Arcidi’s legitimate sports background, before he lost control of the match back to Beefcake who finished Arcidi off with the sleeperhold for the victory.

Overall Rating: 53% Crowd Rating: 60% Match Rating: 39% Other Notes: Ted Arcidi didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating. Brutus Beefcake is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.

The show came to a close with McMahon and Ventura telling us to tune in and watch Primetime Wrestling tomorrow, which will see The British Bulldogs take on The Young Stallions in a non-title match up, as well as Bobby Heenan appearing on Piper’s Pit. [/dohtml] [dohtml]

Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan
[/dohtml] [b][u]Harley Race defeated Barry O at 4:01 via pinfall (Cradle Suplex)[/b][/u] ‘King’ Harley Race came to the ring to a lot of jeering as his manager Bobby Heenan put him over to the fans at home on commentary, Monsoon questioned why ‘The Brain’ was in the commentary both instead of down at ringside helping his client, Heenan said that Harley won’t need any help tonight. Heenan was proved right as Race dominated from the outset taking down Barry O with a big Sideslam, Race continued the offence and eventually finished off Barry O with the Cradle Suplex. Heenan continued to build up Harley Race as the ‘King’ of the WWF, referring to Race’s victory in last year’s King of the Ring tournament. [b]Overall Rating: 43% Crowd Rating: 31% Match Rating: 56%[/b] [b][u]Tito Santana defeated Iron Mike Sharpe at 6:34 via pinfall (Flying Jalapeno) [/b][/u] Tito was in fine form here in this fast paced match up, Santana really livened up the crowd with his offence including a beautiful dropkick that Monsoon said was one of the best in the business today. Iron Mike took the advantage towards the end of the match allowing ‘The Brain’ to put down Santana with one of his standard lines, Santana however managed to score a big time dropkick on Sharpe after reversing an Irish whip attempt and then finished off Iron Mike with the Flying Jalapeno for the victory. [b]Overall Rating: 52% Crowd Rating: 43% Match Rating: 62%[/b] [b][u]Killer Khan defeated Barry Hardy and Reno Riggins at 3:15 via pinfall (Knee-Drop)[/u][/b] Monsoon made reference once again to the fact that Killer Khan is the number one contender to Hulk Hogan's WWF World Championship and that the two will collide at Saturday Night's Main Event on the 23rd of January. Heenan said that tonight Mr. Fuji has demanded that Khan go up against two wrestlers at the same time, to send a message to Hogan, Heenan goes on to say he hopes Khan destroys Hogan at Saturday Night's Main Event. Khan destroys Hardy and Riggins from the outside, sending Riggins over the top rope to the floor with a clothesline inside the first minute of the match. Khan works over Hardy before nailing a backbreaker and the Knee-Drop across the throat for the victory. [b]Overall Rating: 41% Crowd Rating: 27% Match Rating: 55%[/b] [b][u]For whom the bell tolls[/b][/u] Mr. Fuji then gets into the ring as Killer Khan picks up Barry Hardy and throws him over the top rope. Fuji with a microphone in hand begins to talk [i]Hogan! Look! Look here and see the man that is going to take away your precious World Championship! Hogan! Look at him, there is nothing you can do... Killer Khan is coming for you Hogan, your time as Champion is over! Hahaha[/i]. Fuji and Khan leave the ring as Monsoon and Heenan put over Khan as a true monster. [b]Overall Rating: 59% Other Notes: Killer Khan gained overness from this segment[/b] [b]Corporal Kirschner in the WWF[/b] A video plays showing Corporal Kirschner in all his military glory, he is seen shooting, parashooting and saluting a lot. The words 'In action next week... ATTEN-SHUN!' Flash up on screen with Kirschner saluting the statue of the Unknown Soldier in the background. [b]Overall Rating: 51%[/b] [b][u]Haku defeated the Brooklyn Brawler at 5:19 via pinfall (Thrust Kick)[/b][/u] Gorilla Monsoon once again questioned why Bobby Heenan was in the commentary box when another one of his clients was about to wrestle, Heenan replied with the fact that he [i]'doesn't want to disappoint all the ham and eggers out there by leaving them with you'[/i]. Heenan went to put over what a savage Haku is and said that he'll make short work of this schmuck anyway. Haku attacked the Brawler before the bell with chops and kicks and continued his offence from there, Haku almost finished the match at around the three minute mark with a vicious tomahawk chop as Brawler came off of the ropes but it only got two, the Brawler made a short lived comeback with saw him nail an inverted atomic drop, he slipped up when he went for a headbutt on the Samoan monster though as it had no effect, Haku then finished the Brawler off with a Thrust Kick, that Heenan called devastating, for the victory. [b]Overall Rating: 45% Crowd Rating: 27% Match Rating: 63%[/b] [b][u]'Mr. Wonderful' Paul Orndorff - 1985[/b][/u] A video begins to roll highlighting the whole of last year in the life of Paul Orndorff, it starts off with Orndorff teaming with Piper at the first ever Wrestlemania against Hogan and Mr. T, which ends with Orndorff begin pinned by Hogan after a mistimed cast shot from Bob Orton. We then see Orndorff firing Heenan as his manager and Heenan setting a bounty on Orndorff’s head, clips are shown of Orndorff defeating Haku, The Iron Sheik and other men who tried to collect the bounty before we see Rowdy Roddy Piper attacking Orndorff on an edition of Superstars. We see clips of Orndorff and Hogan teaming together to beat Piper and Orton in a tag team match, which ends with Orndorff saying that nothing Piper can ever do, can help him defeat Mr. Wonderful. [b]Overall Rating: 77%[/b] [b][u]Piper’s Pit with Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan[/u][/b] As the video for Paul Orndorff comes to an end, we cut to the stage where Rowdy Roddy Piper stands, microphone in hand, on the set of Piper's Pit. Piper looks towards the video screen with a disgusted look on his face. [b]Piper:[/b] Well wasn't that special? A nice little tribute video for (mockingly) Mr. Wonderful. Well you something Paul? All the videos in the world can't stop what I'm going to do to you, when I get my hands on you I'm gonna wrap them around your neck and squeeze and until your head pops off! You think I'm joking? You know me Paul, I never joke... You caused me to lose the biggest match in the history of professional wrestling, me, Rowdy Roddy Piper (Crowd boos) losing at Wrestlemania BECAUSE OF YOU! (Crowd boos louder as Bobby Heenan begins to walk over to the stage) But you see Orndorff your time is coming to an end, ah Bobby, welcome [b]Heenan:[/b] Thank you (Crowd boos) If you ham and eggers would shut up for a second, you might learn something (Booing grows louder) You see, I'm sure even people as dumb as you lot here tonight may have noticed by now that Roddy and I have a problem with a certain, Paul Orndorff (Crowd cheers) right now there is a bounty on his head of fifty thousand dollars, but you see I'm an impatient man and I need to get things done. That's why right here on Piper's Pit, I'm once again doubling the bounty on Paul Orndorff... That's right, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS! Will be given to anyone who beats Paul Orndorff in the middle of the ring [b]Piper:[/b] Haha, beautiful. You see Orndorff, this is the beginning of the end. Do you remember last month when I beat you into a pulp at the MSG? That was how I reacted when I was after a smaller bounty, just imagine what I'm going to do to you now. Because you see, while you irratate me to no end, while you cost me the biggest match of my career, while you ruined everything! This bounty, this money can make up for it. Paul your time is over, Bobby as always it's been a pleasure. [b]Heenan:[/b] The pleasure as always, was all theirs [b]Overall Rating: 79%[/b] [b][u]Ricky Steamboat defeated Rick Martel at 12:15 via pinfall (Cross-body Block)[/b][/u] Both men came out to a favourable crowd reaction here, Steamboat’s however was much louder and longer than the young Martel’s. Monsoon put over Steamboat as being one of, if not, the greatest wrestling technicians in the business today as well as being a true gentlemen and standing up for what wrestling really means. Heenan just called him a jerk. Martel and Steamboat went back and forth throughout the first five minutes of this match up. Martel almost scored the earlier victory with a swinging neckbreaker and then almost got a submission out of Steamboat with a Boston Crab. Steamboat however managed to get back the advantage with a numerous amount of chops, including a top rope Tomahawk chop that got a close two count. The end of the match came when Martel charged at Steamboat while Ricky was in the corner, Steamboat moved out of the way and Martel crashed into the turnbuckles, Ricky went up to the top rope and nailed the top rope Cross-body block for the victory. After the match, Ricky Steamboat stood in the ring and shook Rick Martel’s hand for putting on such a great match, while Monsoon put over Steamboat as a true ambassador of professional wrestling. [b]Overall Rating: 65% Crowd Rating: 60% Match Rating: 71% Other Notes: Ricky Steamboat debuted his new gimmick, it got a positive response (None > Old School Face)[/b] [b][u]Funkin’ things up in 1986[/b][/u] As the Young Stallions and the British Bulldogs make their way to the ring, we hear comments from the Funk Brothers, Terry and Dory Jr, in a small box at the side of the screen. Terry and Dory say how this year is going to be their year in the WWF and that all the teams in the WWF, particularly the British Bulldogs had better watch their backs because the Funks will stop at nothing to become the WWF Tag Team Champions. [b]Overall Rating: 77% Other Notes: Dory Funk Jr. gained overness from this segment[/b] [b][u]British Bulldogs defeated The Young Stallions at 14:57 via pinfall (Diving Headbutt) – Non-Title Match[/b][/u] The crowd’s response to the British Bulldogs was phenomenal, the tag team champions are incredibly over with the WWF fans. Gorilla Monsoon stated that the Bulldogs had now been champions for a little over two weeks after defeating the Dream Team of Brutus Beefcake and Greg Valentine at the last big show of 1985 at Madison Square Garden. The Brain notes that their reign won’t last much longer, especially seeing how the Funk Brothers have turned their attention on capturing the gold, Monsoon and Heenan debate who would win between the two teams as the match gets underway. Paul Roma and Jim Powers started off well here and managed to take an early advantage working over the Dynamite Kid with a lot of quick tags and double team moves. Powers hit an impressive Gorilla Press Slam and followed it up with a second rope elbow drop for a close two count, the Dynamite Kid managed to tag out to the Bulldog who came in like a house on fire, taking down both Powers and Roma with a number of Clotheslines and Shoulder Blocks. Smith hit a sweet Stalling Suplex on Roma for a two count before Roma managed to take back the advantage after reversing an Irish Whip and scoring with a Back-body Drop, Roma and Powers worked over Smith, Powers applied a Sleeper-hold that almost secured him victory but Smith managed to break free and tag the Dynamite Kid, the Kid took Powers down with a Snap Suplex and then knocked Roma off of the apron with a Clothesline before climbing the ropes and hitting the Diving Headbutt on Powers for the three count. [b]Overall Rating: 72% Crowd Rating: 65% Match Rating: 80% Other Notes: Davey Boy Smith debuted his new gimmick, it got a positive response. (None > Foreign Star) The Dynamite Kid debuted his new gimmick, it got a positive response. (None > Foreign Star)[/b] Monsoon and Heenan put over both teams in particular the British Bulldogs, saying how they would be a force to be reckoned with now that they are Tag Team Champions. Monsoon told us to tune in next week when Corporal Kirschner will be in action, as well as Haku, David Sammartino and Randy Savage! The times they are a changing... I think. Today seemed to go pretty well, after having watched three shows in the last three days I'm beginning to see this wrestling thing in a new light. The wrestlers all seem to enjoy what they are doing and the audiences that these guys draw are really into the whole show and I'm guessing its down to how smoothly everything around here is run. Anyway, I arrived at the Stamford Marriott Hotel to find a number of the writing staff that I had seen over the past weekend having a few drinks around a table in the bar, as I walked in the room fell silent until one of them piped up, [i]'Its alright, its only TV-Boy'[/i]. They laughed and asked me to join them, seems like that's my new nickname. We sat around the table and I introduced myself to everyone for the first time, they told me that today Vince would pretty much be laying out his plans for the future and what he hopes to happen at our next big show, Saturday Night's Main Event, as well as Wrestlemania 2, which it appears is the biggest of the big shows and it only three months away One of the guys to my right, I'm awful with names, I think his name was Eddie handed me a folder and told me to have a quick look through that before the meeting so that I would be up to speed with what was going on. [dohtml]
World Wrestling Federation(tm)
[/dohtml] [b][u]New additions to the roster:[/b][/u] [b]Jinsei Shinzaki:[/b] Young, green worker. Extremely inexperienced, being done as a favour for [b]**Censored**[/b] and to try and build up relations with Japan. Name change is a priority, six-month jobber run more than likely. No need for gimmick. Can't speak English all that well [b]The Gargoyle:[/b] Young but muscular, is said to be green but can be quite a worker. Patterson believes he would be great in a tag team as it will help him gain experience before we try him as a singles wrestler. Gimmick and name change are possibilities, [b]Scott Norton:[/b] Muscular brawler, plays the heel well. Patterson suggests Norton as the tag partner for Gargoyle, Lanza and Spade think he should be a singles wrestler. Decision on position and role needed before thoughts of gimmick and name can be started. [b]**Censored**:[/b] Has finally agreed terms with us, will more than likely start next month. No need to change his name or gimmick, finding someone for him to feud with is a top priority. More than likely will figure at Wrestlemania 2 in some way. Is expected to be with the company for six months and then [b]**Censored**[/b] and ourselves will talk again. [i]I'd never heard of any of these guys, which didn't really surprise me all that much. However I found it extremely strange that there was a guy called **Censored** in my book, strange names these wrestlers have. I had no idea what a lot of the terms in this rundown meant either, something I'll have to try and pick up as I go along I guess. Sometimes this place seems like another world entirely.[/i] [b][u]Expected Saturday Night's Main Event Card[/u][/b] [*] Hulk Hogan © Vs. Killer Khan - World Championship Match [*] Paul Orndorff Vs. ?? ?? - $100,000 Bounty Challenge [*] Jake 'The Snake' Roberts Vs. The Honky Tonk Man [*] Randy Savage © Vs. George 'The Animal' Steele - Intercontinental Championship Match [*] The British Bulldogs © Vs. ?? ?? - Tag Team Championship Match [*] David Sammartino Vs. Bret Hart [i]As I was looking over the card, Pat, the guy with the strange accent walked in and looked at the sheet, he put his arm around me and read through the card before saying towards one of the guys on the other side of the table,[/i] 'Hey Will, when did Vince add Savage/Steele to the card?'[i] The guy who seemed to be running things over the weekend looked up and answered, saying [/i]'Last night, the heat is dead for that, he wants to move on... He's got something planned'[i]. Pat shrugged and then walked off towards the bar as I continued to read through the document, there wasn't much more of note in it, a quick rundown of attendance figures and television ratings. I'll admit these guys get a lot bigger ratings than I ever thought they would, how I managed to miss these guys in the ratings charts is beyond me. We sat around for another half hour before Vince arrived, he didn't appologise for being late and it seemed like nobody expected him to. I guess you can get away with that when you're the boss, he seemed to be in a bit of rush[/i] [b]Vince:[/b] Lets get down to business guys, I take it you've all read through the plan? [i]It wasn't so much a question, more of a statement. Everyone around the table nodded and murmured agreement as Vince continued[/i] [b]Vince:[/b] Good, now you'll see that I've brought the Savage match up to this month. As Pat and Gerald pointed out last month Steele just doesn't seem to cut it at that level, so I've got a new plan, Will's got the details and I want Ed to help him with the specifics, I've told them what I want to see, but your input as always is valuable. [b]William Gilzenburg:[/b] I still think its risky Vince, I mean Jay [i][Stein][/i] pointed out how bad his ringwork has become over the past few months just a few days ago [b]Vince:[/b] I know, I know, but he's been good for us over the past few years and I still want to work with him [i]This was going straight over my head, I had no idea what anyone was going on about, so I just nodded when others did and scribbled a few random notes down now and then, to look like I knew what was going on.[/i] [b]Vince:[/b] I talked over the plan for the main event at Wrestlemania with Terry over the weekend, he's fine with it, so both parties agree. I want to get the ball rolling on that one as soon as possible, this is our main objective for the next three months; so I want all of you guys thinking of things for it. [b]Pat:[/b] Is there a location for the show yet, Mr. McMahon? [b]Vince:[/b] Nasseu Coliseum [b]Pat:[/b] Long Island? [b]Vince:[/b] I know you wanted to do the three way split with arenas, but we know we can sell out New York and USA think splitting the show over different time zones is a risk we shouldn't take [b]Pat:[/b] Yes, sir [i]People seemed to instantly stare at me as soon as the word 'USA' in reference to the network was mentioned[/i] [b]Vince:[/b] Right... These new guys. This Jap guy, what do we know about him? [b]Gerald:[/b] Not much, apparently he was the bag boy of... [b]Vince:[/b] Bag boy? How young is this kid? [b]Gerald:[/b] 19 [b]Vince:[/b] Jesus, stick him on house duty with two or three tv spots over the next two months. I'm not sticking green guys out on TV even it is a favour to... [b]Gerald:[/b] Any thoughts on a name, sir? [b]Vince:[/b] No. Cameron... [i]He looked towards me, as did the rest of the room, I gulped before feebly answering[/i] [b]Me:[/b] Yes... Mr. McMahon? [b]Vince:[/b] Get a name done for this Jap guy, nothing too hard to pronounce, nothing that sticks out too much and something that sounds Japanese [b]Me:[/b] Yes... Yes sir [b]Vince:[/b] We'll need it by taping this weekend. Oh and get a few ideas down about what to do with Norton and Gargoyle, we're teaming them together for now, I want something strong, a little out there, off the cuff. Todd and Ed, work on that to if you get time, I want a few ideas by the weekend, we won't be starting them straight away though. I'm sorry gentlemen but I have to be going, Terry is flying in this afternoon and wants a word with me about something so I have to meet him at the airport, if there is any trouble contact during the week if not I'll see you sometime over the weekend. [i]With that Vince got up and left as the group said their farewells, I was still in a state of shock, not only had Vince remembered my name, he'd given me a job, things around this place are really beginning to look up.[/i] After how busy the weekend was this week seemed pretty anti-climatic, I sat around for the most part trying to figure out what sort of name, a Japanese name, at that, that would fit a wrestler. I sat down on Wednesday afternoon and wrote out as many Japanese sounding words as I could think of, the mass majority of them seemed to be from cars or motorbikes, which as I mentioned in my notes would lend an edge of familiarity and credibility to the name. I had to change the spelling of the names though for copyright reasons, Vince seemed to agree with me when I told him about it, sort of, he was kind of busy. He ask me what I thought the best name on the list was, I said 'Sazuki', it sounded Japanese, was easy on the tongue and was pretty familiar to most people, Vince nodded his head and told me to tell Howard Finkel and the writing team that that was his choice. Vince seems really distracted at the moment, I heard a few of the guys say that a lot of the things he wanted to happen at Wrestlemania can't go ahead now and he's stressing a lot over what to do instead. I guess naming guys that nothing is planned for isn't really his top priority, anyway at least I'm getting some work now and I'm getting recognition from a few of my fellow writers. We were sat around backstage and I was asked what I had done before, I mentioned a few adverts and characters in TV shows that I had had input with, they seemed pretty impressed; hopefully I'll be able to think of something for this tag team Vince has got me working on to cement my status. [dohtml]
Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Sean Mooney
[/dohtml] [b][u]Greg Valentine beat Barry Hardy at 4:53 via submission (Figure-Four Leglock)[/b][/u] Greg Valentine and Jimmy Hart hit the ring to a large amount of jeering from the crowd as Mooney and DeGeorge welcomed us to the show and told us that tonight we would see the Hart Foundation in action in tonight's main event as well as seeing the number one contender for the World Championship, Killer Khan. A strange match this one as it contained a lot more offence from Hardy than one would expect, but every time Hardy started to gain an advantage Valentine would cheat and get back in charge. Valentine picked up the win with the figure-four leglock and the aid of the ropes, Valetine and Hart laughed all the way up the aisle as DeGeorge commented on Valetine's lack of respect for the rules. [b]Overall Rating: 50% Crowd Rating: 39% Match Rating: 62% Other Notes: Greg Valentine debuted his new gimmick, (Grizzled Veteran > Cheater) it got a positive response.[/b] [b][u]Nikolai Volkoff beat Reno Riggins at 3:01 via pinfall (Iron Curtain)[/u][/b] A poorly received match here, Volkoff drawing some generic heat but nothing amazing. Volkoff worked over Riggins here from the beginning and hit a very weak looking spinebuster around the two minute mark, Volkoff put Riggins away with a Running Lariat called the 'Iron Curtain' by Mooney for the victory. [b]Overall Rating: 31% Crowd Rating: 11% Match Rating: 52% Other Notes: Nikolai Volkoff debuted his new gimmick (Comrade > Evil Foreigner)[/b] [b][u]The Junkyard Dog beat Sazuki at 5:18 via pinfall (The Thump)[/u][/b] The crowd were alive for this match as JYD had the arena rocking and rolling, a good match up here which say JYD dominate for the majority. JYD hit numerous headbutts and chops through out the match, with a major cheer coming from the crowd when JYD hit a headbutt off of the ropes that sent Sazuki all the way to the outside. The end of the match came as Sazuki looked for a crossbody off of the ropes, which JYD caught in midair and reversed into The Thump for the easy pin. [b]Overall Rating: 61% Crowd Rating: 50% Match Rating:73%[/b] [b][u]Killer Khan beat Barry O at 1:07 via pinfall (Knee-Drop)[/b][/u] The number one contender for the WWF World Championship, Killer Khan, made short work of Barry O here using a variety of chops, punches and elbows that had Barry O down in the early seconds of the match. Khan picked up the victory by choking Barry O in the corner before throwing him across the ring and then delivering the Knee-Drop across the throat for the pinfall. [b]Overall Rating: 43% Crowd Rating: 22% Match Rating: 65%[/b] [b][u]You Khan't get much better[/b][/u] Mr. Fuji grabbed the microphone after the match and once again told everyone how Khan was going to destroy Hogan at Saturday Night's Main Event and take his World Championship, the crowd boo'ed and jeered as Khan raised his arms in the air and then pulled his thumb across his throat and then pointed his thumb down. [b]Overall Rating: 67% Other Notes: Killer Khan gained overness from this segment.[/b] Mooney and DeGeorge talked about how Hogan was going into an uphill struggle and how Khan has been unstoppable as of late. DeGeorge then mentions that as well as the Killer Khan and Hulk Hogan match, it has just been announced that the Honky Tonk Man has challenged Jake 'The Snake' Roberts to a match at the show and that Jake has accepted! These two men will go one on one at Saturday Night's Main Event! [b][u]A winning tradition[/u][/b] We cut backstage for some pre-taped comments from Jimmy Hart and The Hart Foundation. Jimmy says that pound for pound 'The Anvil' is one of the strongest men in the WWF, he says no-one can stop 'The Anvil' as Neidhart laughs in the background, Jimmy then turns to Bret and puts over what a great athlete Bret is and how there is nobody around that can match him in the ring, Bret commentates that a lot of people consider wrestling to be his families tradition... They got it wrong, wrestling isn't his families tradition... Winning is. Jimmy Hart laughs and says that tonight everyone is going to see what The Hart Foundation is all about. [b]Overall Rating: 76%[/b] [b][u]The Hart Foundation beat The Conquistadors at 10:16 via pinfall (Hart Attack)[/u][/b] Mooney and DeGeorge put over how experienced Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart are as a tag team mentioning that they have been teaming with each other for years and years and with Jimmy Hart by their side the sky is the limit in terms of how far they could go. Neidhart started off the match with his usually style of clothesline and quick power moves, Neidhart kept Conquistador II grounded for a while in a rear-chinlock before tagging in Bret, who came off of the second rope with an Axehandle. Bret controlled the match from here on in hitting a number of nice moves including a Russian leg-sweep and a backbreaker, Conquistador II managed to tag out after reversing a Irish Whip into the corner but Conquistador I quickly fell to Bret and Neidhart who put him away with the Hart Attack for the victory. DeGeorge and Mooney mentioned how Bret Hart and David Sammartino are scheduled to face each other at Saturday Night's Main Event in what should be a great encounter. [b]Overall Rating: 53% Crowd Rating: 51% Match Rating: 55%[/b] DeGeorge and Mooney bid us farewell and tell us to tune in next week when we see 'King' Harley Race in action as well as The Fabulous Moolah defend the Women's Championship against Leilani Kai [dohtml]
Announcers: Vince McMahon and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura
[/dohtml] [b][u]Bob Orton beat Barry O at 4:15 via pinfall (Loaded Cast)[/b][/u] Vince and 'The Body' welcome us to another week of Superstars live from another sold out arena in New Jersey! A rare appearance for Bob Orton kicks things off this week as he takes on Barry O. Bob was in control from the outside, the early stages of the match saw Barry O reverse a few of Bob's holds causing Vince to say that Barry O must have done his homework here as he knows Bob like the back of his hand. Orton manages to gain control of the match however with a Side Russian Legsweep and puts Barry O away with a shot from the Loaded Cast while the referee was distracted. Vince comments that Orton has had that cast on his arm for years now, Ventura covers for Orton by saying his has weak bones in his arm. [b]Overall Rating: 42% Crowd Rating:35% Match Rating: 61%[/b] [b][u]Ted Arcidi beat Butch Stanley at 3:10 via pinfall (Powerslam)[/b][/u] Ted Arcidi hit the ring to little fanfare from the crowd, Vince and Jesse put him over as a legitimate athlete, but for the most part he failed to deliver in the ring. A slow and sloppy match here which saw a lot of brawling from Arcidi before he finished Stanley off with a Powerslam. [b]Overall Rating: 32% Crowd Rating: 29% Match Rating: 44%[/b] [b][u]Randy is ready[/u][/b] As George 'The Animal' Steele makes his way to the ring, we see comments from the WWF Intercontinental Champion Randy Savage in the top left hand corner. Savage runs down Steele saying he's had enough of him stick his nose in Savage's business and that at Saturday Night Main Event, he'll give Steele a lesson he'll never forget. [b]Overall Rating: 84%[/b] [b][u]George Steele beat Kevin Krueger at 2:19 via pinfall (Flying Hammerlock)[/u][/b] Vince and Jesse comment on the recent feud between Steele which has seen Steele become fascinated with Savage's valet Miss. Elizabeth, Ventura says its sick and he hopes Savage beats Steele like the dumb animal he is; Vince replies by saying that someone has to stand up for Miss. Elizabeth because the way Savage treats her is disgusting. Vince then puts over the fact that the match will be for the WWF Intercontinental Championship as long as Randy Savage can get past Hillbilly Jim on Prime Time Wrestling, tomorrow night. A short and basic match here which saw Steele take Krueger down with repeated Shoulderblocks and Clotheslines, Steele picked up the win early into the match via the Flying Hammerlock and pinning Krueger for the three count. [b]Overall Rating: 40% Crowd Rating: 36% Match Rating: 44%[/b] [b][u]King Kong Bundy beat Iron Mike Sharpe at 1:09 via pinfall (Avalanche)[/b][/u] Bundy hit the ring 'with a chip on his shoulder' according the Ventura, Ventura relayed a conversation between himself and Bundy earlier today where Bundy claimed he wasn't getting enough respect for the damage he can cause to people in this federation and that from now on his out to hurt everyone. Bundy wasted no time in proving that point here as he destroyed Sharpe with a Powerslam and a Body Splash before picking him up and Avalanching Sharpe in the corner. Bundy then made the referee count to five before ringing the bell. McMahon put Bundy over as a dangerous man. [b]Overall Rating: 37% Crowd Rating: 26% Match Rating: 48%[/b] [b][u]Deadly Venom[/u][/b] We cut to pre-taped comments from Jake Roberts who is sat on a sole chair in an empty room, Damien slithers across the floor and over Jake's feet as he begins to speak, [i]'Honky, Honky, Honky... What have you gotten yourself into? You want to make a name for yourself, you want to take out one of the big dogs in this federation... But you see, you made a mistake in choosing me as your opponent, because you see I'm not a dog Honky, I'm a snake and this snake...'[/i] Jake steps on Damien's body causing the snake to twitch and lunge towards the camera, its fangs on show. The camera pans back to Jake who smiles coldly, '[i]Bites[/i]' [b]Overall Rating: 80%[/b] [b][u]Honky Tonk Man beat Uncle Elmer at 6:19 via pinfall (Shake, Rattle and Roll)[/u][/b] Vince tells us that at Saturday Night's Main Event, Jake will go one on one with the Honky Tonk Man in what could be a make or break match for both men. Ventura comments that Honky has been on a roll as of late and that a victory over Jake could really propel him towards the higher reaches of the WWF. Honky hits the ring to a large amount of jeers and attacks Elmer straight away, Honky remained in control throughout this match working over Elmer's neck for a long time before hitting the Shake, Rattle and Roll to pick up the easy victory. Ventura comments that if he hits that against Jake at SNME, it could easily be a victory for Honky. [b]Overall Rating: 42% Crowd Rating: 41% Match Rating: 44% Other Notes: Uncle Elmer didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.[/b] [b][u]Ricky Steamboat beat Chris Walker at 15:48 via pinfall (Cross-Body)[/b][/u] Ricky Steamboat hit the ring to a huge reaction from the crowd, Vince put over what a superstar Steamboat is and how he is one of the best wrestlers of his generation, even Ventura could find little to say against him. Walker got little reaction from the crowd but for the first few minutes he showed a good knowledge of wrestling holds taking down Steamboat on a number of occasions and even once hitting 'The Dragon' with one of his own trademark armdrags. Steamboat wrestled the advantage away from Walker and came close to scoring the victory around the seven minute mark with a Sunset-Flip which Walker just managed to kick out off. Ventura commented on how well Walker was doing against Steamboat here as Walker nailed a good looking Suplex on Steamboat for two, Walker slipped up however as he went for a Backbody Drop and put his head down too early, Steamboat caught him with a Neckbreaker and then climbed the ropes and hit the Cross-Body as Walker got back to his feet for the three count. After the match Steamboat shook Walker's hand as McMahon put over Steamboat as one of wrestling's great traditions. [b]Overall Rating: 63% Crowd Rating: 51% Match Rating: 75%[/b] As Superstars went off the air, Ventura reminded us to check out Prime Time Wrestling tomorrow as the WWF Intercontinental Champion, Randy Savage will be in action against Hillbilly Jim! [dohtml]
Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan
[/dohtml] [b][u]David Sammartino beat Butch Stanley at 5:13 via submission (Bearhug)[/u][/b] Gorilla and The Brain welcomed us to yet another edition of Prime Time Wrestling, as David Sammartino made his way to the ring. Monsoon reminded us of who David's father was and what a legend in the business he had been and that David himself was making great inroads into solidifing himself as a legend as well. David was in control for all of this match wearing down Stanley with a variety of moves that concentrated on Stanley's back including numerous Backbreakers and Sidewalk Slams, the end of the match came when Sammartino clamped on the 'Sammartino Bearhug' in the middle of the ring, which had Stanley submitting in seconds. Monsoon put over what a roll Sammartino has been on as of late and his upcoming match at Saturday Night's Main Event against Bret Hart. [b]Overall Rating: 39% Crowd Rating: 29% Match Rating: 50%[/b] [b][u]Funk Brothers beat The Conquistadors at 3:10 via pinfall (Piledriver)[/u][/b] Bobby Heenan informed us all about how annoyed the Funk Brothers are, over the fact that The Killer Bees have been named as the number one contenders for the The British Bulldogs Tag Team Titles ahead of them. The Funks took out their frustrations here, destroying the Conquistadors from the get-go, Terry Funk was particularly vicious here and it was indeed he who ended the slaughter with a Piledriver on Conquistador I for the victory. [b]Overall Rating: 53% Crowd Rating: 53% Match Rating: 54%[/b] [b][u]No Funkin' way are they the number one contenders[/b][/u] As The Funk Brothers came through the curtain backstage, Sean Mooney managed to grab a few words with them. Terry Funk went off on a tirade against the WWF stating that they couldn't believe The Killer Bees had been named as the number one contenders. Dory Funk Jr., then said that there was no way that anyone was taking the WWF Tag Team Titles off of The Bulldogs before they got a chance to. [b]Overall Rating: 76% Other Notes: Dory Funk Jr. gained overness from this segment[/b] [b][u]Corporal Kirschner beat Kevin Krueger at 6:10 via pinfall (Lariat)[/u][/b] The first appearance of Corporal Kirschner garned a pretty big response from Gorilla Monsoon who said that he wouldn't be surprised to see Kirschner rise up the rankings here in the WWF very quickly, Heenan said that Kirschner looked like a fool and that fools don't get anywhere in the WWF. Kirschner was in control of this match from the outset and almost picked up the win early on with an Atomic Drop followed up by a Bulldog, Krueger managed to kick out and posed a little resistance for Kirschner hitting a Neckbreaker for a close two count; but the Corporal managed to pick up the win with a huge Lariat for the three count. After the match Kirschner saluted all corners of the arena before heading towards the back. [b]Overall Rating: 40% Crowd Rating: 27% Match Rating: 53% Other Notes: Cpl. Kirschner debuted his new gimmick (None > Armed Forces), it got a positive response.[/b] [b][u]Haku beat Barry Hardy at 2:56 via pinfall (Thrust Kick)[/b][/u] Bobby Heenan stated he had a special announcement as soon as this match was over and left the commentary position as soon as his client, Haku had entered the ring. The match was over quickly as Haku was all over Hardy from the outset hitting numerous chops and headbutts which had Hardy rocking and reeling, Haku picked up the pinfall after a vicious Savate Kick which secured the easy three count. [b]Overall Rating: 48% Crowd Rating: 41% Match Rating: 56%[/b] [b][u]The first challenger for the $100,000 bounty[/b][/u] Bobby Heenan gets into the ring as the referee raises Haku's hand and grabs a microphone. Heenan states that on Saturday Night's Main Event, his client Haku is going to collect the bounty on Paul Orndorff's head, Heenan puts over how strong Haku is and how unstoppable he has been this year. Heenan ends by saying that Orndorff stands no chance at stopping Haku's rage. [b]Overall Rating: 88% Other Notes: Haku gained overness from this segment.[/b] [b][u]Killer Khan beat Junkyard Dog at 4:16 via pinfall (Knee-Drop)[/u][/b] As Heenan returns to the announce table, Monsoon states that Mr. Fuji had demanded that Hogan's friend the Junkyard Dog face Killer Khan here tonight. JYD came out to a big reaction as per usual, while Khan came out to a large amount of boos and jeers. JYD started off strongly here against Killer Khan nailing some big headbutts early on in the match which really got the crowd behind him, Khan however managed to claw back the advantage with a dangerous chop to the throat of JYD. Khan carried on his assualt on JYD's throat hitting it a few more times with chops before hitting his dreaded Knee-Drop across the throat for the simple pinfall. After the match, Khan continued his assualt of JYD's neck and throat dropping his knee three more times before picking up JYD and throwing him out of the ring. [b]Overall Rating: 56% Crowd Rating: 52% Match Rating: 60% Other Notes: The Junkyard Dog lost overness from this match. Killer Khan gained overness from this match. [/b] [b][u]Hogan is next on the list[/b][/u] Mr. Fuji grabbed the microphone after the destruction of JYD and said that Hogan would be next to receive this treatment and that Killer Khan would take the WWF World Championship from Hogan at Saturday Night's Main Event. The crowd boo'ed and jeered as Khan raised his arms in the air and nodded his head. [b]Overall Rating: 69% Other Notes: Mr. Fuji gained overness from this segment. Killer Khan gained overness from this segment. [/b] [b][u]Hype hype hype[/u][/b] As Khan and Mr. Fuji leave ringside, Heenan and Monsoon begin to talk about the up coming Saturday Night's Main Event show. Heenan recaps on how Haku will beat Orndorff and collect the $100,000 bounty on Orndorff's head, Monsoon mentions that SNME will also see other big matches including the Honky Tonk Man going one on one with Jake' The Snake' Roberts in what could be an important match in the careers of both men. Heenan says that he wouldn't be surprised in the least to see the young up and coming Honky Tonk Man to score the victory over Roberts, Monsoon says that HTM has an uphill struggle if he wants to achieve that. [b]Overall Rating: 75% Other Notes: Honky Tonk Man gained overness from this segment. [/b] [b][u]A Savage Champion[/b][/u] As Randy Savage makes his way towards the ring, we see a pre-taped interview with the Champion where he states that he will not only beat Hillbilly Jim here tonight but that he will go on to beat George Steele at Saturday Night's Main Event, [i]Oooooooooooooooooooh yeah[/i] [b]Overall Rating: 94% Other Notes: Randy Savage gained overness from this segment.[/b] [b][u]Randy Savage beat Hillbilly Jim at 11:56 via pinfall (Flying Elbow) to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship[/u][/b] Savage hit the ring to a large amount of boos and jeers from the crowd, Heenan put over what a great man and champion Randy Savage has been, while Monsoon countered with the horrible way that Savage has treated his valet, Miss. Elizabeth over the recent months. Savage controlled the beginning of the match, scoring with a Double Ax-Handle for a close two count, Hillbilly Jim got back into the match with a Big Boot to the face for a two count and then followed that up with a Reverse DDT that almost won him the match and the Intercontinental Championship. Savage however managed to work himself back into the match and scored big time with a Dropkick and followed it up with his top rope Flying Elbow for the victory. [b]Overall Rating: 72% Crowd Rating: 74% Match Rating: 69%[/b] Monsoon and Heenan bid us farewell and told us to tune in at the same time next week for more Prime Time Wrestling action! [i]You don't think [b]that[/b] will work, do you? [/i]Apparently my idea of having Scott Norton and The Gargoyle become a version of Mario and Luigi wasn't going down as well as I had planned[i] I er... Er... Of course not Vince, I'm just er... Throwing out some ideas for er... Gimmicks, right? [/i]Vince nodded, at least I was beginning to get some of the terminology right[i] Right, I'm just throwing out some ideas for gimmicks, you know filling up the ballpark [/i]Vince sighed and leant back in his chair[i] This isn't the sort of thing I want though, not for these guys But you did say you wanted gimmicks that would tie in with some of the sponsors and well Mario and Luigi are pretty huge at the moment, my cousin plays the game all of the time [/i]Vince looked up at the ceiling and mumbled something before looking at me[i] Do you know much about wrestling, Cameron? Welll... I... Er.. Not as much as all you guys obviously, but... [/i]Vince stared at me[i] No Vince, not really You see, that's where our problem lies. I understand the fact that the USA Network want one of their guys, you, to be working with our crew. I mean we need to be told what we can and cannot do, I understand that, but the problem is that you guys just don't get this business It's a hard business to get I know, we have to protect the business a lot, especially around outsiders like yourself... Vince, I'm not an outsider... [/i]Vince waved his hand in the air and nodded[i] I know, I know... But that's the way a lot of people see it. I'll be the first to admit, we've had a lot of trouble before in the past with guys from the network, guys who didn't understand the business or didn't even want to understand the business. You on the other hand seem pretty competant Er... Thanks Now I need to know something... How involved do you want to get? Excuse me? How involved with the company do you want to get? I mean if you want to keep things how they are right now, that's alright, if you're happy writing your little report back to the network every month and naming every gook and Jap that comes over here, I'm fine with that... But don't expect to get anything out of this job. However, if you actually want to do something around here now is the time to say, its not as if this business will just open up to you if you say yes, but it will make things easier for you, I know a lot of the guys on the writing team will be more helpful if they know that your pulling for the same goals as we are [/i]Ever had that feeling that you've just come to a cross-road in your life? Here I was being asked how far I wanted to go in a job, I could stay here and try and work my way up the ladder or head back to the network and continue writing dog food adverts...[i] I want to be part of the team Vince Good, that's what I wanted to hear. Like I said, I know things have been bad between us and your predecessors that's why I want to change things, to bring you closer into the wrestling world, but you are going to have to learn more about the business and the sport. Its not easy, most of the guys you'll be working with have been in this business their whole lives, wrestling is something you learn through experience... Not in the pages of some magazine, I'll get Sophie to sort you out with some details of the business as a whole, that'll at least get you started Thanks Now that that's sorted... The tag team idea, Mario and Luigi? No... Not for this team, we'll put that idea on the backburner for now, maybe somewhere down the line we can use it for enhancement talent[/i] My puzzled look must have gave me away[i] Those guys that lose all the time on the television shows... Anyway, have you heard of a tag team called the Road Warriors? [/i]I shook my head[i] They work for the NWA, big muscular guys, get the hell cheered out of them because they look like and they do beat the hell out of people, that's the sort of thing I want for this team, but I still want an idea that's a little out there... Not this far out there [/i]*Pointing at my Mario and Luigi idea*[i] But something with an edge to it, something that would allow them to be asskickers, while not being the highest rung on the ladder. I'll get Sophie to give you a video of the Road Warriors, so you can see where I'm coming from, I'll speak to you after the weekend Yes sir and er... Thanks for the opportunity You're the one putting your head in the noose kid... Thank me if it doesn't break your neck[/i] [dohtml]
Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Sean Mooney
[/dohtml] [b][u]Chris Walker beat 'Iron' Mike Sharpe at 4:16 via pinfall (Belly To Belly Suplex)[/u][/b] A less than dramatic start to Wrestling Challenge this week as Chris Walker took on 'Iron' Mike Sharpe, Sean Mooney and Craig DeGeorge welcomed us to the show and told us that later tonight we would be seeing Jake Roberts in action as well as the Fabulous Moolah defending her Women's Championship against Leilai Kai. A nothing match here really, which saw both men brawling from the outset until Walker took control around the two minute mark when he reversed a Clothesline attempt into a Side Russian Legsweep, 'Iron' Mike managed to get back into the match for a few seconds after a rake of the eyes but as he went to rake the eyes again it was blocked and Chris Walker hit a Belly to Belly suplex out of nowhere for the victory. [b]Overall Rating: 46% Crowd Rating: 28% Match Rating: 65%[/b] [b][u]Cpl. Kirschner beat Butch Stanley at 5:19 via pinfall (Lariat)[/u][/b] Sean Mooney put over how the Corporal is yet to be defeated this year, as well as mentioning his military background. Kirschner controlled the match all the way through here in a slow and methodical fashion, he eventually put Stanley away with a Lariat following a Shoulderblock charge. [b]Overall Rating: 34% Crowd Rating: 24% Match Rating: 45%[/b] [b][u]Harley Race beat Reno Riggins at 3:19 via pinfall (Cradle Suplex)[/b][/u] Short work for the 'King' Harley Race, seconded by Bobby Heenan, here, as last year's King of the Ring winner dominated Riggins from bell to bell. The veteran took Riggins down with a Drop Toe Hold in the opening moments of the match and controlled the match from there, working over Reno with a huge Side Suplex and a Stalling Suplex before finishing Riggins off with a Cradle Suplex in the middle of the ring. Mooney commented on the fact that winning the King of the Ring put more life into Race's wrestling game and that he's on his way up here in the WWF. [b]Overall Rating: 47% Crowd Rating: 43% Match Rating: 51%[/b] [b][u]Piper's Pit with Haku and Bobby Heenan[/u][/b] Piper was not his usual jovial self here on the Pit, he reluctantly put over Haku as the next challenger for the bounty on Paul Orndorff's head while continually stating that he himself would collect the bounty as soon as Haku had failed at it. Just as it seemed that Haku and Piper were about to square up to each other, Bobby Heenan jumped in the middle and put both men over saying that both men stood a great chance of collecting the bounty before dragging Haku away towards the ring. [b]Overall Rating: 72%[/b] [b][u]Haku beat Sazuki at 0:51 via count-out[/b][/u] Following the face to face with Piper, Haku hit the ring seemingly more aggressive than ever. Haku destroyed Sazuki before the bell had even rung with vicious kicks and chops to the chest, Haku then grabbed Sazuki and threw him over the top rope, causing Sazuki to do a front somersault through the air, and crash into the safety barrier, the count-out victory was academic. [b]Overall Rating: 57% Crowd Rating: 37% Match Rating: 77%[/b] [b][u]A song for the snake man[/b][/u] As Jake 'The Snake' Roberts made his way to the ring, we cut to some pre-taped comments from the Honky Tonk Man. HTM states that at Saturday Night's Main Event, he's going hunting and he's bring back the scalpe of a snake and that on Saturday Night, Jake will be the one to know what its like to be all shook up! [b]Overall Rating: 69%[/b] [b][u]Jake Roberts beat Brooklyn Brawler at 7:15 via pinfall (DDT)[/b][/u] A back and to match here which saw Jake take control early on, until losing control half way through the match when the Brawler reversed a Bulldog attempt into an Atomic Drop. The Brawler took the match to Jake and almost got a three count with a roll-up and a handful of tights, Jake however managed to pick up the win, hitting the DDT out of nowhere and making the easy pinfall, much to the crowd's delight. [b]Overall Rating: 65% Crowd Rating: 53% Match Rating: 77%[/b] [b][u]Leilai Kai beat The Fabulous Moolah at 13:15 via pinfall (Cross-Body) for the WWF Women's Championship[/b][/u] A good match up here which saw both women put in a ton of effort, The Fabulous Moolah took control early on, almost securing victory following a quick Armdrag, Leilai Kai however managed to battle back, with the majority of her offensive based around hard kicks to the torso of the Women's Champion. Kai almost won the match around the eight minute mark when she reversed an Irish Whip into the corner and then Dropkicked Moolah into the turnbuckle and rolled her up for two. Moolah managed to survive and retake control with a neckbreaker and continued on the offence until Kai ducked under a Clothesline and then came off of the far side ropes with a Cross-Body for the victory. [b]Overall Rating: 46% Crowd Rating: 44% Match Rating: 48% Other Notes: The Fabulous Moolah lost overness from this match. Leilani Kai gained overness from this match. The WWF Women's title has lost image.[/b] [i]A strange day today, I arrived backstage an hour or so before today's taping and everybody was seemingly there already, I mean everyone, even Vince. I haven't seen Vince at any of these tapings apart from the Prime Time Wrestling shows which he does commentary for. I stumbled around trying to figure out what the big deal was, apparently a woman called 'Moolah' had decided to retire for good from wrestling and was returning tonight to 'put over' the new champion, whatever that meant. I've been working on a few more tag team ideas for Vince, I'm still not sure on them though. I'll have to talk to him about them sometime next week, hopefully things will go better than they did earlier today.[/i] [dohtml]
Announcers: Vince McMahon and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura
[/dohtml] [b][u]Killer Bees beat The Conquistadors at 8:15 via pinfall (Bee-Sting)[/b][/u] The number one contenders for the WWF Tag Team Titles warmed up for their match on Sunday with a match against the Conquistadors here on Superstars. The Killer Bees controlled through out the match up, with both Brunzell and Blair on the offence. The one sided affair came to an end when the Bees hit the Bee-Sting for the three count. [b]Overall Rating: 40% Crowd Rating: 41% Match Rating: 50%[/b] [b][u]Funk Brothers Interview[/b][/u] As the Killer Bees celebrated in ring we cut to pre-recorded comments from Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr, who both stated that it would them and not the Killer Bees that would take the WWF Tag Team Titles away from the The British Bulldogs and that the Funks would be the team to dominate this division, now and forever. [b]Overall Rating: 75%[/b] [b][u]Outback Jack beat Barry O at 3:19 via pinfall (Boomerang)[/b][/u] Outback Jack dominated the match with very basic brawling and some strange looking powermoves including a Powerslam that almost spiked Barry O on his head, the match finished quickly after that via the Boomerang Clothesline. [b]Overall Rating: 35% Crowd Rating: 14% Match Rating: 65%[/b] [b][u]Rick Martel beat Barry Hardy at 4:17 via submission (Quebec Crab)[/b][/u] Rick Martel hit the ring to a fairly decent reaction and started with a bang taking the match straight to Hardy, Martel focussed mainly on the back and at one stage hit a huge Backbreaker. Martel continued the offence and finally put Hardy away after nailing a Standing Spinebuster and then applying the Quebec Crab for submission victory. [b]Overall Rating: 42% Crowd Rating: 36% Match Rating: 58%[/b] [b][u]Killer Khan beat Cousin Luke at 2:01 via pinfall (Knee-Drop)[/b][/u] Killer Khan in his final match before taking on Hulk Hogan at Saturday Night's Main Event made quick work of his opponent here. Khan threw Luke around the ring with relative ease, hitting numerous Choke Tosses and a huge Hiptoss before ending the match with the Knee-Drop across the throat which secured him the easy three count. McMahon and Ventura put over what a monster Killer Khan is and next week Hulk Hogan is up against a huge challenge. McMahon then mentioned that on Prime Time Wrestling, Hulk Hogan will be making a special appearance! [b]Overall Rating: 49% Crowd Rating: 50% Match Rating: 60%[/b] [b][u]Killer Khan w/Mr. Fuji Interview[/b][/u] Fuji hit the mic and told the crowd once again to enjoy Hogan's reign while it lasted because by this time next week there will be a new World Champion in the WWF and his name will be... Killer Khan! [b]Overall Rating: 60% Other Notes: Killer Khan gained overness from this segment[/b] [b][u]Jimmy Snuka beat Tito Santana at 16:57 via pinfall (Snuka Splash)[/b][/u] A big match for the young up-and-comer Tito Santana as he took on the skilled veteran Jimmy Snuka, both men were over hugely with the crowd and it seemed to get both men going as the first five minutes of this match up flew by as both men hit numerous high flying moves, including a beautiful Cross-body from Santana that almost won him the match. Snuka took control throughout the middle portion of the match, wearing down his younger opponent with stiff chops and huge headbutts, it was around the nine minute mark that Snuka almost won the match with a Piledriver, but Santana managed to just kick out. The end of the match came about, when Sanata looked for the Flying Japaleno but Snuka saw it coming and ducked out of the way leaving Santana to crash into the mat, Snuka took the opportunity to head to the top rope and finish of this high flying affair with the Snuka Splash which secured him victory. [b]Overall Rating: 63% Crowd Rating: 65% Match Rating: 78%[/b] Ventura and McMahon put over what a great match this had been and indeed what a great edition of Superstars it had been as the credits began to roll. McMahon told us all to tune in tomorrow night to Prime Time Wrestling to see the World Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion, 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan, as well as Bret Hart, Paul Orndorff and King Kong Bundy! [dohtml]
Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan
[/dohtml] [b][u]Bret Hart beat Butch Stanley at 5:16 via submission (Sharpshooter)[/b][/u] Bret warmed up for his match with David Sammartino at Saturday Night's Main Event with a match against Butch Stanley, we joined the match in progess as Gorilla Monsoon welcomed us to the show. Bret was in control throughout here and worked over Stanley is his methodical style, hitting numerous big moves including a Russian Legsweep, a Pendulum Backbreaker and an Driving Elbow from the second rope before securing the submission victory with the Sharpshooter. Heenan put over Hart as one of the best wrestlers around, not currently managed by him and said that Hart was his pick for the match against Sammartino at SNME. [b]Overall Rating: 41% Crowd Rating: 23% Match Rating: 59%[/b] [b][u]George Steele beat Reno Riggins at 2:56 via pinfall (Flying Hammerlock)[/b][/u] 'The Buffoon' George Steele as 'The Brain' announced him made short work of Reno Riggins here, after a bit of basic brawling Steele managed to hit the Flying Hammerlock on Riggins to pick up the victory. Monsoon stated that Steele would be going up against Randy Savage at SNME, Heenan backed Savage all the way saying only a complete idiot could ever lose to Steele. [b]Overall Rating: 41% Crowd Rating: 38% Match Rating: 44%[/b] [b][u]Honky Tonk Man beat Barry Hardy at 4:16 via pinfall (Shake, Rattle and Roll)[/b][/u] Honky Tonk Man hit the ring to a pretty poor reaction considering the build for his match with Jake 'The Snake' at the upcoming SNME show, HTM however didn't let that effect him as he easily controlled Hardy here taking him down with numerous Snapmeres and Armdrags, Honky controlled through-out and eventually ended things with the Shake, Rattle and Roll Neckbreaker for the pinfall. [b]Overall Rating: 39% Crowd Rating: 17% Match Rating: 62%[/b] [b][u]Paul Orndorff beat Kevin Krueger at 6:07 via pinfall (Piledriver)[/b][/u] The bounty challenge was on as Kevin Krueger tried his luck at trying to collect the $100,000 with 'The Brain' actually cheering him on. Orndorff however proved too good for Krueger all the way throughout the match up, easily reversing everything attempted on him. Orndorff eventually finished things off with the Piledriver as 'The Brain' lambasted Krueger for being a loser. [b]Overall Rating: 51% Crowd Rating: 42% Match Rating: 60% Other Notes: Paul Orndorff is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.[/b] [b][u]Paul Orndorff Interview[/b][/u] Craig DeGeorge managed to get a few words with Paul Orndorff as he came through the curtain, Orndorff stated how on Saturday he would defeat Haku just like he'll defeat anyone that steps into the ring with him, the rest of the interview, for the fans at home at least, was talked over by Bobby Heenan who said that Haku would not only beat Orndorff this Saturday, but destroy him! [b]Overall Rating: 85% Other Notes: Paul Orndorff gained overness from this segment.[/b] [b][u]Big John Studd beat 'Iron' Mike Sharpe at 1:56 via pinfall (Heart Punch)[/b][/u] A quick match here as Studd made short work of 'Iron' Mike, Monsoon put over Studd's methodical style as Studd squashed Sharpe in the corner. The match finished quickly as Studd put Sharpe away with the Heart Punch. [b]Overall Rating: 36% Crowd Rating: 21% Match Rating: 51%[/b] [b][u]British Bulldogs Interview[/b][/u] A short interview here which saw the British Bulldogs put over the fact that they were the WWF Tag Team Champions and that this Saturday they would be going up against The Killer Bees, the Bulldogs stated that they would be walking in with the titles... And leaving with them as well. [b]Overall Rating: 76%[/b] [b][u]King Kong Bundy beat Sazuki at 0:45 via pinfall (Avalanche)[/b][/u] Bundy didn't take long to beat Sazuki here, nailing him with a huge Powerslam at the outset and then hitting the Avalanche in the corner for the forced five-count. Bundy was out to make a point here tonight and he most certainly did. [b]Overall Rating: 51% Crowd Rating: 34% Match Rating: 68%[/b] [b][u]Hulk Hogan Interview[/b][/u] [b]Overall Rating: 96%[/b] Hogan's appearance had the jam packed crowd on their feet, Hogan posed in the ring for a full five minutes as the crowd cheered and chanted his name before getting down to the interview with Mean Gene Okerlund. [i]Gene: Hulk... Hulk Hogan, in less than five days you go one on one with a man who has been on a vicious and dangerous streak as of late here in the WWF, that man of course being Killer Khan *Crowd boos* Now, Hulk, Killer Khan and his manager Mr. Fuji have both said that on Saturday night, Khan will beat you and take away your WWF World Heavyweight Championship... Hulk: ... Well you know something, MEAN GENE, this Killer Khan brother can just keep dreaming *Crowd cheers* He likes to think that Hulk Hogan is weak and that Hulkamania won't pull me through, but I'll tell you what Mean Gene, Hulk Hogan isn't weak and Hulkamania will always pull me through, brother *Crowd cheers* Gene: But Hulk, you have to admit Killer Khan has literally destroyed a large number of wrestlers over the past few months to become the number one contender for your World Heavyweight Championship Hulk: There's no deny brother, that Killer Khan is a bad dude, brother, but if Killer Khan and Mr. Fuji think that the two of them are enough to stop Hulkamania brother, they've got another thing coming, brother Gene: What about the complete destruction of your friend and mine, the Junkyard Dog here on Prime Time Wrestling last week? Hulk: JYD brother, JYD is a strong dude and 'The Hulkster' knows for a fact that he'll be back soon, but if Khan thinks he get away with injury 'The Hulkster's friends like that he's got another thing coming, brother, because 'The Hulkster' and all the Hulkamaniacs out there brother, are ready for this Saturday night and are ready for Killer Khan Gene: Any final words for Killer Khan, Hulk? Hulk: Khan... Fuji, you say that you're going to end Hulkamania? That you want to Hulk Hogan and take away my title? Well I've got a question for you brother... What you going to do Killer Khan? What you gonna do, when Hulk Hogan, Hulkamania and his 24 inch pythons run wild on you? What you gonna do Khan? Whatca gonna do?[/i] As Hulk Hogan began to pose for the crowd once again, Nikolai Volkoff came out waving the USSR flag high above his head and then challenged 'The Hulkster' to a match, right now [b][u]Hulk Hogan beat Nikolai Volkoff at 12:35 via pinfall (Legdrop)[/b][/u] Your typical Hogan match here which saw Volkoff on the offence for the mass majority of the match, with 'The Hulkster' only getting in occassional offence. Towards the end of the match up Volkoff nailed the Iron Curtain (Lariat) and knocked Hogan to the canvas, Hogan however managed to get up, Volkoff's punches had no effect on Hogan as he got to his feet, Hogan whipped Volkoff across the ring and hit with the Big Boot before following up the Legdrop for the pinfall, as the crowd went wild. [b]Overall Rating: 66% Crowd Rating: 73% Match Rating: 53% Other Notes: Nikolai Volkoff didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating. [/b] [dohtml]
Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse 'The Body' Ventura
[/dohtml] [b][u]A shocking development[/u][/b] We kick off Saturday Night's Main Event with a very sombre looking Gorilla Monsoon who informs the audience at home that there will be no WWF Tag Team Championship match here tonight because of a backstage assualt that happened earlier today. Fortunately, a fan [i]'damshow'[/i], who is here in attendance tonight was video taping his friends when the attack happened and managed to get it on camera. The WWF thank him for allowing them to show the video tape and appologise for the fact that no match will take place tonight. [i]'We cut to outside the arena, the sun is just beginning to set and the fans are lined up by the side of the building waiting to get in, we focus in on a group of friends who all have their arms around each other and are waving Hulkamania signs around when one of the group shouts out 'Look over there!', the camera spins around and we see the WWF Tag Team Champions, [b]The British Bulldogs [/b]walking down alongside the fans signing a few autographs and shaking hands with the crowd, when suddenly out of the crowd jump two men in long brown trenchcoats, they begin to attack the Bulldogs as the crowd jeer, the two men pull off their trenchcoats and reveal themselves to be... [b]The Funk Brothers![/b] Dory Jr and Terry begin to stomp away on the Tag Team Champions, Terry slams The Dynamite Kid onto the concrete floor as Dory Jr throws Davey Boy head first into a wall! Terry retreaves the Funk branding iron and nails both of the Champions with vile shots to the stomach, back and head, before the Funks pick up there coats and run away laughing as the camera cuts out[/i] We cut back to Gorilla Monsoon who once again appologises for the fact that the British Bulldogs will not be able to participate in tonight's scheduled match up against the Killer Bees, Ventura blames the Bulldogs for allowing themselves to be attacked so easily but Monsoon cuts in and says that wrestlers fight in the ring, not backstage and that the Funk Brothers will get what is coming to them [b]Overall Rating: 85% Other Notes: Dory Funk Jr. gained overness from this segment. The Dynamite Kid gained overness from this segment.[/b] [b][u]Jake Roberts beat Honky Tonk Man at 7:16 via pinfall (DDT)[/u][/b] A big reaction here for both men, in particular Jake 'The Snake' Roberts who had the crowd on their feet from the beginning. Jake got a huge cheer from the crowd for threatening to throw his snake Damien at the Honky Tonk Man, which caused HTM to dive out of the ring to laughs and jeers from the crowd. It was Honky however that was laughing early on as he controlled Jake at the beginning, working over the neck area with big forearms and elbows; Honky continued his offence hitting a great looking Side Russian Legsweep for a close fall, Honky almost won the match again when hit a Side Suplex in the middle of the ring which Roberts almost didn't manage to get his shoulder up to. As Honky's dominance continued he looked for the [b]Shake, Rattle and Roll Neckbreaker[/b]... And nailed it, Honky started to dance in the middle of the ring to huge boos and jeers from the crowd, Honky picked up Jake and looked for the [b]Shake, Rattle and Roll Neckbreaker[/b] again, but Jake reversed it and nailed Honky with a Short-Armed Clothesline, Jake picked up Honky and nailed him with the [b]DDT[/b] for the three count to the cheers of the crowd. After the match Jake threw Damien over the immobile Honky Tonk Man, which lasted until HTM came to and realised what was going on, HTM threw Damien off of him and ran to the back as Jake laughed in the ring. [b]Overall Rating: 72% Crowd Rating: 68% Match Rating: 76%[/b] [b][u]Randy Savage beat George Steele at 5:19 via pinfall (Savage Elbow) to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship[/u][/b] The WWF Intercontinental Champion, Randy Savage came to the ring to huge boos and jeers from the crowd, Steele hit the ring to a pretty good reaction as well. This match was relatively short and was based around Steele's fascination with Savage's valet, Elizabeth, who Steele looked at throughout the match up. Savage took full advantage of this and attacked Steele when he wasn't looking, Savage eventually managed to knock Steele down with the [b]Double Axhandle[/b] from the second rope before finishing him off with the [b]Savage Elbow Drop[/b] from the top rope for the three count. [b]Overall Rating: 61% Crowd Rating: 71% Match Rating: 40% Other Notes: George the Animal Steele basically no-sold everything, which ruined the match.[/b] [b][u]Be careful what you wish for[/b][/u] As [b]Randy Savage[/b] comes through the curtain backstage [b]'Mean' Gene Okerlund[/b] stops him to get a few words [i]Gene: Randy Savage, the man who is still... The WWF Intercontinental Champion, congratulations on your victory over George 'The Animal' Steele Savage: Oooooooooooooh yeah, Mean Gene, did you think for one second that 'The Macho Man' would lose to George Steele? Because I'll tell you right now that there was never... NEVER a doubt in the Macho Man's mind about it. Steele is just like everyone else that wants to try and take this title away from me... Delusional... Ooooooooooooooooooooh yeah... Delusional, you think The Macho Man with his Intercontinental Title, Miss. Elizabeth, the high life and everything else that comes with success is delusional? No, The Macho Man has everything in per-spec-tive! The Macho Man thinks... No The Macho Man knows that there isn't a man good enough, strong enough or big enough to take this title away from him... [/i] The Macho Man lifts his arms up into the air and begins to spin around as he speaks [i]Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-[/i] As Savage is mid-turn his right arm crashes into something, he see his hand feel upwards as high as it can go, Savage then takes a step back and looks in shock, as the camera pans back we see why as [b]Andre The Giant[/b] is stood beside him. Savage grabs Miss. Elizabeth by the hand and angrily drags her away as Andre just looks on. [b]Overall Rating: 74% Other Notes: Randy Savage lost overness from this segment.[/b] [b][u]Bret Hart beat David Sammartino at 12:46 via pinfall (Jim Neidhart interference)[/u][/b] A big match for both competitors here, especially for Bret Hart as this was his most high profile singles match-up to date. This was a back and forth contest which saw both men utilising a wide array of moves, particular Hart who hit some of his mor signature moves including the second rope [b]Driving Elbow[/b] to the sternum, the Inverted Atomic Drop and the [b]Side Russian Legsweep[/b], all those moves however were not enough to keep down the son of Bruno Sammartino who managed to get back into the match with a huge Sidewalk Slam, Sammartino locked in the [b]Sammartino Bearhug[/b] in the centre of the ring which would of almost certainly had the match won for David if it hadn't been for Jimmy Hart destracting the referee and Jim Neidhart attack Sammartino from behind; Neidhart hit Sammartino with a Spinebuster, which allowed Bret Hart to make the cover and as the referee turned around, he made the three count. Hart and Neidhart got into the ring after the match and began to mock Sammartino, kicking and stomping on him until... [b]Ricky Steamboat[/b] ran in and made the save! Steamboat cleared the ring off the Hart Foundation and helped Sammartino to his feet to the cheers of the crowd. [b]Overall Rating: 64% Crowd Rating: 61% Match Rating: 68%[/b] [b][u]Paul Orndorff beat Haku at 16:23 via pinfall (Piledriver)[/b][/u] The [b]$100,000 bounty challenge[/b] was on as [b]Haku[/b] made his way to the ring with his manager [b]Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan[/b] at his side, both men received a large amount of boos and jeers from the crowd, which turned into cheers as [b]Paul Orndorff[/b] made his way into the arena. The match itself was a solid affair which saw a lot of back and to brawling from the two competitors, Orndorff established himself early on hitting a [b]Jawbreaker[/b] for two as well as scoring with beautiful Vertical Suplex, Haku however mounted a comeback utilising a number of chops and kicks and even hitting the [b]Savate Kick[/b] at the eight minute mark, Orndorff however just managed to get his foot underneath the bottom rope to break the count. Haku continued the offence with huge [b]Headbutts[/b] that had Orndorff down and out, Haku choked Orndorff out with his bare hands and was only stopped by the referee pulling him off and warning him, Orndorff with the crowd behind him, rallied and got back into the match, Orndorff hit the [b]Piledriver[/b] on Haku at the fourteen minute mark, but it had no effect! Haku got straight back up but walked straight into another [b]Piledriver[/b] from Orndorff, Haku got up again, slower this time, Orndorff nailed a Belly to Back Suplex before picking up Haku once more and hitting the [b]Piledriver[/b] for the third time, this time Haku stayed down and was pinned in the middle of the ring [b]Overall Rating: 67% Crowd Rating: 68% Match Rating: 66%[/b] [b][u]I pity the fool[/b][/u] As Monsoon and Ventura put over what a night it had been so far and got the crowd ready for the main event, we cut to a pre-taped interview with [b]Mr. T[/b]. [i]Mr. T is shown sitting underneath the WWF logo in front of a number of wrestling fans, in the front two rows there are children all dressed in Hulkamania t-shirts with their favourite Hasbro wrestling figures out in front of them, behind them there are some older fans, teenagers and such, some of them in wrestling t-shirts and some of them not, behind those there are a few reporters and older men, the more vigiliant and knowledgable people in the audience would spot the plants in the crowd as [b]referee Shane McMahon, writer William Gilzenberg and Jack Lanza[/b], Mr. T sits facing the crowd on a chair and asks for questions, the first coming from a child in the front row Child #1: Who... Who do you think is the strongest man in the WWF? Mr. T: The strongest? [b]There ain't no stronger guy in the WWF than me[/b], sure they all go around finkin' it, but there ain't... No two ways about, Mr. T can beat down anyone in the WWF, any time, any place... I pity da fool that finks otherwise Child #1: Ev-Even Hulk Hogan? Mr. T: Especially Hulk Hogan, [b]you think me and him only won at Wrestlemania last year because of him? Not a chance[/b], Mr. T was the one that did the work he was just there for the ride, look at the tape, who is the guy that did all the damage? Mr. T, that's who Man #1 (Jack Lanza): What do you think of Hulk Hogan's chances tonight agaisnt.. Mr. T: [b]Who cares about Hulk Hogan's chances?[/b] This is supposed to be about Mr. T, not Hulk Hogan... Listen [b]if Hogan was any sort of man, he'd be defending that title against real men like Mr. T[/b], not someone that no one has ever heard of Man #1: So you'd like to fight Hulk Hogan? Mr. T: [b]If he made the challenge, I wouldn't back down[/b]... Mr. T don't back down to no sucka, especially one like Hogan Man #2 (Shane McMahon): A man like Hogan? Mr. T: Y'Know, a sucka... A guy who thinks he can just go around and proclaim himself to be the best when he ain't... [b]He thinks he's the best fighter around? He hasn't faced Mr. T[/b]... The guy is scared of Mr. T, just like all wrestlers in the WWF are, [b]Mr. T is the baddest of the bad... Believe that[/b] Man #3 (William Gilzenberg): So you think you could beat Hulk Hogan? Mr. T: Beat him? Please, [b]I'd leave Hogan down in the middle of the ring[/b] without any trouble and I pity the fool that finks otherwise... [b]Mr. T against Hulk Hogan? No contest, Mr. T would take that sucka to school[/b][/i] Mr. T gets up and walks away as members of the audience shout other questions at him, we cut back to Gorilla and Ventura who talk over what they have just seen as Killer Khan makes his way to the ring with Mr. Fuji. [b]Overall Rating: 70% Other Notes: Mr. T debuted his new gimmick, (None > Badass) it got a positive response.[/b] [b][u]Hulk Hogan beat Killer Khan at 17:50 via pinfall (Legdrop) to retain the WWF World Heavyweight Championship[/b][/u] The reaction for Hulk Hogan was huge, the crowd almost blew the roof off of the arena as Gorilla Monsoon proclaimed the Hulkamaniacs love for The Hulkster, Hogan came to the ring with 'Real American' blaring in the background, Hogan posed for the crowd and ripped off his vest before getting up in Killer Khan's face to the cheers of the crowd. Hogan however was quickly beaten down by Khan who nailed Hogan with numerous chops and kicks that wore 'The Hulkster' down, Khan applied the pressure, utilising a [b]nerve hold[/b] that had Hogan screaming out in pain in the middle of the ring. Khan continued the offence using a [b]Sleeper hold[/b] to further wear down Hogan, Hogan however managed to fight back to the cheers of the crowd and nailed Khan with huge right hands and a Clothesline before Mr. Fuji [b]threw salt into Hogan's eyes[/b] and allowed Khan to get back in control, Khan continued to work over Hogan and hit a devastating [b]Sidewalk Slam[/b] that almost won him the match and the World Title, Khan managed to hit the [b]Knee-Drop[/b] in the centre of the ring, but as he went to cover Hogan began to get up! Khan attacked Hogan with chops... But they had no effect! Hogan battled back and whipped Khan across the ring, [b]Big Boot[/b] to Khan followed up with the [b]Legdrop[/b], 1... 2... 3! Hogan retains the WWF World Heavyweight Championship to the delight of the fans, Monsoon puts over how Hogan overcame the odds and how he is still World Champion as he thanks us all for watching Saturday Night's Main Event, the show goes off of the air as Hogan is in the ring celebrating in front of the packed out crowd. [b]Overall Rating: 70% Crowd Rating: 74% Match Rating: 63% Other Notes: The WWF World Heavyweight title has lost image.[/b] [i]Strange day today. Vince was actually around for a taping of Superstars, which is the first time I had seen him backstage at a weekend show working with the guys since I had started here, usually he is just straight in for commentary and then straight out again. I think it was something to do with the fact that our big end of month show was only the day before, but still he could of flown home yesterday like a lot of the top guys did. Since he was around I managed to show him my new idea for Norton and Gargoyle and he seemed really impressed with it, he told me to run it by a few of the other writers tonight and at Prime Time Wrestling tomorrow and then talk to him in the week and he’d see about giving it a trial sometime in the near future. Amazing, I’ve been here less than a month and I’ve already had some input into characters, Vince told me that may have a big job for me soon, but it would be with the WWF as such. I pressed him for more details, but Vince said now wasn’t really the time as he hadn’t finalised the deal with Pat, he then asked me if I had watched the tape of the Road Warriors, Sophie had given to me. I told him I had and that the two guys seemed like really good wrestlers, Vince chuckled and said something along the lines of ‘Yeah… Something like that’ and slapped me on my shoulder… Its times like these where I really feel like I missing something. Vince made some excuse about needed to talk to one of the other writers and began to leave, he turned around and told me to make sure I passed around that idea for Norton and Gargoyle and that I should try and find Sophie sometime soon as she had a few more videos for me to watch.[/i] [dohtml]
Announcers: Vince McMahon and Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura
[/dohtml] [b][u]Brutus Beefcake beat Barry O at 5:19 via Submission (Sleeper Hold)[/u][/b] Brutus Beefcake and Jimmy Hart started this edition of Superstars by coming to the ring and making a mockery of the a few of the fans in the front row. Bruti looked like his antics may have cost him the match as Barry O started out aggressively and the crowd seemed to build behind, spurring him on. Beefcake however put an end to all that with a [b]Neckbreaker[/b] at around the four minute mark and then worked over Barry O, with a Sideslam and a Snap Suplex, before getting the submission victory through his patented [b]Sleeper Hold[/b]. [b]Overall Rating: 51% Crowd Rating: 32% Match Rating: 71% Other Notes: Brutus Beefcake debuted his new gimmick. (Egomaniac)[/b] [b][u]Ted Arcidi beat Kevin Krueger at 3:46 via Pinfall (Powerslam) [/b][/u] McMahon talked about Ted Arcidi's sports background as Ardici made his way to the ring and Arcidi backed up McMahon's words from the get go, pounding Krueger into the mat early on with Clubbing Forearms and a devastating Shoulderblock. Arcidi continued the punishment and eventually finished off Krueger with a [b]Powerslam[/b] to pick up the win. [b]Overall Rating: 41% Crowd Rating: 30% Match Rating: 52%[/b] [b][u]Scared? Not a chance... Oooooooh yeah[/b][/u] We cut backstage to find the WWF Intercontinental Champion, [b]Randy Savage[/b] standing by with his valet [b]Miss. Elizabeth[/b] and Interviewer, [b]'Mean' Gene Okerlund[/b] Gene: [i]Miss. Elizabeth, if I may ask you a question first... How do you feel about[/i] Randy Savage grabs the microphone away from Gene Okerlund and begins to speak Savage: [i]Oooooooooooh yeah, Gene, first off nobody wants to know what Miss. Eliz-a-beth has to say when the Macho Man is around, so lets get straight down to busi-nessss... You see the MA-Cho Man, has heard a lot of rumours coming from the fans of the W... W... F, they say the Macho Man is scared of [b]Andre The Giant[/b] because of the way I left when he arrived during an interview last night... But lets get it straight, the Macho Man isn't scared of anybody, you see the only reason I left if so that I didn't hurt him! Because you see the Macho Man didn't just become the Intercontinental Champion by fluke, the Macho Man did it by talent, by beating everyone put in front of him and the Macho Man will continue to do that, even if it is Andre The Giant in front of him... Oooooooooooooooooooooooh yeah, can you diggit?[/i] The Macho Man grabs Miss. Elizabeth's hand and drags her away before 'Mean' Gene can ask any more questions [b]Overall Rating: 87%[/b] [b][u]Cpl. Kirschner beat Butch Stanley at 6:01 via Pinfall (Lariat)[/u][/b] The Corporal entered the arena to a 'huge reaction' in the words of McMahon, who put over how Kirschner was still undefeated this year and working his way up the ladder here in the WWF in impressive style. Kirschner however didn't really get going in the early stages of this match up as Stanley took him down with a Big Boot and then kept Kirschner on the mat with a [b]Rear Naked Choke[/b], Kirschner however mounted a comeback, which saw him use a big Backbody Drop as a set up to the [b]Lariat[/b], which bought him victory. [b]Overall Rating: 35% Crowd Rating: 25% Match Rating: 46%[/b] [b][u]I pity the fool[/b][/u] A recap of the Mr. T interview from January's Saturday Night Main Event, which McMahon puts over as 'shocking in its disrespect of Hulk Hogan', is aired ... Mr. T: [b]There ain't no stronger guy in the WWF than me[/b], sure they all go around finkin' it, but there ain't... No two ways about, Mr. T can beat down anyone in the WWF, any time, any place... I pity da fool that finks otherwise Child #1: Ev-Even Hulk Hogan? Mr. T: Especially Hulk Hogan, [b]you think me and him only won at Wrestlemania last year because of him? Not a chance[/b] Man #1: What do you think of Hulk Hogan's chances tonight agaisnt.. Mr. T: [b]Who cares about Hulk Hogan's chances?If Hogan was any sort of man, he'd be defending that title against real men like Mr. T[/b] Man #1: So you'd like to fight Hulk Hogan? Mr. T: [b]If he made the challenge, I wouldn't back down. He thinks he's the best fighter around? He hasn't faced Mr. T... The guy is scared of Mr. T, just like all wrestlers in the WWF are, Mr. T is the baddest of the bad... Believe that[/b] Man #3: So you think you could beat Hulk Hogan? [b]I'd leave Hogan down in the middle of the ring[/b]...[b]Mr. T against Hulk Hogan? No contest, Mr. T would take that sucka to school[/b] [b]Overall Rating: 70% [/b] [b][u]Greg Valentine beat 'Iron' Mike Sharpe at 5:18 via Submission (Figure-Four Leglock)[/b][/u] McMahon and Ventura talked about what sort of reaction this interview from Mr. T could get from Hulk Hogan, Ventura doubted if Hogan would even reply and agreed that with Mr. T in saying that there aren't many tougher men in the WWF than him and that he would be surprised if Hogan [b]was[/b] scared of him. McMahon said Jesse was overstating the power of Mr. T and that Hogan will always be up for the challenge, Ventura said that we would have to see on Prime Time Wrestling tomorrow, just what The Hulkster's reaction would be. As all this talking was going on, Greg Valentine beat Mike Sharpe in a bland match which eventually ended when Valentine locked in the [b]Figure-Four Leglock[/b] for the submission victory. [b]Overall Rating: 48% Crowd Rating: 23% Match Rating: 73%[/b] [b][u]Volkoff/Sheik Interview[/b][/u] A short and sweet interview here in which Volkoff and The Iron Sheik promised to destroy [i]'those two Americans'[/i] and then waved their respective flags in the air [b]Overall Rating: 48%[/b] [b][u]Volkoff and Sheik beat The Young Stallions at 13:47 via Submission (Camel Clutch)[/b][/u] A pretty big main event here as former WWF World Champion, The Iron Sheik teamed up with longtime Comrade Nikolai Volkoff against the up and coming team of Paul Roma and Jim Powers. Roma and Powers started off well here, taking control in the early minutes of this match, Roma put Volkoff down with a very nice Spinning Powerslam which got a 2 count from the referee, Powers almost won the match for the Stallions as well after a [b]second rope Shoulderblock[/b], Volkoff and Sheik however managed to get back into the match when Volkoff raked the eyes of Powers and tagged in Sheik, the Sheik used every trick in the book to keep the advantage and almost won the match with a vicious [b]Backbreaker[/b], Powers however managed to fight out and made a tag to Roma, unfortunetly for Powers it was behind the referee's back and so didn't count, as Roma and the referee were talking, The Iron Sheik hit Powers with one of his Persian Clubs in the back and then applied the [b]Camel Clutch[/b], leaving Powers no choice but to submit. [b]Overall Rating: 67% Crowd Rating: 53% Match Rating: 81%[/b] [i]After having watched Superstars, I sat around in what I’m told is jokingly called the ‘Gorilla Position’ in reference to one of the commentators’ tendencies to do most of his work from there, and told the rest of the writers about the idea I had given to Vince, some of the guy laughed a little and asked me if Vince had okay’ed it, I told them that he had told me to show them and get their views… They said, that if Vince wanted it they could make it happen and took a few notes down on the names and asked me to explain a few things so they could fill out the idea, so to speak. That was pretty easy, I’d covered this area as a minor during my University days, the writers seemed impressed by the amount of research I’d done into the characters, so I let them believe that instead of telling them the truth… That can’t hurt anyone right? As I was leaving I heard Vince yelling on the phone to someone, apparently someone had just gone into Rehab after returning from Japan because of alcohol problems. Jack Lanza saw me staring and said, ‘that’s what Vince gets for hiring [b]**Censored**[/b], we told him he’s not got the greatest attitude ever.’ I nodded and kept on walking, I’d never even heard of the guy, although Lanza says that this messes up some of Vince’s new Wrestlemania plans… No wonder Vince was so pissed then.[/i] [i]Apparently Vince’s rage didn’t only stay focused on his mystery phone caller, apparently after I had left the guy called [b]Butch Stanley[/b] got a right earful from Vince for using the ‘Big Boot’, which is a move that has been reserved for [b]Hulk Hogan[/b] and then taking down a ‘named’ wrestler with a Rear Naked Choke, while Stanley tried to apologise Vince wouldn’t listen and fired him on the spot. I guess you can do that sort of thing when you’re in charge, I’m just glad I talked to Vince before for the show and not afterwards, I’m told that a guy called [b]Keith Haynes[/b] has been picked up to take over from Stanley for the next few months. Some of the guys (Writers) backstage were asking me what I thought about the Japanese guy called [b]Sazuki[/b], I managed to bluff my way through, saying I thought he had been doing well so far but that he wouldn’t really make it… I’d heard two of the road agents talking about him a few days ago and just said what they said. The writers were split, some of them thought that given the right gimmick he could really get over, others seemed to be in the same camp as me. Apparently it was the big bumps he had taken that had gotten him over with the crowd so quickly and Will (William Giltzenberg) said that maybe changing his gimmick would stop the rise. Will then told me that my idea for Norton and Gargoyle was going ahead and would be debuted sometime next week, I was shocked, it seems Vince is a bigger fan of the gimmick than he led on as he said he wanted to use it as soon as possible when Will had brought the topic up with him A lot of the guys were kinda worried about tonight’s show, they said that tonight would kick off a pretty big angle in the build up towards Wrestlemania II and were hoping that everything would go down as they had planned. It’s one thing to write something down and plan it out well, another thing to have it actually work… I told a joke story about how I’d planned this big dog food advert out, back when I worked for the Network and how it ended up with six dogs running away from set just as the cameras started rolling… It didn’t go down too well, so I made my excuses and left[/i] [dohtml]
Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan
[/dohtml] [b][u]Jack Tunney has words for The Funk Brothers[/b][/u] The show opens up with a sombre looking [b]Jack Tunney[/b] sat behind an oak desk, he sits with his hands folded on top of one and other looking straight ahead at the camera, he clears his throat before he begins to speak Tunney: [i]Last week at January's Saturday Night Main Event, two men that go by the names of [b]Terry Funk[/b] and [b]Dory Funk Junior[/b] attacked the reigning WWF Tag Team Champions, [b]The British Bulldogs[/b] outside of a WWF arena. This attack led not only to injuries to the Bulldogs, but also the cancellation of a scheduled WWF Tag Team Title defence; because of this the World Wrestling Federation have decided that both [b]Terry and Dory Funk are to be suspended until further notice[/b] from participating at WWF events throughout the country. The duo will not be allowed back into a WWF ring until they have proven that they are worthy of their position as WWF wrestlers and have shown the WWF board of directors enough reason as to raise the suspension put on them. As President of the World Wrestling Federation, I can not in good faith allow actions such as those taken by the Funks to happen and hope that this punishment will be enough to deter anyone else from using similiar, underhanded tactics. Thank you.[/i] [b]Overall Rating: 72% Other Notes: Jack Tunney debuted his new gimmick.(None > People’s Boss) Jack Tunney gained overness from this segment.[/b] [b][u]Hillbilly Jim beat Reno Riggins at 4:19 via Pinfall (Hillbilly Drop – Reverse DDT)[/b][/u] Bobby Heenan began to run down the decision by Jack Tunney, saying he couldn't believe how the Funks were being treated by the WWF for taking advantage of an opportunity that arose for them, Monsoon argued that wresting takes place in a wrestling ring, not in the parking lot. Hillbilly Jim made short work of Reno Riggins this week taking control from the beginning, working over Riggins neck with Swinging Neckbreaker and numerous Clubbing Forearms across the shoulders and neck area. Jim eventually finished things with a Reverse DDT, which Monsoon called the [b]Hillbilly Drop[/b] for the pin. [b]Overall Rating: 46% Crowd Rating: 37% Match Rating: 55%[/b] [b][u]Cpl Kirschner beat Barry Hardy at 3:56 via Pinfall (Lariat)[/b][/u] Kirschner was pulling double duty for this weekend, it didn't seem to faze him however as he made short work of Barry Hardy here. As Monsoon put over the Corporal as still undefeated in 1986, Kirschner scored with a nice looking Inverted Atomic Drop, before finishing off Hardy with a [b]Lariat[/b] for the pinfall. [b]Overall Rating: 40% Crow Rating: 21% Match Rating: 59%[/b] [b][u]Bob Orton beat Keith Haynes at 1:01 via Pinfall (Loaded Cast)[/b][/u] Bob Orton was in no real mood for a long fight this week and scored the quick win a [b]Loaded Cast[/b] to the head of Haynes as he was backed into the corner, Orton left the ringside area quickly after the 'match'. [b]Overall Rating: 31% Crowd Rating: 11% Match Rating: 52%[/b] [b][u]Heenan's new Bounty Collector[/b][/u] As Orton left the ringside area, Monsoon and Heenan began to talk about Saturday Night's Main Event show and in particular the [b]Orndorff Vs. Haku[/b] match that took place. Heenan ran down Haku, saying his was incompetant and couldn't get the job done, leading to Monsoon saying that it did take three Piledrivers from Orndorff to keep Haku down. Heenan shrugged it off saying that it didn't matter because next week on Prime Time Wrestling [b]he was going to introduce the world to the man that would collect the $100,000 bounty on Orndorff's head.[/b] [b]Overall Rating: 82%[/b] [b][u]Rowdy Roddy Piper beat Barry O at 6:45 via Submission (Sleeper Hold)[/b][/u] Monsoon questioned whether or not Piper had heard what Bobby Heenan had just said about introducing a new bounty hunter as he was in one terrible mood and as everybody knows, Piper has his heart set on destroying Orndorff not just for the bounty but just because he hates him, Heenan says hate isn't strong enough a word for the feelings Piper has towards Orndorff. Piper took out a lot of his hate and frustrations during this match on poor Barry O as he beat him from pillar to post without letting him get any offence in, Piper even took the match to the outside and rammed Barry O's head into the ring post before rolling him back inside and getting the academic victory with the [b]Sleeper Hold[/b] in the middle of the ring. Piper it would seem is a man with only one thing in mind, the destruction of all those that stand in front of him, particularly Paul Orndorff. [b]Overall Rating: 62% Crowd Rating: 59% Match Rating: 65%[/b] [b][u]It's all about Tradition[/b][/u] We cut backstage for a quick interview with the WWF's newest tag team, [b]Ricky Steamboat[/b] and [b]David Sammartino[/b], who go under the combined name of [b]Tradition[/b]. Steamboat: [i]'For years... For generations, professional wrestling has been built on respect, on honour, on a man's pride... It's been built on tradition. However at Saturday Night's Main Event last week, two men tried to break the rules to get ahead, to throw away honour, respect and pride, those two men were Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart. You see they don't care about professional wrestling, they don't care about honour, respect and pride, they don't care for the things that myself and David here have built our careers on, but they will soon learn that if you don't have these things, you can not survive in professional wrestling.[/i] Sammartino: [i]'I remember the first time I ever stepped foot into a wrestling ring, I remember looking across at my father, Bruno Sammartino and I remember him telling me what wrestling was all about. About how difficult it was, about the honour you needed to step into a wrestling ring and do well, about the pride you had to have in yourself to succeed, about the respect you needed for your opponents... And I think back to last week or even further back to the ways that the Hart Foundation have acted before and I realise that they have no honour, no pride, no respect'[/i] Steamboat: [i]Bret Hart has often said that his families tradition is winning... If winning by tainted means is his definition of a true victory then let him have it. My tradition... David's tradition... Our tradition is professional wrestling, representing the sport in its truest light and form, this is what we're going to teach to the Hart Foundation... They want the tainted win they got at Saturday Night's Main Event? They can have it... But they can never be anything more than vultures until they face Tradition in a fair fight[/i] [b]Overall Rating: 59% Other Notes: Ricky Steamboat lost overness from this segment. David Sammartino gained overness from this segment.[/b] [b][u]Tradition beat The Conquistadors at 9:15 via Pinfall (Crossbody)[/b][/u] David Sammartino and Ricky Steamboat came out to a pretty big reaction from the crowd here and really seemed to click from the beginning of their first ever match as a tag team. Tradition pretty much dominated the match with Steamboat working over Conquistador #1 for the first few minutes, which included Steamboat hitting a beautiful Dropkick before tagging out to Sammartino. Sammartino slipped up once which allowed for a tag between the Conquistadors to take place, but Sammartino got back in control of the match with a Powerslam, followed up by a Spinebuster. Sammartino tagged in Steamboat who eventually hit the [b]Crossbody[/b] from the top rope to secure the victory for Tradition, as Monsoon put over what a great tag team they made. [b]Overall Rating: 41% Crowd Rating: 41% Match Rating: 47%[/b] [b][u]Hulk Hogan Video[/b][/u] A video aired as Tradition made their way from the arena that stated that [b]Hulk Hogan[/b] would be on this week's edition of [b]Superstars[/b]! And he would have comments for [b]Mr. T[/b] following Mr. T's comments recently at Saturday Night's Main Event. What will the Hulkster have in store for Mr. T? You can only find out by watching Superstars! [b]Overall Rating: 99%[/b] [b][u]Brutus Beefcake beat The Junkyard Dog at 7:16 via Pinfall (Roll-up)[/b][/u] Monsoon and Heenan talked about what exactly Hogan could have in store for Mr. T, as JYD and Brutus Beefcake battled in the main event of the evening. Bruti, who was making his second appearance of the weekend, struggled to begin with as JYD caught him early with a number of Headbutts which almost secured victory for the fan favourite. Beefcake however managed to get back into the match after reversing an Irish Whip from JYD and taking him down with a Clothesline, JYD however wouldn't stay down and managed to fight back and at the seven minute mark looked for [b]The Thump[/b] (Powerslam) to secure things for him, Beefcake however slid down the back of JYD, pushed him into the turnbuckle and then [b]rolled him up[/b] for the three count, to the shock and displeasure of the crowd. Bruti left the arena with his hands in the air, as the show went off of the air. [b]Overall Rating: 59% Crowd Rating: 61% Match Rating: 57% [/b] [i]In one of the strangest examples of discipline I’ve ever heard of working for any company, [b]King Kong Bundy[/b] has been suspended from wrestling for the WWF until the end of this month (January) for his behaviour at a recent autograph signing session, the strange thing about this though is that it’s the 24th today and Bundy won’t actually miss any shows he was actually scheduled on… Sometimes this place does strike me as strange. According to [b]Paul Roma[/b], his friend and tag team partner [b]Jim Powers[/b] has found religion, I’m not sure which one or if its really big news as I’ve never actually spoken to the man, but that seems to be the news floating around the locker room at the moment, it can’t be that bad for the place to have a religious man around though, right? [b]Gargoyle and Norton[/b]’s debut is apparently going to take place on next week’s [b]Wrestling Challenge[/b], things are going to get sorted out during the week for their first match… Hopefully everything goes alright and I don’t find myself out of a job on Sunday morning.[/i]