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Proxy Server Info
Proxy Server Information

The Carl B. Ylvisaker Library at Concordia College, Moorhead Minnesota, provides access to many subscription databases through use of the library proxy server. Service is available to Concordia students, faculty, staff and area pastors. To use these subscription databases off-campus you will need Internet access, an active Carl B. Ylvisaker library card and the proxy server setup on your computer.

How to set-up the Proxy server
1. On your computer open your Netscape web browser
2. From the Edit menu - Click on Preferences
3. Open the Advanced menu - Click on Proxies
          Select Automatic proxy configuration
          Type in: 
4. Click on OK
5. You must restart your computer to use the Proxy service.
*Additional browser configurations are available at
*AOL users see the PALSHelp Answerbook  at
*PALS does not recommend use of Internet Explorer for Proxy service.
*If you setup the Proxy server on a computer in a public lab at an off-campus site you MUST remove the proxy settings and restart the computer when you finish with your computer session. Directions for removing Proxy settings.


Accessing the Library Databases
1. Start Netscape
2. Go to the library home page at
3. Click on Online databases and choose a database to search.
4. Login when the proxy server login screen appears. 

How to Login
User name:  Library card barcode (numbers not letters)
Password:    First 8 letters of your last name
*Be aware that our proxy login screen may come up for web sites that require login.
*Access is limited to subscription databases that allow proxy server access. 

How to remove the Proxy server settings
1. On your computer open your Netscape web browser
2. From the Edit menu - Click on Preferences
3. Open the Advanced menu - Click on Proxies
          Select Automatic proxy configuration
4. Click on Direct Connection to the Internet
5. Restart your computer.

Last Updated 02-21-01
Maintained by Reference Staff
Reference Department, Carl B. Ylvisaker Library
Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota