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My Bio for Angel (Dark Lady of the Sith.)

Angel is owned by me ASK ME before useing her or makein' a char like her (As in Full or Half Angel).

This is my bio for my Orignal RP Person. Do not use her with out my permission.

Bio: Angelic Was born on the hard planet of Iego, and lived there until she was 2, when she was discovered by Jedi Master Devcon, He took her in and trained her in the ways of the force sending her to Luke Skywalker’s (Who later turned out to be her cousin.) Jedi academy for basic training until she was 5. At 14, Angel's Master was killed by a sith, the same sith that had been chaseing her most of her life in hopes to turn and train her... In a way he succeeded she turned to the dark side and began to hunt him down training and learning the ways of the sith though the holocron of Naga Shadow. Training over the next two years she grew more powerful in the Dark Side and following her Uncle Vader's Dark Path Untill her cousin Luke found her and turned her back after a long battle. After becoming a jedi master and falling in love with Booster Errant she was captured by a sith who forced her to the dark side using a sith poison once again becoming a sith. A few months later her Jedi friends and Booster found her and turned her back to the light getting the poison out of her not too long afterwords Booster soon left to find his brother and dissappeared leaveing angel to think him dead. Now years later she is once again captured but this time not forced or turned to the dark side...Now she has fallen in love with the sith Darth Vassago. Who is a blood relative of Exar Kun, and Emperor Palpatine. Following her aunt Padme’s path, Angel Eventually Married him and is now pregnant with their first child who will be undoubtedly powerful..but descending from 3 sith lords...And the now current Dark Lord and Lady of the Sith...How can he not? But Angel’s about to meet some one from her past one of her triplet sisters has teamed up with Robal who’s daughter was stolen by her husband Vassago. Robal returned for his daughter and in a brillently stupid plan switched Angel with her look-a-like sister Briina Skywalker who didn't convence Vassago that she was Angel. While Angel was with Robal he suceeded in turning her back to the light slightly leaveing a bit of his mind in hers. Later Vassago forced Robal to excange Angel for Briina and once again Angel was in the sith's hands only to be turned back from what little of the light she still had. Haveing Vassago's child shortly afterwords Angel and Vassago took a relaxing trip just for them then they went off concoring the galaxy starting the next jedi purge.

15 years later.

Becomeing the rulers of the galaxy Angel and Vassago..Along with their son Revan have all become powerful in the dark side..But as always the jedi will always fight back even faceing the large bountys on their heads. Also Angel's first Love Booster Errant is back...After being gone for over 15 years and thinking him dead angel was given his old lightsaber with a holo of them by a Shadow of Lord Paragon's (Booster) servants...After meeting with him Angel decided she never wanted to see him again...and have to go though the pain of loseing everything she has..but as fate would have it a new threat has reviled it's self forceing the Jedi and the Sith for the first time in History to join together to stop it or die.

But the Alliance was doomed from the beginning…Robal and Vassago soon entered a duel to the death…Robal’s death. After that Vassago left with out a trace. Without saying good bye. Angel and her son Revan went on for a while but soon had disagreements about Angel’s decision about returning the galaxy back to the republic…Revan left and went in search of his father. Not having seen Vassago or hearing from him in over 8 years Angel assuming he was dead and had a memorial built on Korriban to remember her late husband. Returning the Galaxy back to the republic Angel was redeemed herself in both her eyes and the republics.

Aiding the Republic in the war and occasionally working along side her sister Briina, Angel Slowly worked her way back to the Lightside of the force…But fearing to turn back again Angel wears a force collar around her neck only turning it on when her emotions get out of control. Picking up odd jobs for the republic, Angel went into bounty hunting helping the Republic take out certain targets, and find others for protection…Now, seeking out the Jedi Angel hopes to join them once again to fight for Peace.

Mostly independent but loyal to those she works with, Angel is a cunning worrier and is full of surprises.

Family line: Angelic's fathers side can be traced as far as her Grandmother & Grandfather who was Shimi Skywalker who had Anakin (who married Padme Nabarrie) and Gabriel Skywalker (Who after he was born was taken from her by her first master, and later saved by the Jedi and taken in for training. Later he gave the Jedi up when he fell in love.), who married Hope Karroni of Iego, Who had triplets (Angel being the oldest of the three). Angel’s Father’s side makes her Anakin Skywalker’s Niece. Angel’s mothers side (Little is known about her family) makes her half Angel. With her Force abilities and her angel heritage...Angelic is a rare type of Force user, while all Angel’s have a little bit of a force ability they rarely have Jedi or Sith training Angel has both making her one of a kind....And Very Dangerous for anyone who oppose her.

Level 10 Sith Grand Master.


Absorb/Dissipate Energy- 5

Force Lightning - 5

Danger Sense - 5

Telekinesis -5

Enhance Attributes - 5

Cryokinesis - 4

Lightsaber Combat - 5

Reduce Injury - 5

Control Pain - 4

Levitation - 3

Translation - 1

Control Mind - 5

Dim Other’s Senses- 3


Galatic Defenders (EU)
The New sith Order. (EU)
Galatic Defenders. (RPG) (It's over but you can read it,
New sith Order (RPG) (^ Dittio)
Dark Side Uprising: The Return of the Ancient One (Over but you can read it)
Darkside Uprising II: Imperial Dreams
Iego. (Explains why Angel can just Disappear and reappear when she needs too)
Angel's cloths