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Hey There

Hey There Hey there, Welcome to my page. Im new to this whole thing. As you can tell im a newbie at making bear with this ugliness ok =) Oh yea..this song is title "Bring Me to Life" its a wicked track..please wait for it to load..its worth it

Who I Be I am labelled as Olivia. My friends have labelled me as Libby and Livia but whether you call me by my real name or my nicknames, it doesnt really bother me. I live in the chaotic city of Toronto where I freeze me a$$ off everyday, but I Love this country nevertheless, becuase I was born here, therefor making me Canadaian. The blood that runs through my viens classify me as a Chinese female. However, taking in the fact that I was born here on December7; 16 years ago I am under the category people know as Canadian Born Chinese aka C B C. I am more than happy to meet new people, so if you wanna just chat my ICQ digits are 136832203. Buh By

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