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Shayne Fenix

Nickname/Call Sign: Rogue
Name: Shayne Hunter Fenix
Age: 18
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'
Race: Human
Distinguishing features: Set off white streek in hair
Home World: Kessel
Last Known Location: Coruscant
Spoken language: Basic, Bocce, Huttese, Ewokese
Occupation: Rogue Jedi, EX-Black Sun Agent
Weapon of choice: Yellow Bladed Lightsaber(primary),Twin DH-17 Blasters(secondary)
Favorite outfit/peice of clothing: Black formfitting flightsuit

Known Family:

Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Siblings: None
Zane Nazareth
Shalimar Nazareth
Bryce Nazareth
Megan Nazareth-Tzymo
Jack Tzymo
(Cousin-in-law (Megan's Husband)
Second Cousins:
Sierra Nazareth (Zane's)
Daelynn Jayce(Shal's)
Remus Jayce (Shal's)

Other Relations:
Auric Sunrider(Bestfriend/Mentor)

Born on the crowed planet of Coruscant, two month old Shayne Fenix
was abandoned by her parents on the steps of the Jedi Temple. Where in
the years to come she was instructed in the Jedi Arts. Shortly after she
turned five she met her best friend Aruic Sunrider in her travels with her
Master. In the time the two were together they were pretty much inseparable.
As she got older Shayne became more restless, her mind constantly dwelling
on thoughts of what life was really like outside the temple walls.

At the age of ten her thoughts and curiosity got the better of her and one
night during a mission away from the temple she ran away.

Spending the next two years on her own, having severed all links to her
past, she soon found herself avoiding anyone who even resembled a Jedi.

A year later she found work on a ship that was selling and trading droids
and parts with the Trade Federation. Sick of the hard and tiresome work
Shayne wanted out. On one such meeting she managed to stow away on board
one of the Trade Federation ships. Shortly after she was found by the
ship’s owner Hedrissa, who found the misguided teen interesting and took
Shayne under her wing becoming her guardian and teaching her many useful
skills. Shayne used her newly found skills to construct a protocol droid
which she named JD.

Two years later while on Coruscant sixteen year old Shayne met a young Black
Sun agent named Nakalya Jayce, who intrigued Shayne with the details of her
job. Not to long after Shayne found herself wandering the halls of the palace
wearing a Black Sun uniform. Finding the job rather enjoyable she convinced
Hedrissa to join as well.

Since joining the Black Sun Shayne has been reunited with her best friend
and found a couple of cousins she never knew she had. She Has recently been
accepted into a special team of Black Sun agents called the “Erasers”.

Droid:Blue Protocol Droid JD427 "JD"

Vehicle of choice: Silver Modified YT-2400 "Rapier"