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About Me
I am Allen Leaņo Valeros, Born on the 24th of June 1972. My country of birth is Philippines, I`m a Roman Catholic. Nevertheless, I`m aware of the other religious practices which resulted from my seven years of working in Israel up to the present. Given a chance, I`d like to study further and serve a better purpose in life. Travel is one of my interest, I`ve been to Thailand, Hongkong, Cyprus, Egypt and of course the historical places of Holyland. My hobbies are cooking, watching movies, listening to music and surfing on the Net. I spent my college life in Mariner`s Polytechnic Colleges Foundation in Naga City Philippines where I earned a degree of Marine Engineering. Two years after I graduated, I left to work in Israel as a caregiver, I became a much better human being. I learned that when somebody depends on you totally you must be hundred percent reliable. Along with the job comes the responsibilty towards other, patience, compassion, adaptability, caring and most of all understanding people`s need and sufferings. Seven years of experienced may explain better than I possibly can. Care giving is a very humble job but a very rewarding one because I can see the effect of every simple deed I do to others, Since I believe that what I do to others, I`m doing it for God, then I always make an extra effort to give my best shot in everything I do with a willing heart.... Thank You for visiting my page.....
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Allen Valeros
Me, and the two Angel`s!
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Allen & Arpe
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