LeVeL 1 Zoids

Level 1 Zoids


For a challenge in piloting, choose this zoid. Light, extremely fast for it's size, and not very armed. The Demantis can travel at an impressive 370km/h. This means it's faster then a Lightning Saix at top speed. Standard, it comes with Quad 20mm cannons, 20mm gatling unit, and strengthened-alloy front claws. Of course, this zoids weaknesses are many and obvious. With virtually no armor and few weapons. It's incredibly low weight means it can be tossed a great distance, or against much larger zoids, easily crushed. Choose this zoid with extreme caution. It comes standard in a bright green/black coloring.
Available Upgrades
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Gun
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missiles
AF-07 Surface to Air missiles


One of several light zoids with few weapons. Going at 200km/h, the Molga can go on almost any terrain with ease. It's standard weapons are quad forward-facing 20mm cannons, concealed twin 20mm cannons (located in tail-sections), and twin antenna array (capabilities unknown). It is already painfully obvious this zoids weakness are too numerous to count. Low weight, light armor, and barely any weaponry. Choose only if you are skilled or are a beginner. Comes standard in grey/red coloring.
Available Upgrades
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Gun
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missiles
AF-07 Surface to Air missiles
CP-07 Cannory unit


A basic zoid in every respect. This zoid would be tottaly useless save its abalitly to fly. It carries only a 16mm Nose Cannon Two Rocket Pods, And Two Air-to-air/Air-to-surface Missiles, light by any standard. The petras can achive speeds up to mach 2, impressive on the whole, but weak for an air zoid. The strengths are few, and the weaknesses many, including light armor and arsenels and weak wing seactions. Use this zoid if you have no choice, or enjoy a challange... Much better air zoids are avaible. The standard color scheme is blue w/ an orange canopy.
Avalible upgrades:
AF-08 Energy Wing Cutters
CP-06 Bomber Units
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Guns
AF-05 Air to Air Missle Pack

-Republican Command Wolf

The Republican Command Wolf is the standard platform for all other Command Wolf types. During the Helic/Guylos war, this Command Wolf was the main-stay of the Republican forces. Well armed, agile, fast, and tough, the Command Wolf is a very dependable Zoid. Unfortunately though, the Command Wolf has a tendency to be easily overwhelmed by a Zoid even the slightest bit more powerful than itself; even when in large numbers. Fighting Level 4 Zoids is unadvised when using the Command Wolf. The Command Wolf comes equipped with a dual 50mm cannon which is capable of rotating 180 degrees. It also features four smoke generator stacks on the rear section of the Zoid. When in combat, the Command Wolf is capable of reaching speeds up to and over 200km/h. This Zoid initially comes in a white paint scheme.
Available Upgrades:
CP-04 Attack Unit
CP-06 Bomber Unit
CP-14 Viking Lance Unit
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Gun
AF-11 Stealth Shield


The Guysack is a zoid for beginners. Very adaptable to conditions on a terrain. Though it's speed, only 120km/h, and weaponry, two pincer arms and a single tail-mounted 20mm mini-cannon, don't give it much of a chance in battle. Although, with the tail, it's balanced out to make it hard to flip despite the low weight. It mainly comes in brown coloring.
Available Upgrades
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Gun
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missiles
AF-07 Surface to Air missiles


A grunt in every way imaginable, the Godos is a republican front line Zoid that was usually sent into combat in extremely high numbers. Usually upwards of at least 50 per squad. The Godos is by no means equipped for pro-longed periods of combat against ANY Zoid. It's light armor and armaments barely make it a match for other Zoids in it's own class, let alone those higher than it. Every Godos comes equipped with a pair of robotic Gripper arms, and six 20mm light cannons equipped to various parts of the main body. The Godos typically comes in a grey paint scheme and in battle is capable of reaching speeds up to 150km/h. Due to it's small size, the Godos is only capable of supporting two additional upgrade parts.
Available Upgrades
CP-13 Wild Weasel Unit
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Twin Light Vulcan Guns
AF-06 Surface-to-surface Missile Packs
AF-07 Surface-to-air Missile Packs
AF-10 Light Beam Cannons
-Cannon Tortoise

A purpose bulit zoid if there ever was one. This zoid exsistes soley to carry the Heavy Republic Mortar Cannon it sports in its shell. The gun is large, powerful, and painfully dangerous. This zoid also has its share of disadvantages, including its slow, slow speed of 100 KPH, and the inablity to hit anything behind it. Chose this zoid if you want raw fire power, and lots of it. The starndard color scheme is forest green and gray w/ an orange canopy.
Avalible upgrades:
CP-05 Heavy Beam Cannon
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Guns
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missles
AF-07 Surface to Air missles


For a low level zoid, it's not too bad. Though it only goes 150km/h, it's highly maneuverable under water. It's also set very low to the ground, making it somewhat harder to hit with some attacks. It comes with two 20mm cannons, 4 surface-to-air/surface-to-surface missiles, and hydraulic jaws. It's weaknesses aren't many, but can still make it hard to use. With it's very low speed, low weight, and few weapons. A somewhat even useable zoid. It comes mostly in green/grey coloring.
Available Upgrades
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Gun
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missiles
AF-07 Surface to Air missiles
CP-05 Heavy Beam Cannon

-Stealth Viper

Stealth Viper A low level zoid with a surprising amount of weaponry and speed. The Stealth Viper, while low to the ground and long, can achieve speeds of 180km/h. All while maintaining high maneuverability. The advantage, of which, is that it has no legs to shoot at to slow it down. Standard, it comes with two surface-to-air missiles, two 40mm cannons, twin dual pod rockets, and two grenade launchers. It also comes equipped with inferred and noise suppression equipment. The disadvantages are that it is long, so it makes for a good sized target, and even with good speed, faster zoids could make short work of this zoid. It also has a large amount of upgrade parts. Comes in brown/tan coloring.
Available Upgrades
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Gun
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missiles
AF-07 Surface to Air missiles
AF-15 Dracula's Kiss
AF-17 Hell Breaker
CP-04 Attack Unit
CP-05 Heavy Beam Cannon


A light, almost non-armored, very fast flying zoid. Capable of going speeds up to 390km/h. It's weaponry includes dual 20mm "stinger" cannons, and two 20mm unidirectional cannons located on it's back. It is capable of ground assault, though it's speed is unknown then. It's weakness include extremely low armor, and very brittle design. It comes in grey/red coloring.
Available Upgrades
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Gun
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missiles
AF-07 Surface to Air missiles
CP-09 Booster Cannon


The winner as the worst zoid. It goes only 80km/h, and barely has any armor. As far as weapons, who knows. Beyond a camouflage projector, this zoid seems to have no weapons at all. It's has so many weakness it's laughable. Extremely low speed, low weight, low armor, possibly no weapons, and it's small. It comes in blue/grey coloring.
Available Upgrades
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Gun
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missiles
AF-07 Surface to Air missiles


Another bad one. Capable of going 32kt in water, and 120km/h on land. Unknown again if this zoid even has weapons, and is another of the light weight, light armored zoids. It's able to cover just about any terrain, though. Beyond this, this zoid has too many faults to count. Comes standard in black/purple coloring.
Available Upgrades
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Gun
AF-07 Sureface-To-Air Missiles


The only diffrence between this zoid and the reddler is its color scheme. An overall decent zoid, the only glaring flaw that the reddara has is it's tottaly lack of long range weaponry. Besides the strike claws on the legs, the only weapon is the tail razor, which is quite difficult to use, as it mounts on top of the zoid, requireing the pilot to flip upside down to use it. The advantages of this zoid lie in its abality o fight, even if its wings are clipped, and its speed of mach 3, avrage for an air zoid. The starndard color scheme a red body with transparent orange wings, and tinted black eyes on etheir side of the head.
Avalible upgrades:
AF-08 Energy Wing Cutters
CP-06 Bomber Units
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Guns
AF-05 Air to Air Missle Pack
LI-01 Laser Guided Missles
CP-09 Booster Cannon

-Imperial Command Wolf

A rare Zoid to behold on the front lines of the empire. This version of the Command Wolf is simply a repainted version of the standard Republican Command Wolf. Like the other Command Wolves, the Imperial type is used typically as a grunt zoid best suited for the front lines and in large numbers. The Imperical Command Wolf is suseptible to being easily overpowered by Zoids higher-up in class than itself. Standard equipment for the Imperial Command Wolf includes twin 50mm cannons and quad rear-mounted smoke dischargers. Paint scheme is bright red with a green cockpit window. Like most other Command Wolves, the imperial type can only handle two additional upgrades.
Available Upgrades
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Gun
AF-06 Surface-to-surface missiles
AF-07 Surface-to-air missiles
AF-11 Stealth Shield
RD-64 Coolant System
CP-04 Attack Unit
CP-06 Bomber Units
CP-14 Viking Lance Unit

-Hammer Rock

Think of this as the Iron Kong's little brother. It's top speed is only 180km/h. It comes with a dual rocket box, twin 30mm cannons, 4 ground-to-air/ground-to-ground missiles. It's chest is equipped with reactive chest armor. It's weaknesses are low weight, and that it's not very fast. Thankfully, it has a huge load of available upgrades. Comes primarily red/black coloring.
Available Upgrades
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Gun
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missiles
AF-07 Surface to Air missiles
CP-24 Flexible Booster Unit
CP-25 Active Shield Unit
CP-26 Omni Directional Missile Unit

-Double Sworder

An odd zoid in every respect, seems to be of the same family of zoids as the Sai-Curtis. Armed with 4 20mm cannons directly under the cokpit, and 2 defensive cannons on the back, not to mention the giant pincer claw on the front, this zoid is decently armed. Another advantage is the abality to fight equally well on land or in the air. The downsides, however, are many. An open cockpit puts the pilot of this zoid in great danger. The thin armor seactions are easily deystroyed by even the lightest of gun fire, and the legs are just as weak. Under no circumstances is this zoid recomended, as it may very well lead to the death of any who pilot it. The standard color scheme is blue armor with grey legs and a transparent orange wind-sheild in front of the cockpit.
Avalible upgrades:
CP-06 Bomber Units
F-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Guns
AF-05 Air to Air Missle Pack
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missles
AF-07 Surface to Air missles


If there was a contest for worst zoid, this one could probably come close to winning it. The Gator only goes 200km/h. It's one and only weapon is a forward-facing gatling gun. A high-sensitivity array in it's spine is only believed to jam communications. With more weaknesses then can be counted, it's primary problems include low weight, low speed, little armor, and almost zero weapons. Get it if you have a death wish. It comes in an awful purple/black coloring.
Available Upgrades
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Gun
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missiles
AF-07 Surface to Air missiles


A very useful zoid, this zoid runs perefectly in the sky, under water, or along the ground. This allows skilled pilots to create deadly ambushes, and suprise opponents. It is armed wih 4 Homing Torpedoes and 2 forward-facing 30mm Cannons. The downside comes the thin armor sections, which, if broken, would stop the zoid from going under water anymore. Another, less well known fault of the zoid is that continued use of its abality to hover will tire out and break the gyro caps on the backs of its wings, causing the wings to fall off. This zoid is reacomended to anyone who needs an all purpose zoid. The standard color scheme is dark reddish brown armor with a burgandy head.
Avalible upgrades:
CP-15 Assault Gatling Unit
F-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Guns
AF-05 Air to Air Missle Pack
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missles
AF-07 Surface to Air missles


The only diffrence between this zoid and the reddra is its color scheme. An overall decent zoid, the only glaring flaw that the reddara has is it's tottaly lack of long range weaponry. Besides the strike claws on the legs, the only weapon is the tail razor, which is quite difficult to use, as it mounts on top of the zoid, requireing the pilot to flip upside down to use it. The advantages of this zoid lie in its abality o fight, even if its wings are clipped, and its speed of mach 3, avrage for an air zoid. The starndard color scheme a purple body with transparent burgandy wings, and tinted black eyes on etheir side of the head.
Avalible upgrades:
AF-08 Energy Wing Cutters
CP-06 Bomber Units
AF-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Guns
AF-05 Air to Air Missle Pack
LI-01 Laser Guided Missles
CP-09 Booster Cannon


Definalty a diffrent zoid, if nothing else. This zoid is fast, and fariy well armed for its class. It carries a Forward-facing light particle cannon, a much,much weaker version of the particle cannon carried by the geno-saruer line. It also sports leg mounted cutters and strike claws. It can achive a maximum speed of 300KPH, very high for a land zoid. The disadvantages, however are obvious. The light armor means one medium to heavy shot to the arms or legs, and they will snap. Also, the pilot must hug the back of the zoid, and only has his veiw screen for protection. The zoid also has a fold up blast sheild to protect the pilot, but it is thin, weak, and only faces forward. Under no circumstances is this zoid recomended, as it may very well lead to the death of any who pilot it. The starndard color scheme a black body with yellow trim and claws, red eyes on the sides of the head.
Avalible upgrades:
F-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Guns
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missles
AF-07 Surface to Air missles


A zoid created to dig, it has very little application in zoid battles. The only guns it carries are 3 rear facing 20 MM, and one forward facing one, probably created to stop people from entering the tunnel behind it. It can achive a maximum speed of 120 KPH, very slow. The spikes on its back act as generators for a sheild, allowig this zoid some much needed protection. It also mounts 2 burrowing roters on each side, which have better uses the digging dirt. Overall, a zoid not created for battling, but a decent one none the less. Pick this zoid if you want to use it to help teammates, or if you have a use for a burrowing zoid. The starndard color scheme a black body with black trim and claws, red eyes on the sides of the head, and red spikes.
Avalible upgrades:
F-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Guns
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missles
AF-07 Surface to Air missles


This zoid is the imperial matchup for the godos. It carries the same armament of 6 light 20mm cannons all in a tail mount, it also carries only one gripper arm rather then 2, the other arm being used to mount a 4 barrled moratar launcher. With a maximum speed of 200KPH it is 50KPH faster then the godos. But what it gains in all these areas, it loses in customizeabality. It is only capable of carrying 5 parts, compared to the godos 6. Chose this zoid if you happen to like it, but otherwise stay away. Not the strongest ever. The starndard color scheme is a black body with red trim and claws, and grey caps.
Avalible upgrades:
F-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Guns
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missles
AF-10 Light Beam Cannons
CP-08 Pile Banker Unit

-Glaive Quama

This zoid is the imperial matchup for the godos. It carries the same armament of 6 light 20mm cannons all in a tail mount, it also carries only one gripper arm rather then 2, the other arm being used to mount a 4 barrled moratar launcher. With a maximum speed of 200KPH it is 50KPH faster then the godos. But what it gains in all these areas, it loses in customizeabality. It is only capable of carrying 5 parts, compared to the godos 6. Chose this zoid if you happen to like it, but otherwise stay away. Not the strongest ever. The starndard color scheme is a black body with red trim and claws, and grey caps.
Avalible upgrades:
F-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Guns
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missles
AF-10 Light Beam Cannons
CP-08 Pile Banker Unit


This zoid is a brick. Slow, heavy, and nigh impossible to get rid of, it shoulders the damage you throw at it and keeps moving. It carries 2 forward facing 20MM cannons surronding 1 larger cannon. Concealed in the back under 2 thick armor panels it has 2 80mm anti-aircraft guns with the abailty to fire in any direction. The only downsides to this zoid are its slow speed, and its equally slow turning speed. One advantage opponents have against this monster it the fact that, as the cockpit isint in the head, the head is fair game to attack. Chose this zoid if you expect heavy damage, or enemy aircraft. The starndard color scheme is a red body with grey armor.
Avalible Upgrades:
F-03 Light Vulcan Gun
AF-04 Dual Light Vulcan Guns
AF-06 Surface to Surface Missles
AF-10 Light Beam Cannons

Email: XxLilPweePnoyxX@aol.com