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Coming up in about 2 weeks is the Wonsok 5th anniversary party. In order to get in u should have ur tickit in ur hand or 10 dollars. In addition u will need to bring all ur camouflage and ur uniform with khakis pants. For additional details c Smash. Thank you, ur Leader, Crash Unfortunatly u will not be able to contact me until Monday evening because I will be in Calfornia visiting family P.S. thanxs Smash again for adding all those games if u want continue 2 add more exspecially from free arcade ;) and if u can get those military photos up that would be great. Oh yeah one more thing try to get President Truemans December 7th 1941 speech about pearl harbor. If u dont no what I'm talkin about I'm sure ur dad will no. THANK YOU

U can get ur ticket also from Smash.

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JavaScript Kit

I'm sorry about any poor quality pictures. The future pictures will be much better quality, but I'm afraid I can not improve the quality of the previous pictures.

Click thereto see Wonsok Fort Photos! (under construction).

Wonsok member code names in order of rank:

Click The Fort's Member's name to view a brief description of him/her. I needed to get rid of the phots (the were on 2 days) because of crazy idiot reasons.

If not for Smash none of this would be possible. Thank you!

Games Galore!

By: Ben Loeb

Games Wiht Icons:

Games without icons:

Arkanoid 3D

Image Gallery:

Let's here some voting! I've got a few exapmples(the images will take a long time to load no madder how fast you connection speed), but tell me if you don't want the image gallery or do (to make pictures larger, click the center of the picture then move your curser torward the lower right corner and click the box with th' arrows).

#1 #2 to view full screen, click the number of the picture that you wish to view.

#1 #2