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How this works:
This site creates "imaginary" fights between random figures. You can suggest fights that you would want to see. If I like the idea, I'll put it up on the site.

When fights are posted:
As early as every thursday, I'll post up fights that will be previewed during the week. Then on Wednesday morning, I'll open the voting floor. The floor will be closed sometime late on Wednesday(probably midnight).

Restrictions on fights:
There are some restrictions to the fights. !!!YOU CAN'T MIX GENRES!!! This means that you can't have real people fighting against movie characters, cartoon characters, video game characters, etc.(ex. Brad Pitt v. Chewbacca). This also applies to the aboved mentions genres against other non-real characters. Also, actors can't fight characters in their movies, I can't stress this enough people(Harrison Ford can't fight Luke Skywalker, but Han Solo can fight Luke Skywalker).

See the rules under rules on the main page. If your going to follow any rules, follow rules #2 and #4.