Camp December 26-29, 2003

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December 26-29, 2003

Me(Mike), sister Erica, father John, Uncle Mark, and cousins Matthew and Kaitlin took a trip to our house in Whitingham, VT. I got a new digital camera, Kodak DX6340 3.1 MP and I couldnt help but take a ton of picures. Unfortunately I only am going to put a few up here on this page for you to see. Most people reading this I would expect to not know what my house looks like so here is a quick pic of it.

Now although there is hardly any snow left here in Pittsfield and the snowmobiling is non-existant we were able to find some riding in Woodford which is about a 18 mile trailer trip from the house but it proved well worth our time although Uncle Mark did have some trailer trouble being his first snowmobile experience ever. He had a little trouble getting his snowmobile back on the trailer after our 3+ hour 40 mile jaunt throug the woods of the Green Mountain National Forest. His first attempt at loading went bad as he hit the trailer around 10+ mph and never even thought about braking. If you look at this picture below you can see what the salt shield on the trailer looks like. Notice the two big dents in the top from when he ran straight into it. Luckily enough it stopped his sled and kept it from going into the backseat of the Suburban.

The loading for my father and I went smooth as usual and we got them right on the trailer. Sorry there are no in-ride pics but I did not want to bring the new digi-cam with me on the ride because it is new and I did not want to risk any damage to it. Here is a pic of my sled and my father tending to his on the trailer.

Here is a quick pic of my sister Erica waiting for us to get helmets on and get riding.

To ride in VT we had to purchase a TMA(Trail Maintenance Assessment) and they are not cheap. They are about $70 per sled and the only time they come in handy is when there are EPO's patrolling and checking. The fine for riding without a TMA is around $110 I believe so seeing a EPO and getting checked makes it worth while for shelling out the dough for a TMA. When we arrived to do some riding on Sunday there was an EPO there checking TMA's and that was what we needed to put a smile on our face. :)

Enough of the riding pictures. We also did a bunch of hiking and sure enough I brought the camera along with me. I snapped tons of pictures of everything from snow covered logs to the streams. I was able to snap a beautiful picture of a waterfall.

That is all for this trip. Thanks for checking out my page and look for updates soon because with my new camera I will be busy.

Amanda's Page | Mike's Page | WNEC Page | Sled Pics | Speeding