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The purpose of this page is to provide a starting point where our kids or anyone's kids can visit and find links to safe internet sites.

I never will forget when I first met Drake and mentioned to him something about the internet. When I did, he got a very serious look on his face and said he wasn't allowed to get on the internet because his mom said ".. it is evil ..".

I laughed to myself at first but then realized that many peoples knowledge of the internet (or lack there of) sometimes excludes them and their children from enjoying the vast areas that are found on the net.

While there are many "evil things" on the net, there are more good things, I hope I convenienced Angela that under the proper supervision, the net can be good.

So this page will be a link to the many fun things that kids (and adults) will like. It also talks a bit about how to monitor and keep your children safe from certain areas, such as the program Net Nanny.



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