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My site that is about me. And my friends on occasion.

Name: Melissa White_________________________Age:the big 19.. oh joy
There are new pics at the bottom of this page of my bf and I.

My favs:

  • Color: Blue and Black
  • Animal: Cats
  • Type of Guy: who cares? i already have him! i love you Jason!!!

    My Dislikes:

  • Color: Orange.
  • Animal: Snakes
  • Type of Person: People that cannot accept the word no, people that think they know everything when really they know nothing, cheaters, liars, and many other things. Basically if you turn me off I will let you know. Ignorant, immature assholes! Those are the worst

    What's new?

  • Okay so I no longer live in Colorado if you didn't already know.

      The Above are pictures of Jason and myself

      5 week ultrasound

      9 week ultrasound

      My pics My senior pics. (and 2 new ones) Friends and misc. pics My Pets Poems More Poems Quotes More Quotes