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Name: Squabby Instantaneous Scruub
Race: Chihuahua shapeshifter
Gender: Pseudohermaphrodite
Height: 3ft. 4 in.
Weight: 27 lbs.
Jobs: DJ, Spy, Bounty Hunter, and Drummer
Forms: Chihuahua, elf, human, and black panther
Maritial Status: Engaged
DJ Nick Name: Sir DJ Squibble
Stripper Nick Name: Mr. Sparkle n' Shine Aura: Green with a little purple and a hint of black
Past Jobs: Satan, Santa, Author, and Actor
Best Friends: Bob and Ozzy
Pets: A hamster, A deformed goldfish, and two horses
Scared By: Loud noises and eagles
Food: Pizza Biscuits
Drink: Vanilla Coke
Animals: Hamsters, goldfeesh, and horses
Sport: LaCrosse, Roque, and Rugby
Bands: Ozzy Osbourne, SOAD, and Megaherz
Smells: Coffee, Vanilla Coke, and biscuits
Song: "It's a Small World After All" by Disney
Colour: Green
Font: Century Gothic
Book: It by Steven King
TV station: Discovery Channel
Movies: XXX, The Man With The Golden Gun, Dr. No, Tomorrow Never Dies, and Goldeneye
Weapon: 9mm Silenced Pistol
Armour: Invisibility Cloak

Read my whole story here
