Waaaahooooo! That was one concert I will NEVER Forget! Godsmack RULED! There was A LOT of pyro! It kicked ASS!!!! There was Sully of course! I think he was having a bad hair day lol, cuz his hair was all flat and stuffs, but he was still hella sexy! lol.....Anywho....ummm there were fireworks for Godsmack! There was some confetti! There were bottles of Water and Drum sticks and Picks thrown into the crowd! There was Sully! lol...There were a lot of hot hot hot hot guys (especially Sully) lmao. So here's the Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng story of my night and my backstage adventure! lol waaaaahooooo! The best part is at the bottom where I'm backstage.....The rest is pretty boring. lol.

Well, yeah, to start off I woke up at like 11 am (earliest I've gotten up all summer lol) I couldn't go back to sleep to make time go by any faster. hehe. Sat in the living room and watched Rugrats lol. Came in my room and watched my Godsmack videos I've downloaded off the net....Tried to figure out what the opening act order was gonna be ( I was right! lol) Called Maria, washed my clothes (they smelled like bleach lol), Got dressed, put on all 3 watches lol, got on the internet to check my e-mail, talked to my ray ray, went to pick up Maria, and we were off!
When we got to Albuquerque my dad drove us to Mc. Donalds, then over to Greenbacks to meet my mom so she could give me some spending money for once in her life......then we left for the Journal Pavilion (Dorrs opened at 5). Drove for 30-35 minutes, got there at 5:15 or so....Dad dropped us off, and we headed down the hill. It was about a 2-3 minute walk down to the gates. We got there, presented our tickets and went inside and bought T-shirts I put mine on right away! Sully looks HOT on mine! lol. anywhooooo. ummm what next...Oh yeah! We walked some more down this lil paved way and came to this lil place where they had all sorts of lil stands and stuff where they sell Refreshments and stuffs. hehe. This guy handed me a lil orange piece of paper announcing Lollapalooza. We watched the band on the 2nd stage for a few minutes then started checkin out da hotties. lol. We looked at the stage and I turned to Maria and said "Damn! Just think, The best guitar player (Tony, from Godsmack) and the hottest singer (guess who...lol) are in there right now!" Then I pointed out where our seats were and she was like "Damn Bi-yotch! You got some good seats! I better get you a bigger bucket for when Sully comes out!" (We switched our front row, center seats for 3rd row, right side......still WAY close to the stage! at least we weren't up in the 4-9 sections or up on the lawn. lol.) We walked around and talked and checked out da hotties for like an hour and a half hehe. Then we watched the band that was still on the 2nd stage for a while..They were pretty good, sounded like Finch mixed with ummmmm....uhhhh Powerman 5000 hehe. I asked Maria if she wanted to go get in our seats. She said yeah...hehe Breaking Benjamin came out round 6:35 or close to that......I was like "hmmm they're a bit early." Concert was supposed to start at 7. But oh well. hehe. The stands were pretty empty people just started coming whenever the hell they felt like it. lol. The guys from 104.7 The Edge came out on the stage and told everyone that Breaking Benjamin was coming out and told the people at the 2nd stage to get their asses over to their seats! I don't think anybody really listened lol....So Breaking Benjamin started playing, I have no idea what that first song was called lol. After the first song the singer started talking....he said "Phew! It's a fuckin nice day out! How many of y'all are havin fun yet?!? (everyone yelled, the stands were still pretty empty hehe.) Anyway we're a band called Breaking Benjamin! This next song is called Sugarcoat it's the first song off our new album, so if you like what you hear go out and buy this shit!" They started singing, then they sang like 3 more songs after that then the singer started talking again....He said "Well I hope you guys enjoyed our short fuckin time up here! How many new fans we got?!?!? (people raised their hands and yelled) Well we wanna thank 104.7 The Edge for putting this fucker on! Thanks to Cold, Fuckin Staind, and Godsmack!!!!!" (Everyone started yelling). The band got off the stage and the peoples started changing the stage for Cold to come on.....Maria and I sat there and talked to this really cute guy sitting next to us and talked to each other and I turned around and told this guy sitting to the right of me, and one row up, that he was hot. lol. Anywho, we sat there for like 15-20 mins. I looked up on the stage a few times and noticed the guy that scares me (Cold's drummer) Was standing up there waiting for them to finish setting up his drum set....I KNEW it was him cuz of his weirdly grown beard, his white white white white skin and those creeeeeeeeeepy eyes.lol. The Dudes from 104.7 came out and announced them. Then Cold finally came out and I have no idea what they were singing lol....So we got up and went to da lil girls room to pay da water bill and get something else to drink. Right as we were heading towards the right side concession stands (we went to da restroom on the left side cuz it was closer lol) I looked up on the lawn and saw Cordell ( a cool guy from school) Sitting up there all alone. hehe. Stupid me I didn't even wave or anything....*smacks herself*...Anywho right before we got to the concession stands Cold started singing 'Stupid Girl'. We bought a drink and headed back towards our seats. The lead singer started talking and started saying the Bass player liked really hot chicks and was all "So you girls, after the show, come on back!" We got back to our seats and I noticed their regular bass player had a cast on.....After the next song the singer said "We wanna thank this guy right over here on the bass! He's Amazing! Our Bass player broke his arm in a little bus accident the other day wich was pretty unfortunate...But lets here it for this guy he kicks ass!" We all started clapping..Cold sang like 3 maybe 4 more songs then got off the drummer threw some sticks out into the crowd. I almost got one but someone in back of me yanked iut out of my hands.....oh well, I don't want a gift that reminds me of some1 scary lol....The peoples started to change the stage around again for Staind to come out....Maria and I sat there and talked about school and stuff....then she gave me a quiz on Sully:
Maria: "What's his full name?"
Me: "Salvatore Paul Erna." "My dad still thinks sully is short for Sullivan......but I'm smarter than him when it comes to Godsmack members...*laughs*"
Maria: "*laughs* When's his birthday?"
Me: "ummm February 7, 1968" "He's hot for a 35 year old....*giggles*"
Maria: "*Laughs* What's his wifes name? What's his kids name?"
Me: "He's not married, and his lil girls name is Skylar Brooke Erna."
Maria: "When was she born?"
Me: "December 17, 2001"
MAria: "Hey on my birthday!"
We decided to wait for the rest of the quiz till staind was finished...I looked up on the stage and Everything was ready The peoples from 104.7 came out and announced them....then the Guitar player, the drummer, and the Bassist came out and started playing. The singer came out and I have no idea what he was singing lol...I only like a few of their songs but they played like 9-10 songs. Man the stands started filling up fast! Everyone was starting to get here finally! There were still empty seats up in the back....It started to get dark...slowly but surely...I was getting anxious. Arrrrrg! They started singing the song that annoys the hell out of me! 'Price to Play' Ah well I'll live....When Staind finished their like ummmmmm 6th song I stodd up and flipped em off. lol. The singer just looked at me like I was strange, smiled, and just kinda left it alone. lol. Everyone started standing up for the rest of the songs, I sat of course I didn't really like Staind at all. lol. They finished like the 7th song and the guitar player and bass player went to get acoustic guitars and the brought out 3 chairs and the drummer was sitting there spacing out on the sky lol...musta been sumthin pretty interesting up there from the looks on his face.......amybe a lil birdie? Or maybe a spider? Maybe he was tryin to figure out why it was dark and the sun was still up? (Godsmack's Sun symbol was hanging from the ceiling.....lol)...these lil mini screens dropped from the top right and left corners so people on the lawn could see what was goin on. Staind started singing all these really nice acoustic songs including 'Outside' and all that mushy shit. lol. These two people that were sitting in front of me were taking up like 3 seats all up on each other I told em to get a room and they left. lol. Not like I really wanted to see staind. lol. Anywho.....They put up the chairs and started to sing their last song. It was ok I guess......Pretty Hard Core. They finished around 9:45ish...YAY! GODSMACK IS NEXT! I started to get all hyper and jumping all over the place....Everyhitng I said was Sully this, Sully that.....or TOny this, Tony that....lol......WHOA! EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN MUTHA FUCKIN CHAIR IS FILLED WITH AN ASS! lol. I looked all around and EVERYONE was here to see Godsmack! Told ya they rul *winks* lol. The peoples up on stage started pulling down the curtain and putting up the big ass screen that would show what was on the cameras, brought out Shannons BEAUTIFUL Silver lined drum set...I looked around the stage and saw Tony pokin his head out from behind the big Faceless sign lol....They brought the Big head together that would open up down the middle and let em out......teehee.....They got all the lights and pyro set up....and the screens turned black...lights went out, everyone stood up and went crazy! Especially me! NO ONE could get me to shut up! The Screens came on with a lil typing message that went a lil sumthin like dis "In this time of war......As americams we must support our fellow americans.....Supporting our troops over seas......We will not Fall!.....We will unite!.....We will not Fail!.....We will not..." Then the music started to play.....Purple lights came on, the big face opened up! Dry ice filled around where out came Shannon, he walked and sat at the drums, then Robbie, went and picked up his Bass, then Tony, he went and picked up his guitar.....They stood there for bout 5-8 seconds then started playing...EVERYONE went crazy! I was yelling like a maniac at the top of my lungs! Then out came Sully! Wearing all black, It showed him on the screen and I yelled and screamed and whistled even though I could see him almost perfectly on stage lol! I yelled at the top of my lungs "Sully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He walked over to the Microphone and started to sing 'Straight out of line' Fireworks were goin off in the empty space back behind the stage building, The video (not the music video with them in it but just the video of the dude that's all stitched up and stuff) was playing on the screens. I was all shakey and happy! I whistled every single time they showed Sully on the Screens (you know that whistle you do when some1's hot!) lol. After the song was over he started talking
Sully: "How y'all doing today, this evening, tonight whatever the hell it is!" (everyone yelled and whistled and everything) "Man it sure is good to be back in your part of the country again!" (everyone yelled)..."HOw many indians we got out there in the stands?" (those certain people including myself yelled) "Damn! well anyways, for the rest of the show I wanna see this *he raises his arm, makes a fist, and pounds it in the air*" I turned to Maria and I said "I'm gonna do anything he tells me to do." She just smiled and I went along with my drooling lol. Next they played 'Faceless'.....So after that song Sully started talking again "How'd y'all like that one? Pretty fuckin bad huh? Well this is our next song, it's called *turns around and yells into the mic* 'CHANGES'......While the musical part was goin sully walked over and wiped his face on his towl and put on a bandanna (a white one by the way lol).Sully didn't have his guitar on him at that time but he was jumping around playing his 'imaginary guitar' lol. Hmmmm what next...OH OH OH! He took a drink out of his water bottle and threw it out into the crowd! I CAUGHT IT! WAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOO! GO ME! I right away took a drink and I was like "waaaaahoooo thanks for the kiss" lol. He was carrying around like 4 other water bottles and just started throwing them into the crowd getting everyones hair all wet....hehe....Then the flames came out of the two big tall grey like 10 foot cans 1 on each side......It kicked Ass! Then he started singing and the Godsmack logo hanging above them had flames coming out of it for a while. When the cam went to Sully and he was on the screen his hair was all messed up from jumping around, I thought it looked cute that way, but he fixed it in the back and kinda left it the way it was on the top all messy and stuff. lol. ....So after all that, they started to play the 'Bad Religion' recording....everyone was like what the hell cuz it has some guy talking saying something about god and god will begin to speak forth or whatever...I knew exactly what was goin on cuz I downloaded the live concert version of 'Bad religion' off the net! lol. Of Course Sully had his imaginary Guitar hehe. Then he started singing and everyone was like oooooooh! lol. When it came to the part where it says "I can't take this anymore" Sully held the mic to the audience and and said "Everybody" the first time and everyone sang! All the other times he said it he just held the mic out and everyone knew what to do. Next they started playing 'Greed' and Sully was all "you guys all know the words to this?" everyone yelled...He started singing, and every now and then he'd hold the mic to the crowd and we'd sing! My faveorite part was singing "Please someone help me" lol don't ask why it just was.....and "hey little bitch, be glad you finally walked away" I don't know why.....I'm just weird...lol then after that song was over Sully started talking again and said "This next song is for everyone that ever smoked Dope, Crack, or drank anything so heavy it was almost self-destructive" everyone yelled and started trippin out on the video they were playin on the screens....there were all kinds of dots goin around I forgot what the name of the song was *Bad Sarah!* But it was pretty cool. Sully had his flame guitar on him this time and he and tony both played...It was BAD!
Then Everyone went wild when they heard "I'm not the one who's so far away, when I feel the snake bite enter my veines" Everyone was like YEAH! VOODOO! These 2 dancer girls came up on these motorized things that raised them up out of nowhere. lol. All the guys around me were barking and whistling and stuff lol. Up on the Screens they'd play the video (once again NOT the music video lol) of the actual Wiccan Ritual being performed and they'd change to the concert every now and then. Probably just so I could see Sully lol. I told maria "Watch the video cuz that's the kind of shit I do." (As most of you know I've been into Wicca for 3-4 years now) Maria was like ummmm ok this girl is crazy after she watched the video...lol. After Voodoo was the best part! Besides me goin back stage (but wwe'll get to that in a bit) lol. These 2 other Drummers came out of those 2 tall ass cans like they just raised up and everybody was like Whoa where'd they come from? lol Sully walked off to the side and I was like noooooooo where'd he gooooooooo? lol. There were three drummers all together all durmmin hehe...Shannons drum set just started to move out into the middle of the stage like some1 was pushing it or something and he was still playing and so were the other 2 drummers.......Then after like 5-6 mins of those 3 drummers I saw another drum set rising in the back and it was Sully on HIS drum set! I love his drums! Wait that sounds wrong but oh well. lol. His Drums are soooooooo KICK ASS! He takes them every where with him.....he started playing drums when he was 3 incase you didn't know...lol...So yeah there were 4 drummers all drummin together and the lights were goin all crazy and flames were everywhere! Sully stopped for a second or two, smiled (he has such a cute smile), then started bangin the drums again.....The Tony and Robbie startd playin 'Walk this way' by Aerosmith and all the Drummers were Drummin along.....Then after like 3 mins of that Robbie and Tony Stopped and Sully played like a 30 sec solo then Shannon joined in, then the guy on the right, then the guy on the left.....After 5-7 mins of all that Sully slowly started to go down, and so did the other drummers, Shannons Set moved back while he was still playing........Then he stoped....Then out came Sully back onto the stage and Yelled "Come ON Albuquerque!!!!! Let's Go!" Then started singing 'Im doing the best I ever did' and whenever it came to the part where it said "Better fuckin go away" he'd hold out the mic and let us sing! Then everything went dark and only the purple lights were on and everyone walked off to the side of the stage everyone was like oh its over......but I wasn't giving up....I knew that the big lights hadn't come back on and while everyone started to leave I stood there and Maria was like "let's go!" I was like "NO! It's not over!" Then this guy 2 rows in front of me (front row bastard lol) Started Chanting "godsmack, godsmack, godsmack, godsmack!" I joined in then a bunch of other people did to.....So after like 4-5 mins of standing there after the chanting died out came the guys again! Sully grabbed the mic and was like "Ok guys! you ready to Jam! You Fuckers ready in the back there?!!! (everyone jumped up and yelled!) OK we're gonna let you guys count this one for us now you gotta be loud! Don't go and fuckin embarrass yourself in front of everyone! We're going to count to 4 ok 1-2-3-4 you got it? Lets go! *he holds the mic out to the crowd* (its not to loud) That fuckin sucked! Come on! don't tell me you dont fuckin know how to count to 4! For those of you *said it in spanish* that don't speak english, uno, dos, thrice, quatro. ok?! *looks into the crowd and sees the guy in front of me has his middle finger up* Hey don't you give me the finger! You're the one that fucked up not me! Ok let's try this one more time! *puts up his fingers one at a time* The crowd "1-2-3-4!" The band starts to play...When I heard the first Strum of the chords I knew EXACTLY what it was! Sully had kept his word! ******flashback mode to a few weeks ago when I met him in Colorado*******
Sully: "so what's you favorite song?"
ME: "Awake! OUt of every song there is in this world, It's AWAKE!"
Sully: "Yeah that's one of my favorites too, easy to remember and to sing *laughs*"
Me: "*giggles* Yeah I know every word to it! You know....I'm really looking forward to Godsmack going to Albuquerque next month! I live near by there!
Sully: "Oh really? You live in New Mexico huh? That's cool. I really like playing there...You know what, If I can, I could try and squeeze 'Awake' into the song list for that concert..That's the 11th right? *Smiles*"
me:"*Smiles sooooooo big* Yeah! Wow! that'd be great! You're so the best!
Sully: "*laughs* Well if you insist"
Me: "trust me, you are. *smiles*"
Sully: "Are you hitting on me? *blushes a little, smiles, and laughs*"
Me: "That's for me to know and for you to find out, I mean I do think you're hot *laughs and blushes*"
Sully: "Well thanks *smiles* You're pretty cute yourself."
Me: "*blushes and shyly says* thanks"
Sully: "you know what, if you're going to be there we should talk some more and I'll teach you some Wiccan things. You did say you've been practicing for a few years right?"
Me: "yeah! That'd be great! Thanks!"
SUlly: "Yeah no problem I have a few backstage passes stashed away in my ride I'll give them to you how's that sound?"
Me: "Oh wow! You really are the best thank you!!!! *smiles, Jumps up and gives sully a hug*"
Sully: "*laughs and hugs back* Yeah you're welcome! Enjoy! Wow what a good hug grip *laughs*"
Me: "*laughs and blushes as sully hugs back!*"
******back to reality******* lol...but yeah! So they played 'Awake' and I coulda sworn he was lookin staright at me when I was singing along at the top of my lungs lol. I whistled the hottie whistle a few times.. Sully had his Silver guitar for this song!.....So when the song was over....Sully was like "Ok This crowd is THE best! I want to make sure that Albuquerque New Mexico is the loudest Fuckin crowd yet!" So he put up his arms and called for more noise! Everyone was yelling and whistling and everything Sully was just standing there looking at his wrist (which had no watch on it lol) and pretending to yawn while everyone was tryin to be as loud as they could!.....So finally he said "You guys are to much you guys kick ass!" Then they started playing 'I stand alone' and everytime the part came up to say "I stand alone" He'd hold up the mic and let up sing and he'd show us how we did....he'd like put a thumbs down if we sucked or the kinda sorta thing people do with their hand you know kinda move your wrist in half circles lol or thumbs up....We finally got a thumbs up....like twice! lol. He'd sing "inside I" Then he'd put the mic up and let up sing......it kicked ass! then on the part where Tony sings "Now it's my time, It's my time to breath" and sully does the back up vocals to that right before that part finished sully yealled "Breath into me albuquerque!" Then started jumping around with his imaginary guitar (he did that for almost all the songs hehe he must really like his imaginary guitar....lol but he did bring out his flame guitar for a few songs and hi cool kick ass silver one for 'awake'! But yeah anyway....After the song was over He was all "tahnkyou Albuquerque you guys kick ass!" "You guys are to much you're such a great crowd!" "See you all Soon!" They all ran off back inside the face as it slowly closed back together and that was it, one last water bottle was thrown into the crowd Shannon got up and threw one of his drummer stick into the crowd I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!! WAaaaaaaahoooooooo! I wanted Sullys though lol ah well I guess Sully's sticks are to special....not for long! lol.....Then some guy was like "Shannon Throw the other one!" Shannon just shrugged and walked away...It was like 11:30 or so when the show ended almost 2 hours of godsmack!........and it was all worth it! Especially the part I didn't have to pay for =).....I got free backstage passes from sully! So read more and find out what it was like! I'll write it in script so its easier to read lol.
Here we gooooo! The best part! lol! *Sarah tells maria that she's gonna go by herself because sarah's a greedy lil bitch like that =)* lol
*Sarah walks behind the big wooden fence and shows security her pass*
*Sarah see's Shannon taking a drink of water in the see through hallway*
*Security guards ask to see Sarah's pass*
*Sarah starts to get patted down (2nd time already geeze)*
*Sarah gets escorted to Main Lobby where she see's Tony re-tuning his guitar*
*Sarah gets da shivers cuz it's da first time she'll meet the WHOLE band*
*Sarah almost hyperventalates when she see's Sully walking over to her*
*sully reaches out to shakes Sarah's hand*
*Sarah extends arm to accept hand shake*
*Sully pulls Sarah's arm and pulls her to him and gives her big hug!*
*Sully says* "Nice to see you again."
*Robbie looks at Sully like he's strange or something*
*Sully invites Sarah to sit down on big brown couch then tells the others he'll be right back*
*Sarah sits*
*Tony comes and sits down on the couch on other side of coffee table in front of Sarah*
*Sarah smiles*
*Tony introduces himself and extends arm to give handshake* "Hi, I'm Tony"
*Sarah accepts handshake* "Hi, I'm Sarah."
*watches as Robbie sits beside Tony and introduces himself* "Hi!, I'm Robbie the booming bass player."
*Tony smirks*
*Sarah smiles* "Nice to meet you Robbie. I'm Sarah"
*Shannon walks over and sits at the end of same couch Sarah's sitting on*
*Sarah looks at Shannon and smiles*
*Shannon extends arm and introduces himself* "Hi, how are you? I'm Shannon and you are?"
*Sarah shakes Shannons hand and introduces herself* "Hiyas Shannon, I'm Sarah."
*Shannon looks around and nods his head* "Nice to meet you Sarah."
*Sarah smiles* "Yeah same here."
*TOny looks at Sarah* "Yeah very nice to meet you."
*Sarah looks at Robbie*
*Robbie looks at Sarah* "Yeah same here very pleased to meet you, not many times do we get a chance to actually meet and talk to our fans."
*Tony and Shannon both nod their heads*
*Sarah Looks at Sully as he comes back from the long white hallway, Smiles*
*Sully smiles* "What are you looking at?"
*Sarah giggles* "Oh nothing I thought your fly was open."
*Sarah hears the others chuckle*
*Sully laughs and looks down at his fly* "Ooooh! Well thanks for checking for me!"
*Sarah laughs*
*Sully sits down inbetween Shannon and Sarah*
*Sully looks around at everybody, raises an eyebrow, and nods* "This is nice."
*Sarah is bout to faint, Thinks Sully is hot! (A dead giveaway: He was sweating. lol...But yeah he WAS SOOOOO FINE!)*
*Sully puts arm over Sarah*
*Tony, Robbie, and Shannon chuckle*
*Sarah giggles and blushes*
*Sully gets up* "Would you like anything to drink Sarah?"
*Sarah looks at Sully* "Sure...Thanks...What do ya got?"
*Sully thinks for a min* "Umm we got some Beer *Laughs* Ginger ale, pepsi, I wouldn't drink the water in this building *Chuckles*"
*Sarah thinks* "Ginger ale please."
*Sully walks down the long white hallway once again*
*Sarah looks around and notices how tired the guys are* "Great show guys! It really kicked ass!"
*Tony smiles and leans forward* "Thanks we really went all out for this concert because we never really get to come here much it's one our favorite places to play."
*Robbie nods*
*Shannon speaks* "The stage was hot ass hell! I was right under the sun sybol and that thing had flames coming out of it every 2 minutes *laughs*"
*Sarah giggles*
*Robbie speaks* "Yeah imagine how Sul' felt he was doin all the crazt shit!"
*Tony speaks* "and look at you Robbie wearing that beanie up there."
*All laugh*
*Robbie pulls beanie off his head* "Well with all those lights one of them was bound to reflect off and blind someone"
*All laugh*
*Sarah see's Sully coming back with a ginger ale in his hand*
*Sully hands Sarah the Cold can* "Here you go, nice and cold."
*Sarah smiles* "Thanks Sully."
*sully speaks* "yep. So what'd I miss?"
*Tony speaks* "We were just talking about Robbie's bald head and flames."
*Sully has a strange look on his face......shrugs and sits down*
*Tony speaks again* "So Sarah what was your favorite part of the show?"
*Sully interupts before Sarah can answer* "When we sang 'Awake'!" *laughs*
*Sarah laughs* "Yeah...When I heard the first strum of chords I was like "Hell yeah! AWAKE!" I recognized the sound right off the back!"
*Sarah takes a sip of her ginger ale every now and then*
*Shannon smiles* "It took me a while to learn that one I wasn't a part of Godsmack when that was made."
*Sarah looks at shannon* "Oh yeah you've only been with the band for what? A year or two?"
*Shannon answers* "Yeah almost a year, it's been great."
*Sarah smile* "Cool!"
*Robbie speaks* "Did you like the 'Walk this way' part?"
*Sarah thinks* "Yeah it was pretty cool."
*Sarah looks at Tony* "You RULE at Riffs man!"
*Tony smiles* "Thanks, it's a lot of fun to mess around on the guitar."
*Sully* "Ain't that the god damn truth!"
*Sarah laughs*
*Sully comes back over to the couch and sits down between Shannon and Sarah again*
*Sarah looks at sully's Animal from the muppets Tattoo* "You;re first Tattoo right?"
*Sully looks at Sarah with a quirky smile on his face* "Yeah. Now how the hell did you know that?"
*Sarah smiles* "I know these things." *giggles*
*Shannon, Robbie, and Tony look at sully like wow!*
*They all laugh*
*Sarah watches as Sully's drum set passes through the room*
*Sully turns to sarah* "Would youlike to touch my drum set?" *Chuckles*
*Follows SUlly to the drums, reaches out and rubs hand across the silver lining*
*Sully smiles*
*Sarah follws Sully back to the couch*
*Sully waits for Sarah to sit down first then flops down in the middle*
*Sarah looks at Sully* "I like your drum solo."
*Sully smiles* "thanks, I started playing drums when I....."
*Sarah interupts* ".....When you were 3."
*Tony covers his mouth to hide a smile and silently laughs*
*Robbie has a huge smile on his face*
*Shannon looks at Sully with one eyebrow up and witha smile*
*Sully Laughs* "You are amazing you do know your godsmack don't you?"
*Sarah smiles* "Yup."
*Sully smiles*
*Sarah turns to Robbie* "What kind of Bass you got? It's pretty kick ass in sound."
*Robbie smiles* "It's an LTD 1000 and I owe the sound all to the built in amplifier it cost an arm and a leg but it was worth it, she's my baby."
*Sarah smiles*
*Turns to Shannon* What kinda drums ya got?"
*Shannon moves his hair out of his eyes* "I actually have no idea, I mean I bought different pieces here and there ya know, I just got the same print painted on to them just recently."
*Sarah smiles* "That's cool."
*Sarah notices Tony is looking at her pants*
*Sully directs toward Tony* "Interesting down there is it Tony?"
*Tony looks up with a smile* "Those are some pretty unique pants."
*Sarah smiles* "Yeah bleached them myself."
*Tony speaks* "That's cool!"
*Sarah rubs her hip where she gave herself a tattoo the night before*
*Sully asks* "Fleas?"
*Sarah and Tony laugh, Shannon and Robbie Smile and smirk, Sully has a big smile on his face* "NO, it's just my tattoo, kinda itchy, I did it myself."
*Sully asks to see*
*Sarah pulls up her shirt on the side and shows Sully*
*Sully looks at it and smiles* "One of my clan! I remember doing that to my middle finger but it wasn't that symbol its a cross *Makes a weird face*"
*Sarah just nods her head cuz she already knows*
*Sully looks at the guys* "She's my religion...Good to see a youngen doin that shit."
*Tony, Shannon, and Robbie smile and look at the tattoo*
*Sully teached Sarah something in Wiccan (Sarah can't tell though cuz she doesn't wanna dissappoint Sully)*
*Tony looks at Sarah* "So what can you tell us about yourself? We've been talking about each other so much we haven't gotten to you."
*Sully speaks* "Yeah! Tell us a little about yourself."
*Sarah smiles and looks at Robbie, Robbie nods.* "Yeah c'mon don't be shy! We want to get to know you!"
*Shannon smiles and nods*
*Sarah looks around* "Ummmm. I'm 15....I'm into music....I play the guitar, keyboard, and I like to sing."
*Tony smiles and leans forward* "Have you written any songs on the guitar?"
*Sully looks at Sarah* "Have you written any lyrics that go along witht he guitar tune?"
*Sarah smiles* "Yeah I have this song called 'Switch' and I have a pretty good tune for it."
*Robbie and Shannon look at Sarah*
*Shannon asks* "Do you have a percussion beat to it yet?"
*Sarah answers* "No, not yet. But soon."
*Robbie looks at Tony, Tony signals something to robbie, Robbie gets up and heads toward the back of the room*
*Robbie comes back with Tony's guitar, hands it to Tony and sits back down*
*Sully smiles* "Would you care to play and sing it for us?"
*Sarah Gulps with eyes open wide*
*Looks at Sully* "I'm to shy. I'll feel stupid."
*Tony says* "We feel stupid a lot too but we don't care."
*Sully smiles* "You guys may feel stupid but I don't I kick ass out there! Nooo I'm kidding! *Guys laugh, sarah smiles and giggles* I feel stupid a lot. Please? We won't laugh. We can help you."
*Robbie smiles and looks at Sarah like c'mon! you know you want to*
*Shannon gets on his knees down on the floor..* "please, please, please!"
*Everyone laughs*
*Shannon gets up and sits back on the couch*
*Tony moves guitar toward sarah* "Please? I'll let you play my guitar, I trust you. You'll do fine."
*Sarah thinks for a while then accepts the guitar from Tony, Smiles* (I probably could have gotten to play Sully's guitar but it was already packed away before I got there.....shucks!)
*Sully gets Sarah a chair to sit on so everyone can see her*
*Sarah is scared SHITLESS, she's about to play a song SHE wrote in front of her favorite band....*
*Sarah gulps and plugs in the amp*
*Sarah strums the strings and gets a feel for the guitar*
*Sarah looks at Sully, she looks into his eyes and thinks to hersefl*He is so cute...do it for him girl!* smiles at sully*
*Sarah notices her time is almost up*
*Sarah looks at robbie and Shannon, they're adjusting themselves so they can see properly*
*Sarah takes a deep breath*
*Sarah starts to play*
*watches the guys' heads bob*
*Sarah almost forgets the lyrics*
*Sarah begins to sing*
*Sarah sings her heart out!*
*Sarah finishes her song*
*Sully, Tony, Shannon, and Robbie stand up and applause*
*Sarah is blushing!*
*They're all talking about what a good job Sarah did!* *GO ME!!!!!!*
*Time to go =(*
*Sarah gets applaused one more time*
*Security guard comes to get Sarah and escort her back*
*Sarah hands the manager tony's guitar and watches as he takes it back to the back of the room*
*Robbie comes over and gives Sarah a hug* "Thanks for the great performance! You were awesome! I hope to talk to you again soon!"
*Sarah hugs Robbie* "Thanks Robbie, you'll be seeing a lot of me at concerts, trust me!"
*Robbie smiles*
*Shannon gives Sarah a big hug and ruffles her hair* "Take care of yourself you hear!"
*Sarah smiles, hugs, and looks at Shannon* "I will! I hope to see you again sometime!"
*Tony comes up and gives Sarah a hug* "You took a pretty good liking to that guitar didn't you? Kepp practicing! You could be up there with us someday!"
*Sarah smiles and hugs Tony tight* "Thanks Tony you're great! That's the greatest guitar I've ever played! Take care of it! and I will keep practicing!"
*Sully stands there and looks at Sarah for a minute then grabs her by the shoulders, pulls her to him, and gives her a big hug and won't let go* *While still hugging....* "Take care of yourself! Be careful out there! Keep on believing! Parctice on! Keep the youngen religion going!" *Lets go...* "I hope to see you again real soon."
*Sarah smiles and blushes* "You'll be seeing a lot of me.....Godsmack fan all the way! I hope you have a safe trip back to Skylar I'm sure she misses her daddy."
*Sully looks at Sarah and smiles* "Yeah I'm sure she does...I miss her too. Have a safe trip home!"
*Sully gives sarah one last hug*
*Tony, Robbie, and Shannon join in....Group HUG! PHOTO OP!*
*Security guard tells Sarah to follow her*
*Sarah follows with a tear growing in her eye*
*Sully speaks loudly from across the room* "Wait! one last thing!"
*Sarah turns around quickly*
*Sully hands Sarah her half full can of ginger ale* "You almost forgot this."
*Sarah smiles* "I did for a second there."
*Sully see's the tears growing in Sarahs eyes*
*Sully gives Sarah another hug and right as he let go and just before Sarah turned to go out the door..........
*Sully leans over and kisses Sarah on the cheek!*
*The guys look amazed!*
*Sarah smiles and feels a tear run down her cheek...*
*Sully wipes the tear from sarah's cheek and speaks* "We'll meet again! Count on it!"
*Hands Sarah 1 of his drum sticks* (Yay! now I have 1 from Shannon and 1 from Sully!)
*Sarah smiles, Takes one last look into Sully's pretty green eyes, waves to the others and walks out the door*
If only I had been able to play Sully's guitar (but it was already all packed away befor I got there like I said before lol)...But hey! I got to play for them, it doesn't matter what guitar it was I probably would have gotten all over excited and broke a string on one of sully's guitars lol na I just think it would have been sooo cool if Had been able to! Atleast I got to play Tony's and that's more than I could have ever asked, I mean as great a guitarist as Sully is, to me Tony is the best there is and that was an honor!! They liked me! And I had the BEST night of my life!
*Sarah follows the security guard down the long walkway back to where they had begun, where Sarah's friend was waiting for her*
*Sarah's friend asks what's wrong*
*Sarah smiles and says......"Nothing...Everything is just perfect!"*
We walk to find my dad we bought a journal pavilion issue of the albuquerque journal which had Godsmack on the cover and inside....I took one look at the cover, smiled, and I knew that was the best time of my life...When we got to the van, it was nearly 12:45.....My hour with Godsmack changed my life! I have a whole new vision on life and music...I now believe I can do anything! I was quiet the whole way home replaying everything in my head......it's still playing in my head this very moment and it always will be! Right now I'm listening to 'Greed' and Next I'll listen to 'Awake' Those are the only two songs I've been listening to all night! Pretty soon though I'll turn on my 'Faceless' cd and listen to it over and over. Just remember! If you're ever as lucky enough as I was last night and get to spend a little over and hour talking with godsmack......They're the nicest guys you will ever meet and the best encouragers ever! Here's a word of advice Sully gave me! Head his word!
"Set your mind to it and go for it! Look where it got me, believe in what you want and do want you want as long as it does no harm to none! LIve your life the way you want to and hope its for the best. Don't give a shit what anyone thinks cuz in the end you're the only one that matters!" ~Sully Erna