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        Hi everybody, welcome to my website. I built it so you guys can look at some of the pictures I took this summer, but I might add some other stuff later. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten all of my pictures developed yet, so not everyone's in the pictures. Hopefully I'll get the rest of them developed and uploaded onto the site soon.

         About the site, it's the first site I build so I hope you like it.  I built it entirely from scratch, so I hope it's all working properly.  Its made to work maximized at a resolution of 800 x 600 or greater.  I also designed all the buttons and graphics and little things like that (sorry if I couldn't think of the most creative title in the world for the site).  All the pictures on this site have been cropped, airbrushed, or edited in some way so that they look better.  If you don't want your picture on the site feel free to email me and I'll be glad to blur out your face like they do on COPS : ).  Also, if anyone can scan in and send me their pictures, or has anything else they'd like me to put on the site email me.

          *Note: I added a page and fixed some little things that didn't look right. Also, i turned down the counter because most of those hits were from me seeing if the site worked.