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Background Information

1987, B.S., Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX
1989, M.S., Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX
1995, Ph.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

Post-Doctoral Training:
1995 - 2002, Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Arkansas for Medical Science, Little Rock, AR

Positions held:
1985-1986, Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, SFASU
1987 - 1989, Graduate Teaching Assistant, SFASU
1990 - 1995, Research Assistant, MCW
1995 - 2002, Research Associate, UAMS
2002- Present, Assistant Professor, SFASU

1987, Secondary Education Certification for Biology - Texas Board of Education

"Extracellular Matrix Modification: A Mechanism for Modulating Cardiac Mesenchymal Cell Migration".
American Heart Association Wisconsin affiliate, Predoctoral Fellowship. (1994)

"The Role of Multiple Heparan sulfate chains on syndecan-1".
National Institutes of Health - National Cancer Institute. National Research Service Award 1F32CA71145-01 (1996 - 1999)

Professional Societies:
American Society for Cell Biology 1993 - present

1. Fiona M Funderburg, J. Kevin Langford and Elizabeth A. Lunow (1993): Expression of chondroitin sulfate type D coincides with cardiac mesenchymal cell migration. J. Cellular Biochemistry suppl. 17E:174.

2. J.K Langford and F.M. Funderburg (1993): A developmentally expressed, cardiac mesenchyme associated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan shares properties with PG M. Molecular Biology of the Cell 4(suppl.):62a.

3. J.K. Langford and F.M. Funderburg (1994): Cardiac mesenchyme derived chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CM CSPG) modulates mesenchymal cell migration. Molecular Biology of the Cell 5(suppl.):303a.

4. W. Liu, D. Litwack, A.D. Lander, M.H. Stanley, J.K Langford, and R.D. Sanderson (1996): Heperan sulfate proteoglycans as anti-invasive molecules: Syndecans and glypican have distinct functions. Molecular Biology of the Cell 7(suppl.):237a

5. M. Dhodapkar, A. Theus, J. Langford, B. Barlogie, and R. Sanderson (1997): Syndecan-1 is a key multifunctional regulator of myeloma pathobiology. Blood 90(suppl.):589a.

6. J.K. Langford, D. Cao, M.H. Stanley, and R.D. Sanderson (1997): Multiple heperan sulfate chains are required for optimal syndecan-1 function: Molecular Biology of the Cell 8(suppl.):118a

1. Langford, J.K., D.A. Hay, and D.L. Bolender. Fine structural features of coronary vasculogenesis in collagen lattices. Ann. N.Y. Acad, Sci. 588:404 408. 1990.

2. Funderburg, F.M., J.K. Langford, and G.G. Hiltgen. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans: Do they play a role during cardiac morphogenesis? Progress in Clinical and Biological Research. 373:227 243 1991.

3. Dhodopkar, M.V., E. Abe, A. Theus, M. Lacy, J.K. Langford, B. Bartologie, and R.D. Sanderson. Syndecan-1 is a multifunctional regulator of myeloma pathobiology: Control of tumor cell survival, growth, and bone cell differentiation. Blood. 91:2679-2688. 1998.

4. Liu, Wei, D. Litwack, M.J. Stanley, J.K Langford, A.D. Lander, and R.D. Sanderson. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans as adhesive and anti-invasive molecules: Syndecans and glypican have distinct functions. J. Biological Chemistry 273(35): 22825-22832. 1998.

5. Langford, J.K., D. Cao, M.J. Stanley, and R.D. Sanderson. Multiple heparan sulfate chains are required for optimal syndecan-1 function. J. Biological Chemistry 273(45):29965-29971. 1998.

6. Iba K, Albrechtsen R, Gilpin B, Frohlich C, Loechel F, Zolkiewska A, Ishiguro K, Kojima T, Liu W, Langford JK, Sanderson RD, Brakebusch C, Fassler R, Wewer UM. The cysteine-rich domain of human ADAM 12 supports cell adhesion through syndecans and triggers signaling events that lead to beta1 integrin-dependent cell spreading. J. Cell Biol. 149(5):1143-56. 2000.

7. Langford, J.K. and R.D. Sanderson. Regulatory roles of syndecans in cell adhesion and invasion. Methods Mol. Biol. 171:495-503. 2001.

8. Langford, J.K. and Sanderson, R.D. "Measurements of glycosaminoglycan-based cell interactions. Methods in Cell Biol. 69:297-308. 2002.

9. Yang Y, Yaccoby S, Liu W, Langford JK, Pumphrey CY, Theus A, Epstein J, Sanderson RD. Soluble syndecan-1 promotes growth of myeloma tumors in vivo. Blood 2002 Jul 15;100(2):610-7. 2002.

10. Langford, J.K. and R.D. Sanderson. The anti-invasive effect of syndecan-1 requires both heparan sulfate and a specific ectodomain core protein sequence. (submitted J. Biol. Chem)

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