SVD 4 WuW World Title

Biggest Match in History

WuW 24hour coming to all the TVs of many countries all over world. The Cardiff NEC which tonight proudly homes the Worlds Ultimate Wrestling. The NEC is packed to the brim with hoarding fans all chanting, wearing T-Shirts, Sporting Video Cameras and holding signs as high as they can. The night is still young but has sported its own long line of weird and wonderful events. The fans are as ecstatic as always and even the Hot Dog and Peanut venders seem happy to be there even with their crappy wages. All the fans divert their undivided attention (apart from some of the drunk ones) towards the massive WuW-tron now complete with new graphics and a whole new set. The words "Number #1" begin to flicker on the massive screen in a new animated sort of way. As "Number #1" by Nelly kicks in and plays over the PA system the crowd go wild. Green and Blue pyrotechnics fly from opposite sides of the long unforgiving steel ramp. As they hit the ceiling they rain down a hoard of sparks and fireworks. The huge screen starts to play Sam Van Dam's entrance video and the crowd start an SVD chant. Immerging from behind a moving screen is SVD. He is wearing Baggy dark blue Wu TangŠ Jeans and an SVD UK champ white T-Shirt. A bandana is strewn across his head covering his brown locks of hair. He stands at the top of the ramp, looks left then looks right an receives a HUGE ovation from the crowd. He salutes then begins to walk down the ramp. After issuing high fives and autographs he makes his way to the commentary box. He shakes the hands of Talky and Ricky. He takes a microphone from the table and jumps up onto the ring apron. He turns round and taunts the crowd before vaulting over the top rope. As the crowd quiet down from their chants and cheers Sam scratches his head, smiles and lifts the microphone to his lips.**

SVD: The UK Champ is here! The One and Only is here! YES the Number #1 is here in Cardiff on this fine Wednesday night! Now I hope y'all have heard about this big match happening soon for that jerk-off Wicked D's World title. And I hope y'all realize the caliber of this match! Most if not all of the superstars here in WuW are entering this huge event to win...The Most Prestigious Title in Sports Entertainment today. The WuW WORLD title. Previously carried by some greats like Barty B Badd, Lee Hardy, Hardcore Hull and many other awesome superstars. It baffles me how some low-life like Wicked D can literally walk along pick up the title spit on it and leave. I would have thought that the holder of that title would have regarded him/herself as being top of the world. Now SVD has had one chance at that belt and SVD snuffed it. SVD bottled, SVD buckled under the pressure if you like. Well People SVD is ready this time. SVD is ready for the match of his life and possibly the happiest moment in his life. The match being an over-the-top, TLC HaRdCorE, Elimination match. Boasting all of WuW's finest. But HELL they are gonna recognize! That SVD is gonna be the next WuW Undisputed World Champion. Anyone can "try" and stop the one and only. But no-one can silence the one and only's desires. All you peeps like Prime Time, P-X, Method Man and Hunter. All the favourites if you will. Your all yesterdays news. All been there and done that. MOVE OVER! For the SVD! Coz if ya dont I will MOVE YOU OVER! I respect y'all but guys this is my moment! All ya up and comers, all you Wraths, and Jack Vars' you will learn to MOVE OVER too! You can call it boasting if ya wanna but hey its my time NOW! It aint Prime Time...Its MY TIME! As they say fate beckons us all at some given time, at some fixed interval. And this match is gonna be SVD's fate! Its WuW's fate! Its the World Title's Fate!

**Sam takes a breath and paces around the ring in a sort of confused manner**

SVD: There was something else on my mind........what was it?....Oh yeah Wrath! I knew there was something really insignificant on my mind. But now I got it. This waster by the name of Wrath. Who does he think he is? I've whipped this geezers carcass 100 or more times and he still whines bout this that and the other. Its all "I was robbed from that title" or "He hit me with a chair" Man grow up! You're in your own little world it seems. You come out and run your trash talking mouth about Sunday night! Man Rob Dawson dont complain hes takes it like a man! But you go and attack security guards and try and attack me. I mean is it all necessary?! If you really feel like picking your bones with me then FINE. Me and you settle our differences in this BIG match! And then I can get on with being WuW World Champ like im destined to do. So dont bother coming out here again and winging calling me out and disrupting my exercise routines just bite your knuckles or summin Just dont waste my time a$$hole. So are you up for it Wrath my boy coz if you are...


**Sam drops the microphone and as Number#1 by Nelly hits the PA once again, Sam walks out and up the ramp.**