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Pyros explode around the 3DXW-Tron and the chaos theme blares from the arena's sound system.  The camera pans around the fans showing their signs which they wave above their heads and they are going crazy. . .

JR - Welcome everybody to another installment of 3DXW Chaos!  Its Jerry the King Lawler with me, good old JR here at ringside, and King what a line up of matches here tonight!

King - Oh yes JR!  We're going to see Alexis and Gia getting it on tonight!

JR - But that will be in an intergender tag team match between Rick O'Shay and Alexis and Scott Rider and Gia.  Also tonight we're going to see the Hardcore title on the line with Liam O'Connor versus Punisher, that should be excellent stuff as always!

King - If only the ladies would be more hardcore, then we could make a REALLY good 3DXW Divas magazine!!

JR - Watch your mouth King!

King - What!?  What did I say!?  Its your sick mind JR not my mouth!!

JR - Yeah whatever King.  Anyway. . .we are also going to see the Unholy Alliance get their well deserved Tag Team Title shot tonight against Joe and Avenger: The Real McCoy!   But for the time being it looks like we are ready to get itno our first match of the evening. . .


Ric Price (Atlantic) Vs. Snake

Non-Title Match

Snake's Music Hits. . .

Snake comes through the curtain and makes his way down the to ringside. . .

LG - The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a non title match.  Introducing first, weighing in at 289 pounds, Snake!

JR - Here is one excellent chance for one of our new guys to impress here in 3D.

King - Against Ric Price!?  Come on JR!  This kid don't stand a chance against our new Atlantic champion!!

JR - Well we will see how he fairs in this encounter shall we!?

Snake limbers up inside the ring and awaits his opponent. . .


Price's Music Hits. . .

Ric Price makes his way out onto the stage with his fiancé Stephanie beside him.  She is carrying his Atlantic title over her shoulder as Ric runs down the aisle and makes a b-line for Snake as Lilian Garcia quickly jumps from the ring before starting to announce. . .

King - Woah!  Lets hope he doesnt run down the aisle that quick on his and Steph's big day or we're gonna have one injured priest!!

Ric slides under the bottom rope and catches Snake off guard with a stiff forearm to his back knocking him to the mat.   Ric delivers some sharp kicks to the back and ribs of Snake as the bell is rung to start the match.  Ric lifts Snake back up to his feet and hits some right hands to his face before whipping him off the ropes.  When he returns Ric swings a right hand at him, which is ducked and Snake bounces off the oppositte ropes.  Ric turns around and Snake comes towrds him, Ric jumps and takes him out with a dropkick to the chin.   Cover...1...2...kickout.  Snake holds his jaw as ric lifts him up once more.   Ric now delivers some more hard rights to the face of Snake and backs him into the turnbuckle.  Ric continues to nail Snake with rights until the ref pulls him away calling for the break.  Ric argues with the ref and behind him snake grabs his arm and throws Ric into the corner instead and starts opening up with rights of his own.

JR - A viscious start to this match up.

King - Ric has dominated the opening exchanges JR!

Snake is still hammering away on Price until Ric raises his boot and kicks Snake between the legs, undetected by the ref.   Snake falls onto his back and holds his groin as Stephanie claps on the outside of the ring.  Ric now regians his composure and goes over to snake who is on his back.   Ric grabs him by the leg and stomps on his knee a few times to weaken it up.   He twists it around and stomps on it again a couple more times as Snake shouts out in pain.  Ric lifts up Snake and kicks him in the gut before suplexing him hard to the mat.  Cover...1...2.....kickout.  Price gets up again and stomps on the sternum of his opponent a few times before dragging him into one of the corners.  Ric leves Snake down on the mat and starts to climb the turnbuckle. . .

JR - Whats he looking for here?

Ric stands on the top rope and goes for a top rope leg drop. . .but Snake rolls out of the way and Rick lands hard on his backside.  Ric holds his back in agony as both men are down.  The ref starts to count to ten as Stephanie goes round to Ric and beats her hands off the mat to try and encourage him to his feet once again.  Ric slowly gets to one knee, as does Snake.   They both get to their feet as the ref stops the count at 6.  The two men stagger towards each other and exchange some rights, which Snake comes out on top of.   Snake backs Ric up to the ropes and whips him towards the opposite set.  Ric comes back at him and snake back body drops him high and hard sending him crashing down to the canvas.  Cover by Snake...1...2....kickout.

JR - Snake mounting some offence now!

King - Come on Ric! This is no way for the Atlantic Champ to act!!

Snake gets up and picks up Ric.   Snake bounces off the ropes and comes back at Ric taking him out with a hard clothesline to the jaw.  Snake doesnt cover but stomps on the chest of Price a few times before covering...1...2.....kickout.  Snake now lifts up Price once more and whips him off the ropes.  When Price returns he ducks an attempted superkick from Snake and comes off the other ropes.  This time when he comes back at Snake, Price is kicked in the gut and Snake hits the champ with the Poison Sting!!!

JR - Oh what a move!  Perfectly executed there!  Could he possibly win it here!!??

Snake covers Ric Price...1...2...3!!!

LG - Here is your winner, Snake!!

JR - What an upset!!  And what a way to kick off your 3DXW career, with a win over the Atlantic Champion on Chaos!!

King - What the heck happened out there!?  That wasnt the Ric Price we have come to see in recent weeks JR!!

JR - Well the bottom line is that Snake has just upset Ric Price in this one on one matchup. 

Stephanie slides into the ring and tends to her fiancé as Snake heads up the aisle with his hands raised in the air as the cameras cut to backstage. . .



Backstage we see Ant n Dec standing with Mr. T and Ariel. . .

Dec - I don't care what you say Ant, we should definately re-release Lets Get Ready to Rhumble in the U.K!

Ant - Well. . .

Before Ant can say anything we can see Lord David, J. Wasley and Marilyn walk past them. . .

J. Wasley - Hey look, its Ant and Dec, who didn't get a Tag title shot tonight, but we did!!

L. David - Well its not really that  surprising.  I mean we are so much more totally grooveworthy than they will ever be!

Ant, Dec, T and Ariel chase The Unholy Alliance and Marilyn out of camera shot. 


-In The Arena-

JR - Well this next match should be a good one, its going to be. . .


Liam O'Connor (Hardcore) Vs. Punisher

Hardcore Title Match

O'Connor's Music Hits. . .

LG - The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Hardcore Chmpionship.  First, making his way to the ring along with Libby, he is the current Hardcore Champion, Liam O'Connor!

Liam and Libby come out onto the stage, Liam as ever drinking a pint of Guiness.  They make their way down the ramp.   Liam has the Hardcore title belt over his shoulder, and as he downs the remainder of his Guiness, they slide into the ring and he holds his Hardcore title above his head.   He hands the belt to the ref and Libby jumps to the outside of the ring as they await the arrival of Punisher. . .


Punisher's Music Hits. . .

LG - And introducing the challenger, weighing in at 310 pounds, Punisher!

JR - And here comes the challenger King, I have a feeling this match is going to be a good one.

King - Well lets hope so JR! 

JR - These Hardcore environment matches are always so unpredictable.  And they're so dangerous, thats the appeal for the fans.

King - Well, tonight we have Libby out here too which is an added bonus!  Haha!!

Punisher comes down to the ring and lifts up the apron and begins pulling out weapons.  He throws items into the ring including a trashcan, its lid, a wooden pole, a stop sign and some metal sheets.   O'Connor sniggers as the objects fly over the top rope into the ring as the bell is rung to start the match off.  Punisher pulls the ring apron back down and slides under the bottom rope.  O'Connor comes over and meets him and they start exchanging rights.  O'Connor comes out on top and he whips Punisher into the turnbuckle.   Punisher staggers forwards and O'Connor runs at him, slides under his legs and picks up the trashcan lid behind him.  He smacks the metal object over the back of Punisher's head sending him face first to the canvas.  O'Connor covers...1...2....kickout.  Liam now picks up the wooden pole and waits for Punisher to get up.  Punisher gets up onto all fours and O'Connor smashes the pole in half across his spine!  Punisher is rolled over onto his back and Liam stomps away on his chest.

JR - Nice start to the match by the champion.

King - It sure is JR.  He's at the top of his game right now.

O'Connor looks around and grabs the stop sign.  He waits for Punisher to get to his feet.  When he does, Liam runs at him with the stop sign......but Punisher raises his huge boot and kicks the stop sign into the face of O'Connor!  Both men are down for a moment and trying to regain their composure.  O'Connor holds his head and Punisher slowly rolls onto his front and gets onto one knee.  Punisher is the first up to his feet and he helps O'Connor up to a vertical base aswell.  O'Connor is whipped hard to the corner buckle and Punisher follows up with a huge clothesline.  O'Connor slumps to the canvas sitting in the corner resting against the bottom turnbuckle.  Punisher puts his big boot across the champs throat and starts to choke the life out of him.  Punisher pulls his boot away and delivers some kicks to the midsection of O'Connor before once again dragging him up to his feet.  Punisher now grabs a few metal sheets and places them in the centre of the ring.  He grabs Liam and sets him up for a suplex.  He suplexes him up into the air and holds him there for about 10 seconds before dropping him hard onto the metal sheets!!

JR - Oh!!  That must have done some damage!!  And here's the cover....1....2.......oh and the champion gets a shoulder up!

Punisher leaves O'Connor lying on the metal sheets.  He goes over and positions the trashcan on its side in one of the corners of the ring, in front of one of the turnbuckles.  Punisher now grabs O'Connor by the hair and hits some hard knife edge chops onto his chest turning it bright red.   Liam looks in trouble now as Punisher drags him over to the corner where he has tactically positioned the trashcan.  Punisher climbs up the turnbuckle dragging O'Connor up with him.  Libby has her hands over her mouth worrying about what is about to happen here.  Both O'Connor and Punisher are standing on the second rope now as O'Connor is finally dragged up to the top rope with Punisher.  Punisher is holding O'Connor by the hair as they balance rather dodgily on the top rope.   Punisher raises his hand in the air and grabs O'Connor by the throat, and he Chokeslams him off the top rope and onto the trashcan below!!!!

JR - Oh God!!  O'Connor just got Chokeslammed off the top rope onto the trashcan!!  What a move by Punisher!!

King - That was sick JR, brilliant!!   Haha!!

JR - And could we have a new champion here!?

Punisher jumps back down to the canvas, obviously exhausted from the move he just pulled off.  He hooks the leg of punisher....1....2........kickout!!!

JR - Wow!!  He kicked out!!   Great resiliance from our hardcore champion!!

Punisher can't beleive it and he gets right up and kicks O'Connor a few times in the ribs before going to the outside of the ring and looking under the ring again.  This time he pulls out a table, and another table!!  At the bottom of the ramp he sets up one of the tables.  Right next to it he sets up the other so that both tables are touching and side by side, almost making one big table if you like.  Punisher leaves the tables at the bottom of the ramp and goes back into the ring.  O'Connor has staggered to his feet and is looking quite groggy.  Punisher whips Liam to the ropes on the announce table side and he falls over the top rope and to the floor.  Punisher slides under the bottom rope and goes over to the announce tables.  He starts by stripping down the Spanish table.  He grabs a monitor from it and as Liam gets up he cracks it over his head sending him back down to the floor.  Punisher has cleared the top of the Spanish announce table and moves over to JR and King's position.  He rips everything off the top of their table too and he goes back over to O'Connor.  He lifts him up and bounces his head off JR and King's table a few times before whipping him hard into the steel ringsteps.   Cover by Punisher...1...2.......kickout!!

JR - Goodness that was close!!   And I mean close!!!

Libby goes over to JR and King's table and sits down beside King and puts on a headset and microphone. . .

Libby - Hello there guys, thought I'd try out this commentary lark.  See what its like ya know?

King - Thats fine by us Libby!

Libby - Do you fancy a pint King?

King - Um....maybe later!?

Libby - Too late, I have already poured you a Guiness!!

JR - Oh for God's sake focus on the match guys!

Punisher has dragged O'Connor round to the two tables on the other side of the ring, at the bottom of the rampway.  He rolls Liam onto one table and Punisher gets onto the one next to it himself.  He stands up and pulls O'Connor to his feet.  They are standing on one table each and O'Connor is kicked in the gut and Punisher DDT's Him Through The Table!!!  Both tables break under the force of the move and both men are lying under splinters of broken wood. . .

JR - Good God!!!  A DDT through the table!!  And both men are down after that..........unsurprisingly!!

Libby - Oh my God!  Is Liam ok!?   He has blood pouring from his forehead!!

JR - Well it doesnt look like he is.....

King - yes of course he's ok Libby, here let me comfort you!!

The ref is checking on both men who have just started to show signs of movement again.  Eventually, a few minutes after the DDT, Liam rolls onto his front and gets to one knee, but Punisher is already up and holding onto the ring apron for support.  He kicks O'Connor hard in the head sending him back down onto his back in the shards of wood.  Punisher lifts up O'Connor and bounces his head off the steel ringpost.  He grabs him by the hair and pulls him round to the commentary tables once more.  Punisher slumps O'Connor over the announce table where Libby is sitting and he shouts at her. . .

Punisher - Now I'm gonna finish your little man off right in front of you!

Punisher climbs up onto the table and drags O'Connor up with him.  Punisher has Liam lying on his front on the table and he locks in The Anklelock!!!!  O'Connor is screaming in pain. . .

Libby - No!! Stop it now!!!

Libby grabs the pint of Guiness and throws it into the face of Punisher.  Punisher closes his eyes, but keeps hold of Liam's ankle.  Suddenly Liam spins onto his back and kicks Punisher who falls backwards and goes Through The Spanish Announce Table!!!

JR - Oh My God what a counter!!!   With a little help from Libby I hasten to add!!

Libby - What!?  What did I do!?   Come on Liam!!  Get him!!

Libby is trying to help Liam regain his wits about him as Punisher lies on his back in amongst the wreckage of the broken Spanish announce table.  Liam has blood pouring down his face and he manages to get off JR's table and back to the floor.  He hobbles over to the fallen Punisher and he covers him...1...2.......he gets a shoulder up!!!  Liam cannot beleive it and he rolls off Punisher and onto his back in exhaustion.  Both men stay down for another couple of minutes before Liam finally manages to slowly get to his feet with the help of the security barrier for support.  He stands there for a moment to get his bearings and he looks down at Punisher who is also slowly getting up, holding onto the barrier also.  O'Connor grabs Punisher by the hair and rolls him back into the ring.   Liam calls Libby over and she leaves the announce position and listens to what Liam tells her.  O'Connor lifts up the ring apron and pulls out a ladder!!  At the same time Libby goes under the apron and drags out a table!  They slide the ladder and the table under the bottom rope and Libby stays on the outside as O'Connor rolls back into the ring.  As the ref checks Punisher O'Connor sets up the table in one corner of the ring.

JR - Not more tables!!?

King - I cannot beleive how much these two have put up with in this match!  And they are still going!!

The table is now set up in one corner of the ring.  Punisher is showing some signs of life by rolling onto his side and trying to grab one of the ropes to get to his feet again.  Meanwhile O'Connor has almost set the ladder up in the centre of the ring, with the rungs parallel to the table.   O'Connor goes over to Punisher who has got onto all fours.  Punisher is kicked hard in the ribs and then lifted up to his feet.  O'Connor rolls his opponent onto the table and leaves him lying there on his back.  O'Connor now points to the top of the ladder as the crowd noise increases with the anticipation of a huge move coming up.   O'Connor slowly climbs the ladder, rung by rung.  Every step draining more and more energy from his already battered and broekn body.  Liam eventually reaches the top of the ladder.  He balances precariously on the top facing away from Punisher lying on the table.  He blows a kiss to Libby before hitting a Moonsault Off The Top Off The Ladder!!!!!........But Punisher Moves!!!

JR - Good God Almighty!!!!!  O'Connor just went through that table with a Moonsault!!!   Punisher avoided getting finished off there just in the nick of time!!!

King - Oh my God!  Could this be the end for our Hardcore champ JR!?

JR - This match really could go either way now.  Both men are half dead I think! 

The referee has moved the ladder out of the ring which had fallen over when Liam jumped off it.  The broken table is removed from the ring and all that is left inside now is a few weapons from earlier on along with the two broken bodies of Punisher and Liam O'Connor.

JR - Somebody stop this match before somebody gets seriously seriously injured!!!

King - Oh come on JR, we wouldnt miss either of these guys really would we!?   Now Libby is a different matter, come back over here where its safe Libby!!  Haha!!

Libby is beating on the canvas again trying desperately to get Liam to come round and get to his feet.  Punisher is moving a little in the corner of the ring next to where Liam is lying face down.   Libby reaches into the ring and shakes Liam's shoulder to try and revive him a little.  It works, and O'Connor slowly starts to crawl to the ropes and pull himself up.  Punisher is now standing also, leaning backfirst against the turnbuckle for support until he gets some balance back.  O'Connor looks over and sees him standing there.  He runs at him and goes for a clothesline in the corner, but Punisher sidesteps and O'Connor runs chest first into the buckle.  He staggers backwards and Punisher rolls him up from behind...1....2.......kickout.  O'Connor is up fairly quickly and so is Punisher.  They start exchanging rights which Punisher comes out on top of.  He whips O'Connor towards the ropes, but Liam reverses the whip and sends Punisher off the ropes instead.  When he returns O'Connor hits a spinning heel kick to the face of the 7 foot Punisher.

JR - How the hell did O'Connor find the energy to do that!?  After all he has been through in this match!?

Punisher is down holding his face.   O'Connor rolls out of the ring and asks Libby to help him with something.   They both lift up the apron once again and this time they throw two chairs into the ring each.  4 steel chairs are lying in the middle of the ring now as O'Connor rolls back inside.  O'Connor picks up Punisher and drags him over to one of the folded chairs on the canvas.  He kicks him in the gut and DDT's him onto the chair!!   Punisher lies motionless face first down on the canvas and chair.  O'Connor doesnt cover but instead simply rolls Punisher into the corner of the ring, as if he is moving him out of the way for a moment.  Liam now starts to unfold the chairs and set them up in the ring.  He places two chairs beside each other.  Oppositte them he sets up another two which are placed next to each other.  There is a gap in between them.

JR - This looks a bit ominous to me King!

King - What on earth is he planning here?

O'Connor once again slides out of the ring and goes under the apron out of sight of the camera.  He reaches under and pulls out something which he slides into the ring. . .

JR - What the hell is that!?  Oh God no!  No no NO!!!

King - Oh My God!

JR - That is a plate glass window!!  And it still has the wooden frame in place dammit!!  For God's sake think about what you are doing Liam!!  Somebody stop this match, seriously!!

O'Connor places the window across the gap between the 4 seats he set up before.  He goes over to Punisher and lifts him to his feet in front of the window held about a foot above the canvas by the steel chairs.   But Punisher low blows Liam and grabs him by the throat looking for a Chokeslam......but O'Connor retaliates with a low blow of his own making Punisher bend down in agony and release the hold he had around O'Connors throat.  O'Connor grabs Punisher and suplexes him up into the air and sends him crashing down Through The Window With A Brainbuster!!!!!!!

JR - OH GOD!!!  Good God Almighty!!!  That must have killed him!!!!!!  A brainbuster through a plate glass window!!!!!!


A "Holy Shit" chant inevitabley starts to ring around the crowd, as shards of glass have been shattered all over the canvas.  Blood pours from the head of Punisher and from the shoulder of O'Connor.  Liam rolls onto the chest of Punisher and the referee counts....1.....2.....3!!

JR - Thank God its over!!  I have never seen anything like that!!  And for God's sakes can we now please get some medical staff out here for these two brave men!!??

Medics run down to the ring as the referee clears the wreckage from around the two fallen bodies.  Punisher is moved onto a stretcher as the crowd give both men a great ovation for their efforts in this match.  O'Connor is helped to his feet by a referee and Libby.  Punisher is taken up the ramp on the stretcher and O'Connor is helped backstage by Libby and the referee.

JR - What a match King!!  But you have to worry about the condition of Punisher after what he just went through!

King - Well he literally just went through something didnt he JR!  He went through a window....head first!!!!   I cant beleive it!!

JR - Well we will keep you updated with information on these two through the rest of the show folks, hopefully they are both fine.  They can be proud to have put on such an amzing match for our fans around the world tonight, and they have both certainly made a name for themselves!

King - Yeah, they are both loons!  I mean all that stuff they were doing!  It was all psycho!  But I suppose thats what the fans want to see.

JR - It sure is King.  And I think that they have already got their money's worth for tonight just after seeing that match!

King - Yeah exactly!  But next, we have another huge matchup!

JR - Thats right King, its the Unholy Alliance getting their deserved title shot against The Real McCoy tonight.  This match should be another excellent encounter!. . .



The Real McCoy (Tag) Vs. The Unholy Alliance w/Lady Marilyn

Tag Team Title Match

Unholy Alliance's Music Hits. . .


Wasley and David make their way to the ring looking pretty pumped up for this match. They get a good reception from the crowd as they await the arrival of their opponents. . .

McCoy's Music Hits. . .


Avenger and Joe emerge from the curtain and make their way down the ramp.

JR - This should be a heated contest between the these two teams.

King - Indeed, can't wait for this one to get going...

The tag champs make their way into the ring and they decide to start off with Joe. David will start for the challengers as the ref calls for the bell. David turns to tell Wasley something and Joe takes his chance by hitting a dropkick to his back. David bounces off the ropes as a result and Joe rolls him up from behind when he comes back towards him...1...kickout. Wasley is straight up and goes for Joe with a right hands which Joe ducks and he lifts David up from behind and hits a hard back suplex onto him smashing his shoulders onto the canvas. Cover...1...2...kickout. Joe is up and he drags David to his feet. He whips him off the ropes and takes him out this time with a dropkick to the face. Joe decides to go up to the top rope as David gets to his feet. Joe waits for the perfect moment and executes a missile dropkick to the head of David...cover...1...2......kickout.

JR - Very close to 3 there.

King - Sure was, Joe as always is looking dangerous.

Joe grabs David by the head and holds him while he tags in Avenger. David is held for Avenger to have a free shot at which he takes by delivering a kick to the stomach. Joe leaves the ring and Avenger continues to work on David. He whips him off the ropes and hits a back body drop when he returns. Cover...1...2.....kickout. Avenger lifts up David and military presses him above his head. He drops David behind him and runs over to Wasley and knocks him off the apron with a right hand. Wasley tries to come into the ring but the ref is holding him back. This gives the tag champs a chance for a double team and Joe climbs to the top rope as Avenger puts David on his shoulders. Avenger faces away from Joe who stands on the top ropes and Joe jumps off grabbing David's head on the way past and hits a bulldog from Avenger's shoulders!! Joe quickly goes back out of the ring and the ref turns around to see the pin...1...2....David gets his foot on the bottom rope. Avenger can't beleive it and he stomps away on David before arguing with the ref. David rests against the bottom ropes as Avenger grabs his legs. He hits a guillotine between the bottom and second ropes on David.

JR - David seriously needs to tag now.

King - They won't let that happen, they are a brilliant tactical team.

Avenger tags in Joe and they grab one of David's arms each. They whip him off the ropes and go for a double spinebuster (APA style), but David grabs both their heads and hits a huge double DDT on them to counter.

JR - Wow that was amazing. Maybe David can tag in Wasley now....

Joe and Avenger struugle to get to their feet as David finally crawls to tag in Wasley. Wasley storms into the ring taking Joe and Avenger down with right after right. The ref gets Avenger to go out to his own corner as Wasley now takes the fight to Joe. Wasley whips Joe into the turnbuckle and follows up with some stinging knife edge chops to his chest. He whips him to the opposite buckle and follows up with a clothesline in the corner. Wasley now waits for Joe to stagger out of the corner. When he does he kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT! Cover...1...2.....Avenger breaks the count. The ref pushes Avenger back to his own corner as this allows The Unholy Alliance the chance for the double team. David comes into the ring and Wasley lifts Joe onto his shoulders. The ref's back is still turned as Wasley and David hit Joe with their version of the Byker Device!! Cover by Wasley and David leaves the ring...1...2......this time Joe gets his foot on the bottom rope.

King - Brilliant tactics there by Joe!!

JR - You didnt say that when David did it earlier!!

King - It was just the way that Joe did it was so much better than when David did it!! Haha!! And what's with The Alliance using Ant and Dec’s move!? They ain't goona be too chuffed about that, like!

The ref saw David exiting the ring earlier and he has a word with him about it. This gives Joe the chance to hit Wasley with a low blow sending him to the mat. Joe drags Wasley into position for some sort of top rope move. Joe goes to his own corner and Avenger comes into the ring. Avenger stands on the second rope holding the top rope for support. Joe climbs up behind him and stands on his partners shoulders. He looks down at Wasley and hits a big splash from almost 10 feet in the air!! Cover...1...2.......David just breaks the count!! Avenger comes in and a brawl breaks out with Joe stomping the life out Of Wasley. David and Avenger are fighting in another corner.  David is losing the battle with Avenger and David is beaten down to the mat also.  David is kicked out of the ring and Avenger goes back out to his own corner as Joe continues to do a number on Wasley.  Suddenly from down the ramp come The Jury!!   The ref slides out of the ring and argues with Tim as Ayatollah slides into the ring.  Ayatollah goes up behind Joe and hits a massive Full Nelson slam onto him!!   Ayatollah knocks Avenger off the ring apron and whips him hard into the steel ringsteps out of sight of the referee, still distracted by Tim.  Ayatollah goes back over to Tim and they head back up the rampway smiling widely.

JR - I don't beleive it!   The Jury may have just dented the Real McCoy's chances of holding onto their titles tonight!

Wasley calls for David who comes into the ring once again, as does the referee.  Wasley picks up Joe and pushes him over to David who holds him until Wasley climbs and sits on the top rope.  David lifts up Joe onto Wasley's shoulders and he heads for another turnbuckle.  The Unholy Alliance hit The Unholy Destroyer on Joe!!!!  David stands back as Wasley makes the cover...1...2...3!!!!!

JR - New Tag Champions!!!  We have new tag team champions!!!  The Unholy Alliance have done it!!

King - The Jury did the damage JR!  Boy there are going to be some serious repurcussions from this!!

David and Wasley hug each other and Marilyn comes into the ring and hands them the Tag Team title belts.  They hug their titles then hold them above their heads.  After a minute or so of celebrating in the ring, they head up the ramp and backstage.

JR - Well another great match has seen new Tag Team Champs crowned tonight. Chaos as ever is living up to its name.

King - Oh boy, do you realise whats next JR!?

JR - Yes King, we are gonna see the Inter-Gender tag team match pitting Rick O'Shay and Alexis against Scott Rider and Gia.

King - Gia and Alexis at the same time!!  Woohoo!!!



Jake Savage is standing with Michael Cole for a few words before the next match.  Michael Cole looks excited (not becuase he has new girly highlights in his hair) but because he wants to ask Jake a few important questions. . .

MC - Jake Savage, we recently found out that you are the new owner of 3DXW.  You explained your reasons for buying the company, but what everyone wants to know is what the situation with your 3DXW title is!?

Jake - Look Michael, I said I would reveal everything on Fever next week, and thats still what I am going to do.  Do you have any other questions for your new boss?

MC - Um....I was kinda expecting a longer answer from you than that so I didnt have any backup questions.

Jake - Typical 3DXW employee!

MC - do you like my new extra blonde highlights!?

Jake - Wow......they are......yeah.   Um, anyway I have business to sort out......

Jake exits quickly....

MC - But Jake, what about my hair!?   Jake!?


-In The Arena-

Rick O'Shay and Alexis Vs. Scott Rider and Gia

Inter-Gender Tag Team Match

Rick O'Shay's Music Hits. . .


Rick and Alexis come out onto the stage to a good crowd pop.  Rick has his defunct XFW Trans Continental Title belt over his shoulder.  They both strike up the double guns pose for a moment before coming down the aisle, slapping fans hands as they go, and sliding under the bottom rope into the ring.  They climb one turnbuckle each and do the double guns pose once more before jumping back down to the canvas, giving each other a quick good luck kiss and awaiting their opponents. . .


Scott Rider's Music Hits. . .

JR - Well here comes "the untouchable" Scott Rider and his girlfriend Gia.  And quite frankly King, his attitude lately sucks!

King - Well.......oh here we go already....!!

Rider and Gia have run down the ramp before King could finish what he was saying and have slid into the ring.  Scott runs at Rick and they start brawling in one corner as Gia takes Alexis out with a sharp spear to the midsection.

JR - They aint waiting around here!

King - Catfight!!  Woohoo!!

Gia is sitting on Alexis, hitting her in the face with right hands, but Alexis rolls her over onto her back and starts hitting her with some rights of her own.  Meanwhile Scott and rick are furiously lashing out at each other with rights and lefts in one corner of the ring.  The ref tries to seperate them and manages to by pushing Scott over to his own corner.  Rick shouts a few words at Rider as both men go to their own corners.  This leaves Alexis and Gia still going at it in the middle of the ring.  Alexis is now beating Gia's head off the canvas repeatedly, with a couple of handfulls of her hair.  The ref pulls them apart and they both stand up quickly, Gia holding the back of her head in pain.  Gia runs towards Alexis looking to spear her into the turnbuckle, but Alexis jumps and Gia goes shoulder first into the steel ringpost.  Gia is rolled up by Alexis...1...2....kickout.

JR - I don't think Scott would have been too happy about losing the match this early!

King - I don't think rick wants it to be over early either, those two really want a piece of each other!

JR - As do the ladies by the looks of it!

King - Haha!!  Thats the spirit JR!!

Gia gets up quickly as does Alexis.   Alexis kicks gia in the stomach and hits her with a snap suplex.   Cover...1...2...kickout.  Alexis gets to her feet and tells Gia to get up.   She does so and she swings an arm at Alexis....but she ducks and from behind gia she lifts her up and drops her on her back, driving her shoulders hard into the canvas.   Alexis decides to go up to the top rope for some sort of move......but Scott wobbles the ropes causing Alexis to fall off onto her side to the mat with a thud. 

JR - That was uncalled for! 

King - Its all legal JR!

JR - Well actually I'm not sure whether that was legal or not!

King - Yeah me neither, I was just trying to wind you up JR.

Both ladies are crawling towards their men looking to make the much needed tags.  Both men are eventually tagged in and they come flying into the ring.  Rick ducks a clothesline by Rider and fires off a series of rapid punches to Rider's face, then pulls him to his feet and attempts to whip him into the ropes. Rider counters however, grabbing hold of Rick's arm, pulling him in, kneeing him in the gut and dropping him with a DDT, quickly floating into the pin, for the 1...2...Rick kicks out. Scott quickly pulls him to his feet and atempts to whip him into the ropes, but this time Rick puts the breaks on, holding onto Rider's arm and depositing him onto the mat with a Rock Style Spinebuster. Rick keeps hold of Rider's leg and somersaults over him in a bridging pin....1....2.....Rider kicks out.

JR - These two are going for the fall early on. I'm quite surprised about that.

King - Me too, I'd have thought they'd be trying to beat the hell out of each other!

Rick pulls Rider up by the T-shirt, but Rider bats his hand out of the way and nails Rick with a knife-edge chop to the chest, accompanied as always by the obligatory audience 'whoo!' Rick quickly returns the favour, nailing Rider with a knife edge, and so Rider nails him with another knife edge. The two trade chops in the center of the ring, matching one another blow for blow, until after a total of 25 successive chops, Rider nails Rick with a knee to the gut, followed by a running knee lift. Rider quickly scores with a RVD style 180° spinning legdrop, then covers for the 1......2......kickout.

JR - It's going to take a bit more than that to put either of these guys away. Nice to see some actual wrestling though. Unfortunately I think this is the calm before the storm.

Rider grabs O'Shay and again goes to whip him into the ropes, but Rick reverses and Rider quickly finds himself flying towards them. Rider quickly drops into a baseball slide and slides out under the bottom rope to the arena floor. Rider stops and points at his head, showing he is proud of his quick thinking, when, from out of nowhere Rick O'Shay knocks him down with a suicide dive over the top rope!

JR - Whoa!

King - Where'd he come from?!

JR - What athleticism by Rick O'Shay there. That move seemed to come from out of nowhere.

Rick slowly gets to his feet and throws Rider back into the ring underneath the ropes.  He bounces off the ropes and hits a baseball slide into the ribs of Rider.  Cover...1...2....kickout.  Scott is lifted up by Rick and O'Shay points to the top rope telling Alexis to get up there.   Scott is scoop slammed in the corner and Alexis hits a beautiful Moonsault on Rider!

JR - Wow!!  Rick certainly has been training harf with his girlfirend!

King - Hey I taught her that move JR!  I have some more moves I wanna show her, if you know what I mean!?

JR - You disgust me.

Scott is covered by Rick...1...2....Gia breaks up the count, and she follows up with a right hand to the face of Alexis, knocking her to the mat.  Gia mounts Alexis and starts pummeling her with some stiff rights to the face and the two start brawling again.  They roll around a bit and eventually fall out of the ring and continue to fight on the outside.  Inside the ring Rick looks over the top rope to see where Alexis got to, and from behind Scott low blows him, undetected by the ref as he was telling the ladies to get back in the ring.  Scott now has Rick doubled over and he hits him with a running powerbomb into a cover...1...2....kickout.

JR - More cheating tactics by Rider there.

King - Was there?   I'm too busy watching the ladies!!

Scott now leaves Rick lying on the canvas and he boucnes off the ropes on the far side and hits RVD's rolling thunder.   Cover...1...2......kickout.  Scott lifts up his long term rival and hits some more knife edge chops onto him, backing him into the turnbuckle.  Scott grabs Rick's head and stands on the second rope, before jumping off hitting a second rope tornado DDT!   He doesnt cover but goes right to the top rope and executes the Rider 69er!!!

JR - Rider 69er!!   And the cover here...1...2...3!  Scott and Gia get the win over Alexis and Rick here!

Scott kicks Rick a few times before exiting the ring and going over to the brawl between the two ladies.  Scott pulls Alexis up to her feet by her long dark hair and pushes her over the security barrier.  Scott helps gia up to her feet ad they both laugh at Alexis who fell backwards into the front row of the crowd.  The crowd show their disapproval with a chorus of boos as Scott and Gia head up the ramp ad backstage.

JR - That was dispicable by Scott Rider.  Man handling a woman that way! 

King - I just wish I had been sitting where Alexis fell!  Those lucky guys in the front row!!

JR - Well of course this situation between Scott Rider and Rick O'Shay continues to get more and more heated every day.  We saw Rick O'Shay get involved in Scott's Atlantic Title match against Ric Price on Fever this week.  And tonight Scott gets his revenge with a win over his arch rival.  But the situation is getting more and more heated by the day. 

Rick gets to his feet and goes and helps Alexis over the security barrier.  They look upset as they head up the ramp and disappear through the curtain.

JR - Next up we have what could be a very brutal match.  And you get the feeling that Bear and Ultimor are not the only two individuals we will see getting involved in this contest!

King - Yeah exactly, we have a referee aswell!

JR - Oh you know what I mean King!


The Bear Vs Ultimor


Bear's Music Hits. . .

Bear makes his way to the ring.  He gets into the ring and waits for Ultimor's arrival.....


Ultimor's Theme Hits...

JR - Oh this is gonna be good! Look at Bear go.....!

Bear meets Ultimor at the bottom of the ramp and they exchange right hands. Bear delivers a knee to the stomach of Ultimor and Bear grabs his head. He pulls him over to the security barrier and rams his head off it. Ultimor falls to the floor and Bear throws him into the steel ringsteps. The ref is telling them to get into the ring but Bear continues the assault on the outside. Bear whips Ultimor into the security barrier and then whips him towards the steel ringpost, but Ultimor reverses and Bear's head bounces off the steel pole. Both men are down on the outside and Ultimor slowly goes over to Bear and rolls him into the ring. The bell finally sounds and the match is officially underway.

JR - And at last they have gotten inside the ring!

King - Damn ref, it was much better when they were outside the ring! Its so much more hardcore out there!! Oh well...

Both men get to their feet and exchange some right hands. Ultimor comes out on top and whips Bear off the ropes. He takes him down with a clothesline when he returns and stomps on his chest when he is down. Bear is lifted up and whipped off the ropes again. Bear ducks an attempted right hand but when he comes back off the other ropes Ultimor hits a side walk slam into a cover...1...2....kickout. Ultimor lifts Bear up and hits a side Russian leg sweep onto him. Ultimor now tries to lock in an Anklelock....but Bear gets to the ropes before he can lock it in and he gives up trying. Instead he stomps on the back of Bear until the ref pulls him back.

JR - Ultimor is showing us his mean streak.

King - Is he!? Oh I thought he was just doing a bad impression of Bear!

Ultimor pulls Bear up and hits a reverse DDT onto him...hook of the leg...1...2....kickout. Ultimor now looking to suplex Bear, but Bear keeps blocking it with his leg and Bear manages to hit a hard suplex of his own on Ultimor. Both men are down and they start slowly getting up. Bear lifts Ultimor up from behind and hits a hard and high back suplex driving Ultimor's shoulders hard into the canvas....cover...1...2....kickout. Bear now with the advantage and he picks up Ultimor and rams his head into the turnbuckle. Ultimor staggers back out and looks groggy. Ultimor is vulnerable and Bear hits him with The Claw!! Cover...1.....2........kickout!!

King - Slow count slow count!

JR - No I just think Ultimor has excellent resiliency.

Bear can’t believe he kicked out of The Claw and now lifts up Ultimor and whips him into the turnbuckle.  Suddenly, at the top of the ramp appear the Golden Gleaming Couple, Jake and Storm.  They do not run down to the ring but slowly saunter down.  Bear looks at them strangely then goes back to work on Ultimor, kicking him in the midsection while he is stuck against the turnbuckle.   Storm and Jake go round to the commentary table and take seats. . .

King - What an honour!  Jake, Storm, please take a seat!

Storm - Why thankyou King, but if you suck up anymore, I will be forced to beat the hell out of you, and nobody wants that do they!?

JR - Well........some of us do.

Jake - So anyway, this has been a very technical match so far.  We thought we'd come on down to scope out the action a bit closer, you know?

JR - Yes well, as long as you stay here thats fine!

Jake - Watch it JR, remember who is in charge around here thesedays!

King - Haha!  Yeah JR!

Bear whips Ultimor to the opposite turnbuckle and follows up with a hard clothesline.  Ultimor staggers forward and Bear delivers a hard forearm to the back of his enck sending him face first to the canvas.  Bear decides to slide out of the ring and goes under the ring apron.  He pulls out a steel chair and slides it into the ring. 

Storm - Typical Bear tactics I guess.

Jake - Well why not?   Its all legal in a No DQ matchup.

King - Exactly.

Bear follows the chair into the ring and stands up.  Ultimor has gotten to his feet again and is staggering around.  Bear raises the chair up and swings it at Ultimor.......but Ultimor raises his huge boot and boots the chair into the face of Bear!!

JR - Oh God!  Did you hear the crack of Bear's skull on that solid steel!?

Storm - He loves that sound, he told me so himself!

Jake - That guy is weird.

Storm - Just a little!

Bear has a trickle of blood coming from his forehead now as both men lie on the canvas.  Ultimor throws an arm over Bear...1...2.....kickout!  Bear gets a shoulder up and rolls onto his front, trying to get to his feet.  Ultimor has already gotten up however and kicks Bear hard in the ribs.  Bear holds his chest and Ultimor lifts him up to his feet again.  Ultimor throws Bear into the corner and opens up on him with knife edge chops.  He hits 10 successive chops before whipping Bear across the ring into the opposite buckle.....but Bear reverses the whip and Ultimor crashes backfirst into the turnbuckle.  Bear looks to capitalise with The Charge!!!!!.......But Ultimor moves and Bear hits nothing but turnbuckle.  Bear staggers away from the corner and Ultimor picks him up locking in The Iron Grip Of Death!!!!

JR - Oh My Good!   Look at the strength of Ultimor, lifting up Bear like that!!

Jake - This guy has scary strength.

King - I wouldnt like to get on his bad side!!

Storm - He has a good side?

Bear's head has slumped and he looks to be virtually KO'd.  Ultimor drops him and he lies face first on the canvas, motionless.   Ultimor drops down too and hooks the leg of Bear...1...2...3!!

JR - Ultimor picks up the victory!  A huge win for Ultimor over Bear!

Jake - Very impressive.   Our work here is done, come on Sam.

Storm and Jake leave the announce position and walk past the ring.  Ultimor stares at them strangely as Bear did earlier.  Jake and Storm go up the ramp and backstage as Bear starts to come round in the ring.   Suddenly, through the crowd comes Demon Bane!! 

JR - What the hell is he doing here!?

Bane slides into the ring and knocks Ultimor down from behind with a forearm to the back of the head.  Bear is up to his feet but Bane picks up the chair and cracks it across his skull sending him right back down to the canvas.  Bane drops the chair and goes over to Ultimor.  He locks in the Infinity lock on him.  He holds this for a good couple of minutes before referees flood the ring and pull him away from Ultimor.  Bane smiles evily as he exits the ring and heads up the ramp. . .

JR - What is Bane's business out here!?  Bear and Ultimor are not going to be too impressed with this little stunt!  Join us next week for Fever, Bane is a marked man now!!!

Bane stands smiling still on the stage as the cameras fade out and Chaos goes off the air.