Name Adam Belveduto
DOB 3.13.86
Location Ogdensburg
Plays Drums - Enforcer 5 piece procussion series
Favorite Bands Strife, Shai Hulud, Poison The Well, The Locust, TotalMess, Bigwig, Thrice, Shutdown, Walls Of Jericho, Folly, Leftover Crack, Comin Correct
Favorite Movie The Toxic Avenger
Likes Girls, Sega, Orange Juice Drums, Getting Hit By Cars, Smashing my skull into the ceiling fan, Old Skool Stuff
Dislikes Backwards visors, Fish, Thugs who think th'ay bad, Combusting, A.D.D, Fooling around, Getting Hit in the Face with an Ax at 75mph, Crossing the line