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Well FlatLine has been inactive since we don't compete. I'm thinking of joining any leagues we can get into for the fun and somewhat experience.
Posted by: Alexander | 09.25.02

flatLine was kicked from East Open ladder for ringers and whatever. flatLine has been inactice with Johnny missing and me not playing so often. We will probably be deciding to drop OGL and whatever. School start tomorrow so most of us will be busy.
Posted by: Alexander | 08.25.02

OGL Double Disputes
Well Team fL played vs |eMu|. I did not play the match but from all the members I heard the same story, that fL was winning T side 9-0 than an |eMu| member disconnected and rejoined and started killing fL alone. Terry who played in the match, disputed to OGL but we lost the dispute and so forth the match. fL also disputed against KM for many reasons, such as accusations of hacking, vulgarity and leaving the match because they were getting owned. GG OGL...
Posted by: Alexander | 08.17.02

Team Flatline defeated ||HELL|| in Eastern Division OGL. We started off CT's and tied 9-9. Froosh and Terry lead the way as CT's and T's as the rest struggled. As T's we won our pistol round which gave us the upper hand to win as T's 14-12. HELL used a desperate move and rushed as CTs while we ran out the clock for the final score of 23-21. Froosh, Terry, Johnny, Rob, and Alex participated in the close match. GG All
Posted by: Alexander | 08.05.02

Team Flatline defeated Monopoly Bravo in Central Division OGL. We started off T's and lost 5-7 as sanghoon and krn1 lead the team. As CT we came back 17-1 w/ froosh, jason, and Alex stepped up. We won 22-8 final as Monopoly tried to hang on. Froosh, Ellias, Eugene, Jason, and Alex participated. GG All
Posted by: Alexander | 08.01.02

Well I'll make this short. Jason and I will be going to Albright College in PA for football camp. We will be gone Friday - Monday so nothing should go on. Peace all
Posted by: Alexander | 07.26.02

Team Flatline defeated U*S*A*T Alpha for rung around 50-60. I didn't play the match but I heard the scores were around 53-5 for us. Johnny, Julius, Jason, Terry, and Froosh played the match on de_aztec. Basically an easy match for Flatline so they started rushing as CT. Some USAT members accused of hacking and will report a dispute to OGL but GG to all who participated in the match
Posted by: Alexander | 07.24.02

We beat PnP after they delayed the match for 2hours out of confusion. There leader was sick and when they showed up with 5 people, we were winning every round so they decided to forfeit after 2hours of me convincing no point of them trying. People who waited, thx to the people: Johnny, Kevin, Rob, Dash and I. Also thx to Tae who sat out even though not needed to. GG All
Posted by: Alexander | 07.18.02

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fL vs Monopoly 22-8 Win
fL vs U*S*A*T 53-5 Win
fL vs PnP Forfeit Win
fL vs XA 29-17 Win
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fL vs
fL vs |HELL|