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FAQ/Hints and Tips

Written By:  Psx19

E-mail: <>

Created- 7/09/02

Copyright 2002







1. Introduction

2. Things you should know

3. Skills



          -Power mining



4. Wilderness               

    -Special areas


          -Who to PK

          -Tips on Pking

5. Training

    -Training spots




6. Prices

7. Version History

8. Credits




1. Introduction



This is a FAQ on Runescape, am online RPG. You can download this game at <>. You can get a free version, however there is a member’s version. You will of course get more items, quests, skills and other things if you are a member. You can also go to <> for a map of runescape.


This is my first FAQ, so it might have some problems. If you would like to make any corrections or contributions, please e-mail me at <>. This is not the final version, I will be adding many more things. This is basically hints and tips on skills and wilderness. Most of the things here are not on websites, at least as far as I know.



2. Things you should know



-Wilderness is where players can attack other players. Be careful when going there.


-You get a skull (it will be on top of you head) when you attack someone in the wilderness (only other players, not monsters).


-If you have a skull, and you die, you lose everything in your inventory. If you don’t have a skull, then you will lose everything, but three of your most valuable items in your inventory will stay.


-Things that sell for very little in general stores can cost a lot when buying from people, or selling to people. That is why it is best to sell or buy items from people, especially ones that are high in price. A perfect example would be a party hat. You can sell them in a general store for 0gp, but when buying from or selling to people, they cost about 50-100k!


-There is a difference between n00b and newb/newbie. Someone who is a n00b is annoying and begs, scams, and things like that. A level 70 person can be a n00b. A newb or newbie is someone who is new to the game and knows little about the game.


-There are many scammers in the game. Some tell you to drop your items on the ground and press Alt+F4. Some will say they are the creator of runescape, or they need your password for something. Some clans will have a trust test, in which they tell you to drop your items, and trust the other clan members that they will not take it. They also sometimes use items that look similar, such as iron and tin. Make sure not to fall for these scams.


-Please do not beg. You can easily make money, and part of the fun in runescape is to make money and raise your skills.


-Your max hit goes up every 4 levels. This goes for other stats as well, such as hits.  (Thanks to amarant)


-You might want to take pictures in runescape. Press print screen on your keyboard. Open paint, and go to edit, then to paste. A message will come, just press yes when it does. You can edit it in anyway you want. Once you’re done editing it, go to file, then save as. Enter then name you want it to be saved as. In the save as type place, choose JPEG. Then just save where you want to save it. You can go to <> and make an account. Upload the picture there.


-Certs and certificates. Each cert is worth 5 of an item. So 2 coal certs would be 10 coal. You can make some types of things into certs, like lobsters, swordfishes, steel bars, coal, etc. In f2p, there is only one place to cert items. That is Draynor Village. There will be 3 cert traders there. One for ores, one for fishes and one for bars. There are more cert traders in p2p.



3. Skills







The shop in Port Sarim is the place you can buy all your supplies for fishing. To see the level and what you need for fishing a certain fish, please visit (this site has other things too). Start out with shrimps, either near Draynor Village or a little southwest of Port Sarim (You can see the fishing spots in the map at I would stick with shrimps until you can catch anchovies (level 15). Forget about the fishes in between those two. Another thing, fishing is one of the best ways to gain cooking levels. So you might want to keep a hatchet and tinderbox to cook what you fish. You can save some for training, these fishes won’t do much good for pking, but I would drop or eat them, as they're not that good. Once you can fish trouts, I would get a good amount of feathers and a fly fishing rod and head to Barbarian Village. Just stick to fishing trouts and cooking them. The closest bank to Barbarian Village would probably be the in Edgeville (north). Once you can fish tunas, get a harpoon, have some money, and head to Karamja. You will need 30gp for every trip to Karamja. In Karamja (f2p) there is no bank, so you will have to come back and forth to Karmaja and Draynor Village or Falador (those two are the closest banks). There are three trees there that you can get wood from, so you might want to take a hatchet and tinderbox to cook the tunas. Once you get to 40, congrats! You can fish lobsters. I cook all my lobsters, as they are great to level up on. Lobsters are in the same dock as tunas. People are not really buying cooked lobsters that much anymore, so you might want to sell them raw (people buy them to gain cooking levels). You can sell for 100 each, or 1k per cert (normal price). I can't fish swordfishes yet :( but I know that you need a harpoon and it is in the same place. It will be annoying though, as you will catch mostly tunas, not swordfishes.






You can get a free pickaxe from Barbarian Village. To start off, you will be mining tin and copper. No one really buys tin or copper (at least I don't know anyone who does) so you should make it into bars. A good route is from Varrock Southeast mining site to the furnace near the bridge (north of Lumbridge I believe), then back to Varrock for anvils. Again, you can visit to learn about smithing and mining. A good way to make money is to smith bronze swords and sell it to the sword shop in Varrock.1 tin and 1 copper makes 1 bronze bar, so make sure to have an equal amount. Once you get to level 15 mining, mine iron. You can mine iron in a lot of places, Dwarven Mines, Varrock mining sites, Scorpion Pit, etc. You can smith iron if you want, but it has a 50% chance to turn into a bar, so it's kind of annoying. You can use magic to make give it a 100% chance to turn into a bar, instead of 50%. You can sell them if you want for about 500 per cert (correct me if I'm wrong, I don't sell iron ore certs). I believe you can sell each iron bar for about 100gp. Then when you get to 30 mining, you can mine coal! This is probably what almost all miners mine. You can mine coal in the mining site southwest of Varrock, Barbarian Village, and some other places. If you can handle level 25 skeletons well, then you might want to give the mining site northwest of Edgeville a try. It has over 20 coal rocks, but is guarded by level 25 skeletons. Another problem is that it is in level 8-10 wilderness, so be caution, as they are many pkers there. Take 3 items, your best weapon, legs and chest (since there will be no shield, a 2-hander weapon is the best to use). Make sure not to get a skull, that way, even if you die, you won't lose those 3 items. However, you will lose your coal and pickaxe if you die. You can heal at the Monastery south of that place, and store the coal in Edgeville. Once you have a lot of coal, make them into certs. You can sell each coal cert for 1k. You can move onto mith and addy. Mith is hard to sell, I'm not sure of addy. People usually stick to coal, even if they're at a high mining level. Once you get to 60, you can get into the mining guild, which has about 20 coal rocks, and 4 mith rocks. It's better than the wilderness place, as it has no pkers (not in wilderness) and there is a bank right next to it (The Falador, south bank). However, it is crowded there. You can mine rune when level 85 mining, and if you can, that's awesome! (Maybe we can make a deal sometime ;-)) j/k.


****Power Mining****



Just mine copper or tin until you’re about level 60, then switch to iron. A good place you can mine is Barbarian Village with those 3 tin rocks. Just position yourself near two of those rocks, and keep switching between those two rocks. Make sure to drop the tin. (Thanks to amarant for some of this info.)





You start off with a pickaxe, jug and a chef’s hat (and level 31 cooking at least). You go to west Varrock and mine 27 clay. Then you go to the north into the cooking guild and wet all the clay. When all the clay is wet you go to Barbarian Village and craft. You drop the stuff you make on the way back to the mines. Repeat this process. That is a good method until you get into the crafting guild (level 40 crafting) and level 31 cooking is simple. (Thanks to amarant)


You can also work with leather. One route is to get cow hides from cows near Lumbridge. It is crowded there, as there are many people who train there. Once you get a lot of cow hides, go to Al Kharid, where you have pretty much everything for this type of crafting. You can buy a needle and thread from the crafting store in Al Kharid. There is also a bank there. Trade the cow hides for leather (you will need 1gp for every cow hide). You will have to go the tanners to make that trade. Once you have the leather, use the needle on the leather and you will get to choose whether to make leather armour, gloves or boots.


You can also make Holy symbol of Saradomin. A good route for this is to mine in the Scorpion Pit (desert chasm). There are two silver rocks there. Mine the silver there, and head to Al Kharid. Make them into bars. You will need 20 mining to mine silver, and 20 smithing to make silver into bars. Once you have the silver bars, you can buy a Holy symbol of Saradomin mould for 5gp in the crafting store. The crafting store is in Al Kharid. You just need one. Once you have that, keep the mould and all your silver bars in your inventory. Go to the furnace and use the silver bars there. It will give you a choice of making Holy symbol of Saradomin or nothing. Just choose to make one. You can string those symbols. To string one, go through the following process. Use sheers on a sheep and get wool. Make the wool into a ball of wool by using it on a spinning wheel. Then just use one of them on the other and it will be stringed. You can go the monastery and get it blessed, which will make your prayer last longer.






“You don’t need anything for simple cooking, besides access to cows, or chickens, and a range/fire. Now, you will notice they will drop meat, each meat gives 30 exp when cooked, just go to a fire or to a range. At lvl 1 cooking, you can also make bread. You need flour and water. To make flour, you need a pot, go to a windmill, preferably in Lumbridge (or near). You need grain, so it should be nearby. Put the grain in the top of the windmill (hopper) and remember to operate it. Now go down to the bottom and locate the flour, don’t worry, only you can see it. Use the pot on it. You now have flour. To get water, get a bucket, or jug, and use it on a fountain (both) or a well (bucket). You now have water. Use the water on the flour (or vice-versa). Now 3 options should come up, pick the first (bread dough). Now use the bread dough on a range only. You now have bread that gives a measly 40 exp. Now, at lvl 10,you can make red berry pie. You need, pie dish, flour, and water and red-berries. Red-berries can be located at Port Sarim grocery store, or around Varrock. Mix water and flour. Pick the second option (pastry dough). Now, use the red-berries on pie shell. Bake and enjoy (60 exp). At level 20, you can make Meat pie! Do the same thing as above, but use cooked meat instead of red berries (80 exp). Now, apple pie at level 30, do the same as above, but use a cooking apple instead of meat (yes a cooking apple). You need access to the cook's guild, they re-spawn regularly there (100 exp). Now at level 35, you can make pizza, you need water, flour, cheese, and tomato. You can get cheese and tomato at the witch's (dye witch) house. Mix flour and water, and pick the 3rd option (pizza dough), use tomato on it, then cheese, cook and enjoy (110 exp). Level 45 means meat pizza, do all the above and use meat on the tomato and cheese pizza (uncooked pizza) (correct me if I’m wrong but I think it's cooked meat) (140 exp). At level 55 means anchovy pizza. Do the above, but instead of meat, use anchovies (once again, not sure uncooked or cooked) (140 exp). Level 40, means plain cake. Now, it's not too easy. You need Cake tin (cooks guild), egg (Lumbridge chicken farm across from cow field) and flour. Use one of the ingredients on a cake tin, bake, and enjoy! Level 50, means chocolate cake. All of the above, and a chocolate bar, now this is diffrent, instead of using an ingrediant, ONLY USE A CHOCOLATE BAR!!! Level 25,means stew, you need a bowl (Cooks guild or crafting), potato (in one of those farms near windmill), and cooked meat. Mix, and cook (90 exp). Curry (level 60) (P2P only) (the following is from I want to make sure the maker doesn’t get in trouble). You need bowl, potato, pot of spice and cooked meat. Bowl can be made with crafting skill or in cooking guild. Potatoes are found in field to the east of Draynor village Pot of Spice can be stolen (thieving level at least 65) or bought from the Spices stall at Ardougne (230gp). Fill bowl with some water from sink, well or fountain. Add some potatoes and then some meat in. Put the spice into the uncooked stew and cook. Cook the stew by using it with a stove (range) or fire (end And finally, at level 35, you can make wine, grapes (cooks guild) and water (110 exp). Thus ending my cooking section.” - Theshadow80.



4. Wilderness




Special Areas



The wilderness is a huge place. In it, other players can fight you. The deeper you go into the wilderness, the more the wilderness levels grow. However, a level 60 can't attack a level 40 in wilderness level 10. It depends on the wilderness levels. For example, a level 35 could attack a level 30 in wilderness level 5, but not in wilderness level 4. The wilderness is mostly used for pking, which is player killing. There are many places to train in the wilderness. There are greater and lesser demons, although a better place to fight lessers would be karamaja. There are skeletons, rats, spiders, ghosts, zombies and much more. The graveyard area or the hobgoblins mining site are two good places to train. There are some places in the wilderness that you can check out. The bandit camp is a place where you can train and make pizzas easily. The "death castle" where there are runes and dark warriors. There are many more places. There is a big bones spawning place in about level 28 wilderness, north of Varrock. It is guarded by skeletons. The big bones there spawn fast (about 1 every 10 seconds) and there are about 5 spots to get them from.






PKing is player killing, which is when you go out in groups or alone to kill other players. It is much easier to pk when in a group, especially when most of the group members are archers. Most pkers are pure, I will have a separate section on that. Most pkers have 2-handed weapons. The thing you want to do is kill your opponent in 3 hits or under, so they won't be able to escape. Like I mentioned before, some good places to pk is varrock wilderness, the edgeville mining site, bandit camp and death castle. The death castle you should be careful about because usually what happens is one person attacks you while the other keeps closing the doors. When pking, you should to bring a powerful weapon, your armour, and food. Make sure to have plenty of food. Lobsters and swordfishes are good to take. Some food such as cakes and stuff are not as good as you think. Sure they heal well, but they are in pieces, so it will take you longer. Another item you might want to keep when pking is strength potions. They raise your strength by 8 points temporarily, and each potion has 4 doses. Make sure to choose a world with less lag.


****Who to PK****



Make sure you choose whom to pk wisely. There is no point in pking a miner mining at the edgeville mining site. I mean they probably have no skull, and have 3 items, so you will not be able to get anything other than coal. You probably won't be able to pick up the coal as your inventory will be full of food. Also, you will basically be wasting your food. Same thing goes for pkers with no skulls, don't attack them. Attack people with skulls, people who are wearing rune stuff, and try to attack people low on health. Don't be fooled by a level 50 with nothing but a rune weapon or bow. They use that as a cover up, especially when you don't have a skull. Once you attack, they will take out their full rune and shred you to pieces. :) Also in a group, try to run from the person your fighting to the archer. If there is more than one archer, well… Good luck!


****Tips on Pking****



The best way to run away is to run diagonally, it is much faster and the other person will have a hard time catching you. Make sure to click on the map instead of on the normal screen. To catch someone, you can click a few times in front of him/her, then on him/her (thanks to souper). Another wise thing to do when pking is to turn privacy on, as some enemies might have you added, and they can spot you when pking (thanks to souper again). You can always heal at the Monastery, so if you’re in the edgeville mining site, and you need to heal and there are no pkers, just go get healed by the monks instead of wasting more food. When in a group, help your partner out by shooting the enemy, or using magic. If you have prayer, of course use that too. You should probably stay south of the fight your friend and someone else is having. Mainly because if the enemy runs away, they will most likely run south to get out of the wilderness, then you can attack them. Or if you friend is almost dying, and he/she runs, you can take on the enemy to give him some time. Also, if you press F1, it lowers the graphics quality, and also lowers lag (thanks to Eric). “And while in F1 mode, if you get the right camera angle with the person you're chasing, you can sometimes get him to be right-click attackable, even if he's ton's of levels below you.” (Thanks to Eric again).



5. Training




Training Spots



There are many places to train in runescape. IMO, the most important thing you have to keep in mind is to take on something you can beat very easily. When you start out, just fight chickens, rats, imps, etc. Maybe goblins. There are many level 13 goblins in goblin village. Once you are level 20-30, fight level 18 warriors in al kharid, dwarves or barbarians. Once you're in the 40s-50s, I would fight guards (level 28). Edgeville has guards, and you can heal yourself at the monastery. Later on, you can fight jail guards or giants. Giants drop big bones, roots, runes and a good amount of money. They are good creatures you can fight for items. Some people fight lesser or greater demons just because they can beat one or two. That's not very wise IMO. You not only waste a lot food, but you gain exp slower. Some good training spots: guards in Edgeville, jail guards in the jail east of draynor village, dark wizards, giants, skeletons, dwarves. One of the best places to train is the hob-goblins’ mining site. Take three items with you, and make sure you don’t have a skull. That way if you die, you won’t lose anything. You gain experience very fast when you fight them. (Thanks to souper and jet0r for some of this info.)






Ranged is something great for pking. I would advice you start out with chickens, or rats. The best place for rats would probably be in Rimmington. There is a formula for whether or not ranged is counted in combat levels, Here it is:

STR + ATT > Ranged x 1.5 for ranged not to add to combat levels.


STR: 50 ATT: 50 Ranged: 60
Let's see if the ranged will increase combat or not.

50 + 50= 100 | 60 x 1.5= 90

100 > 90

Ranged will not be counted in combat in that example.

There are many places to range chickens. You can collect the feathers. They are easy to kill too. You can stick with that for up to level 40 ranged or so. Then you can move on to tougher enemies. Gates and fences help out, as you can close them then train ranged. Some people are very annoying. They sometimes open gates while you’re arching, they run away from the enemy you are shooting, and other things.

For pking, ranged is awesome, especially for miners. See miners will probably bring no food or strength potions. Make sure there are two people who you can attack. Shoot at the miner, and the miner will probably attack you back, thinking they will not get a skull because you already shot them. Now, before they attack you, shoot the other person, when the miner attacks you, the miner will get a skull. Now have fun killing the person. :) Always try to help out your pking partner by shooting at the enemy. You can start out with ranging too.









Pures are warriors with 1 magic and prayer. Magic and prayer increases your combat, but pures don't want that. They get better combat stats than impures. Usually pures are pkers. They have strength the highest, then attack and then defense. Since the objective of pkers is to 3-hit the enemy, a pure would have high strength and attack. I would get 40 attack ASAP, then get a rune weapon. Then level up a lot in strength, and then defense to 40. You can leave defense at 40, so you can at least wear rune armor. This would be an example of a pure:


ATT: 60 DEF: 50 STR: 75


I think it's important to note that pure characters are good mainly for low-mid level pking. Once you get to a higher level (i.e.: 70+ hits) you should start leveling prayer and at least get all 3 curse spells.” -Eric





They train in all types of stats, magic, prayer, etc. Some think impures are bad for pking, but magic and prayer can be very helpful. Some prayers such as protection from missiles, ones that increase strength, protect item, etc. is great when pking. Magic is also good, but not that great. If you have a high level magic, you can do good damage. You can, not only use it as a substitute for ranged, but you can also use it while fighting.


When you use a prayer while fighting, you can click it on and off. By this, I mean that if you're using, say, the ultimate strength prayer - turn it on just before your guy hits, then turn it off while your opponent hits, and keep on like that. This tactic can extend the amount of time you use a prayer by 2-3 times if done properly :-)” –Eric






This is the formula for max damage with a rune 2-hander.


Strength divided by 5, then add 5 to get your max damage with rune 2-hander.

Strength Potion adds 2 extra damage.

Prayer (mainly Ultimate Strength) gives 15% more damage.


Strength: 70

70/5=14 14+5=19

With strength potion and ultimate strength:

One thing you have to remember is that ultimate strength adds 15% of BASE strength (thanks to souper for this info.). So prayer would be first:

19x0.15= 2.85 2.85(prayer)+19(natural)+2(pot)=23.85






Many prices in Runescape are different, it depends on whether you buy/sell from people, or stores. Here’s a short price list on some common things people buy/sell to help you out. Many things that sell for 1gp in stores can be worth 100s and 1000s of gp to people. These prices are the usual prices people buy/sell for.


Rune items:


Rune large: 100k

Rune medium: 10k

Rune long: 25-30k

Rune 2-hander: 450-500k

Rune battle: 150-200k

Rune kite: 250-300k

Rune square: 100k

Rune legs: 55-64k

Rune plate: 60-65k

Rune chain: 40-45k


Addy items:


Addy kite: 12k

Addy plate: 16k

Addy large: 3.5k

Addy legs: 6.4k

Addy 2-hander: 6-8k

Addy long: 3.2k




Chaos: 100-150 each

Nature: 100-400 each

Law: 100-500 each

Elemental Runes (fire, water, air, etc.): 5 each (in stores), 30 each (if you have thousands of them)

Cosmic- 200


Rare items:


Party hats: 100-300k (only for wearing)

Disk of returning: 100-200k (no use anymore)

Easter eggs: 5k (heals, but mostly used for collecting)

Pumpkins: 5k (heals, but mostly used for collecting)

Key Halves (members only): 100k each




Sapphire: 250-300 each

Emerald: 500-750 each

Ruby: 1-1.5k each

Diamond: 5-10k each

Dragon stone: 200k each




Coal: 100 each, 1k per cert

Iron: 50 each, 250-500 per cert

Rune: 20-35k each




Steel bars: 3.5k per cert

Silver bars: 1k per cert

Iron bars: 300-500 per cert




Lobsters: 100 each, 1k per cert (easier to sell if raw)

Swordfishes: 1.5k per cert




Feathers: 10 each

Bronze arrows: 10 each

Limp roots: 100 each

Spider eggs: 100 each

Strength potions: 1k each


I will add more once in a while. If some of the prices I listed are wrong, please e-mail me and tell me. You can also add prices if you want.



6. Version History



-Version 1- 7/09/02


-Version 1.2- 7/11/02 A little more on crafting added, some “things you should know,” a new cooking section.


-Version 1.5- The “Price” section added, and a new “damage” section added.



7. Credits



-Thanks to souper for Pking tips and training spots.


-Thanks to Eric for some of the pure/impure info, and that F1 trick.


-Thanks to amarant for crafting info, and for max hit info.


-Thanks to jet0r for training spots.


-Thanks to theshadow80 for the cooking section.