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Photo Gallery

Ah, a photo gallery. I guess I'll just put amusing photos here. Hell, I might even be in a few of them.

This first section is made up of some Magic: The Gathering cards that I made, using a nifty program called CCG Maker and Adobe Photoshop. These are from a Metal Gear Solid deck I've built:

Solid Snake (Legendary Soldier) Metal Gear Ray (Artifact Creature)
Emma Emmerich (Legendary Scientist) Absurd Odds (Sorcery)

What do you know, actual photos. Some of them are a bit outdated, though.

Not my favorite one, honestly
Taken sometime in 2001. I'm the one in the middle.
Damn, them apocalypses can be irritating
Courtesy of my mad photoshop skills...

Although I usually hate banners, this one is for a band that kicks total ass

A Perfect Circle's new album. It will kick ass.