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  Rattlesnake Ridge    
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On some good advice from my roommates I drove out to North Bend and hiked Rattlesnake Ridge. Its not a terribly hard hike. Its about a mile and a half to the top from the parking lot. Its not very high either, but it is clear of trees at the top so the view is well worth it.

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There's a lake at the foot of the mountain that used to be a small railroad town way back when. A little ways off a river was damned for hydroelectric power, and it cause the ground water in the watershed above it to flood this area.

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Hiking in this area is fantastic! Even the sections of the trail with no view have a certain moss-covered charm.

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I've got a 360-degree panoramic below, but its a huge file. This picture and the following two are subsets of that one if you're in a hurry. This picture is of Mt. Si (pronounced: Sigh), which I would later hike with Carl.

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Though Mt. Si is higher I think the view of this particular valley is much better from Rattlesnake.

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Another fabulous valley.

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Here's the panoramic and its absolutely incredible. I apologize for the size of these files, but they're worth it.