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 Agent Online

 Crypters Place

 Xavi Network


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Who's Online
There are currently, 6 guest(s) and 4 member(s) that are online.

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News and Updates
Posted by Nitrox on Sunday, May 05 @ 9:15:21 EDT

Thx Agent for the ideas for my site. You can visit Agent Online here

Updates - 6/29/2002
I have made a new logo for Nitrox Online. I have also added a Progz page. You can find all sorts of downloads for AIM there. There are also all new pix for you to view in my Images page.

News - 6/25/2002
Sorry I havent had any updates in a while. I was in Florida for a while visiting my father. Tech Team, originally called The Shadow Agents, name has been changed, because shadow is no longer a co-founder. (News thx to Crypter) The founder is now Agent. Visit Agent Online for further information. I plan on adding a Programs page. You will be able to find all of the latest programs for AIM there.

Updates - 5/16/2002
Today I have made many more updates. As you navigate around you will notice a more user friendly site. Please donate to so they can purchase their T1 connection line.

New Images - 5/10/2002
Today I added 32 NEW IMAGES! On my images page I have added a new section, Future Cars. It has some of my many favorite cars.

New Member - 5/5/2002
The NWD team would like to welcome it's newest helper Fokus. He joined at 9:11:46 pm on 5/5/2002. He isn't an actual member. He has offered his assistance in the developing of this site. I also added his page to my affiliates and I added his pic to my Images page.

Another Layout - 5/1/2002
Yes i know that is three new layouts in one month. I guess I just can't find the perfect layout for I hope this will be the last for a while. I have a new poll and a new guestbook so if you have posted before you will need to re-post.

New Bot - 4/30/2002
I have begun to develope a new robot for AIM. His name is  Nitrox Bot. For now he will not be online much untill I get more responces loaded to his database.

Yet another Layout - 4/21/2002
I found the carolina blue layout was just to boring. I have chosen this layout in hopes that it will satisfy me for now.

New Layout - 4/20/2002
I have chosen to represent North Carolina with this new layout. My favorite color is Carolina blue so I thought I would like this layout allot more. I still have all the same links.

New Email - 4/19/2002
Now there is an email you can get through Click on my E-mail link. Sign up and in a few minutes you are ready to go!

Forum - 4/18/02
The Forum is back up, if you were a poster before, you'll have to re-register. Sorry this is the second time, we'v had SQL server problems that won't be happening again. Please direct all questions to the forum, don't instant message me. This post courtesy of Agent.

Many Changes - 4/18/2002
There has been many changes to today. I have changes the color of the scroll bar, and added 3 new pages to my site content. There is now a guestbook under my site content. You can Sign and you can View my guestbook. I also added a link to the Forum.

More Images - 4/17/2002
I have added 3 new images to my Images page. Be sure to take a look at them. I plan to add many more within the week.

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(since 5/16/2002)

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