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Cult Grounds, haha you cant see teh pic.
Welcome to the Cult Grounds:

    Description of the Cult Grounds: A complete waste of time and space.  If you don't have a since of humor leave now.

    History of the Cult Grounds: John made the cult grounds.  Hey, its a new site.

What's your taste?

For now all the ones with ** work

   ** News and updates: What's happening with John?  What's happening with Cult Grounds?  This is where you'll find that as well as maybe some site updates.

   ** John Live: See John in his dorm live... This cam is on in John's dorm is usually comes on Sunday night or Monday and gets turned off sometime Friday for the weekend.

   ** Photo journal Adventures: Pictures of my adventures with comments! Nothing could be more fun.

   ** Guest book Sign and view the guest book.

     Written Adventures: Adventures without the help of a camera... For covert mission or adventures that already happened without a camera.

    Canada Bashing: Don't get me wrong, Canada isn't a bad place, it just sucks, and its easy to bash, so I will.

    Language: Learn small phrases that John occasionally uses.  John speaks a little differently than the rest of us sometimes.

    Theories and Ideas: John thinks differently than the rest of us sometimes to.  Here's you will find some stuff that John has thought up or contemplated.

    Quotes: Things People have said, John, John's friends, and random quotes that are cool.

    Random! Random stuff that's just cool or funny and doesn't fit anywhere else. Pictures/Text, ect.

    Forums: If John decides to do it, there will be forums here someday.

    Links: Just some interesting sites in John's Favorite places.

This page updated November 14, 2002
Not the site, the page. For site updates check  the news and updates page