November 13, '02

Another boring day. Nothing ever happens. I go to school, I do my work, I come home and get it done. On the weekends I go to work with people I don't like for not-enough money. Sometimes I wonder why I was ever born.

But I sound depressed, which I'm not, really. Just a little jaded. I think that's what most people who are depressed are -- they're jaded. And that's the most horrible feeling in the world. Rr. And I don't have enough time for what I think is important; talking with Mikey and Lexi and sleeping in on Saturdays.

I wish things would change. I wish something exciting would happen for once. I wish I was given some purpose, some answer, instead of criticizable philosophies in my Philosophy class.

And some noodles. I'd really like some noodles.