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The World of My Wisdom



Hello, welcome to my homepage. My name is Muan a.ka.alkapon . I'm from Lamka, Manipur,zogam 22 years old, doing my graduation. For more information about me, check the "about me" page. You can see what ever you want to see in my homepage. The door is always open for anyone who wants to make friendship with me.Especially, metal maniac, mIRC chatters, Messenger friends ...and so on.

My friend, I will never let you down
I will put a smile where there was a frown.
When trouble comes, I will be right there
You will find that I truly care..
I will be someone on whom you can depend
Not just for a time, but until the end
I will be strong, when you are weak.....
Your secrets, I intend to keep..
I'll be there for the laughter and the tears.
As our friendship continues to grow through the years