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Welcome to the -[AAP]- Clan Homesite

Welcome to the treehut of

the Anal Attack Primates (A.A.P.)

A site dedicated to war simulators of all kind. For first persoon shoot'em up's and large world scale god games.


  • Soldier of Fortune II Double Helix
  • Return to Wolvenstein Castle
  • Alien Versus Predator 2
  • Command & Conquer Red Alert
  • Empire Earth
  • Camelot Dark Age Online ( 1 member)


  • HALO
  • Dead or Alive 3

PS 2

  • Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2
  • Onimusha

The conduct of war is a crucial part of human history since the time we could call ourselves Monkey's. Beating eachother over the head with a stick or legbone And there for in honour of all neanderthalers and homo erectus. Who were killed in the dualistic battle of brother against brother for a pond of mud and a branch to chew on.

Let the blast of the Shotguns ring!!!!

In Honour of the Greatest Ape in the whole wide world, and personal friend of us. The most dumbfounded and retarted man Alive. George W. Bush May he desdwoy us all in the name of the Good the bad and the very very Ugly.

A.A.P. Memberlist

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atom movies
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Afzeiken die Pim
Warfare explained
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