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Did you know more than 40% of homes with children have a gun? 

ASK if there's a gun where your children play.

CeaseFire Announces the Asking Saves Kids Campaign

Each year Washington State loses more than 20 children due to unintentional injury, suicide and homicide by firearm.  In addition, another 10 children are hospitalized for firearm injuries.  These are devastating tragedies that can be prevented by reducing access to firearms by children.

The goal of the ASK Campaign is simple...  We want to reduce the risk of firearm injury and death among children.  Asking if there is a gun where your children play and finding out how it is stored, can help to decrease the likelihood that your child will be a victim of gun violence. It can also help to increase the practice of safe storage - that is guns kept in a lock box, or with some locking device, and ammunition stored separately. 

It's easy for all parents whether you own a gun or not, to take action to reduce firearm injury and death among children.  The next time your child goes over to someone's house to play, ask if there's a gun and find out how it is stored.  "For tips on how to ask or for more information on ASK at the national level, visit PAX/Real Solutions to Gun Violence".

CeaseFire will be launching the ASK Campaign statewide on June 20th.  In the meantime, look for billboards made possible by a donation from Clear Channel - Outdoor in King and Pierce Counties that reinforce this message.

For more information, call 1-866-322-IASK.  Or email Christi Lardy at


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