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Welcome to the Final Fantasy Fan Page! 

E-mail me if you have any comments or questions about the game at (put subject as  webpage) or sign the guestbook. Check the version number for updates!

NEWS 02/10/2002

Hi, again. This time, I have changed the interface a bit. See if you can sport the differences! As for the 6C page, I have added some pictures n music. Good Luck to everyone taking the PSLE (only for those living in Singapore).


NEWS 01/10/2002

As you may notice, I did not update this site for quite some time. Sorry about that!  This site contains information about Final Fantasy VIII. Please do not use the guest book yet. E-mail me. If you find any errors or ways to improve the site, do e-mail me too. Thanks:-) Pupils from Pri.6C, you must get permission from me so you can enter the special site for our class only (it takes 20 seconds to load over 56.6k). Useful utilities that you must have click here. Want to visit my first version of the site? Click here.





Notes: The next page will take about 25 seconds to load on a 56.6k modem, please be patient. This site is best viewed at 1024 by 768 High Colours. The hit counter is not working, so do not think you're the first person to visit this site! Feel free to copy any pictures you want! Version:2.25.

You are visitor number Hit Counter from 1st July 2002.
